Should I block it?

Yes, 98% block recommendation.
Possible reasons:
Multiple malware detections
Performance resource utilization


PE structurePE file structure

Show functions
Import table
RegCreateKeyExA, RegFlushKey, RegEnumKeyA, RegEnumKeyExA, RegOpenKeyExA, RegEnumValueA, RegQueryInfoKeyA, RegSetValueExA, RegCloseKey, RegDeleteKeyA, RegQueryValueExA, RegDeleteValueA
CreateBitmapIndirect, CreatePatternBrush, SelectObject, PatBlt, CreateRectRgnIndirect, CreateRectRgn, GetRgnBox, DeleteObject, CreateCompatibleBitmap, SetTextColor, GetPixel, SetBkColor, ExtTextOutA, DeleteDC, CreateCompatibleDC, GetObjectA, CreateBitmap, BitBlt
UnmapViewOfFile, FindCloseChangeNotification, FindNextChangeNotification, WaitForSingleObject, DeleteFileA, ReleaseMutex, MapViewOfFile, CreateFileMappingA, FindClose, FindNextFileA, FindFirstFileA, lstrcmpA, FlushInstructionCache, GetCurrentProcess, SetFilePointer, CreateFileA, ReadFile, WriteFile, GetCurrentThreadId, GetCommandLineA, GetShortPathNameA, DisableThreadLibraryCalls, HeapAlloc, GetSystemInfo, GetVersionExA, HeapCreate, lstrcatA, FreeLibrary, GetProcAddress, LoadLibraryA, GetModuleHandleA, DebugBreak, HeapReAlloc, HeapFree, GetTickCount, FindFirstChangeNotificationA, SearchPathA, SetFileAttributesA, MoveFileA, SetFileTime, GetFileTime, GetFileSize, OpenFileMappingA, DuplicateHandle, CopyFileA, LocalFree, CreateProcessA, GetDriveTypeA, GetFileAttributesA, GetCurrentDirectoryA, SetCurrentDirectoryA, GetSystemDirectoryA, CreateMutexA, CreateDirectoryA, SetLastError, WaitForMultipleObjects, SetEvent, ResetEvent, CloseHandle, CreateEventA, LockResource, CreateThread, DeleteCriticalSection, InitializeCriticalSection, EnterCriticalSection, LeaveCriticalSection, InterlockedDecrement, InterlockedIncrement, lstrcpyA, LoadLibraryExA, WideCharToMultiByte, IsDBCSLeadByte, lstrcpynA, lstrcmpiA, FindResourceA, LoadResource, lstrlenW, GetLastError, SizeofResource, GetModuleFileNameA, lstrlenA, MultiByteToWideChar, HeapDestroy
OleRegGetUserType, OleRegEnumVerbs, OleInitialize, OleUninitialize, OleRegGetMiscStatus, CoCreateInstance, CoTaskMemRealloc, CoTaskMemAlloc, CoTaskMemFree, CLSIDFromProgID, CreateOleAdviseHolder, IIDFromString, CLSIDFromString
UuidFromStringW, UuidFromStringA
SHGetPathFromIDListA, SHGetSpecialFolderLocation, SHGetMalloc, Shell_NotifyIconA, ShellExecuteA
SetRect, UpdateWindow, EnableWindow, GetActiveWindow, IsZoomed, IsIconic, MapDialogRect, UnionRect, PtInRect, IsWindow, GetMessageA, TranslateMessage, DispatchMessageA, SetParent, GetWindowLongA, SetWindowLongA, GetDesktopWindow, MoveWindow, AdjustWindowRectEx, LoadImageA, SendMessageA, SetWindowTextA, SetForegroundWindow, EndDialog, CreateDialogParamA, wsprintfA, DestroyWindow, DefWindowProcA, SetCapture, GetCapture, ShowWindow, GetForegroundWindow, DestroyIcon, RegisterWindowMessageA, GetParent, GetWindowRgn, SetWindowRgn, OffsetRect, CopyRect, SetWindowPos, EnumWindows, GetDC, ReleaseDC, UnregisterClassA, BeginPaint, GetClientRect, EndPaint, InvalidateRect, EqualRect, SetFocus, GetFocus, GetClassInfoExA, LoadCursorA, RegisterClassExA, CreateWindowExA, CallWindowProcA, GetSystemMetrics, IsWindowVisible, GetWindowRect, IntersectRect, RedrawWindow, PostMessageA, ReleaseCapture, TrackPopupMenuEx, RemoveMenu, CreatePopupMenu, ModifyMenuA, AppendMenuA, GetMenuItemCount, DestroyMenu, ScreenToClient, GetKeyState, IsChild, GetKeyboardType, CreateIconIndirect, MsgWaitForMultipleObjects, SetTimer, GetCaretBlinkTime, KillTimer, FlashWindow, CharNextA, PostThreadMessageA
GetFileVersionInfoA, VerQueryValueA, GetFileVersionInfoSizeA
Export table


Toolbar Messages by Mindspark Interactive Network (Signed)

Remove 4zskin.dll
Version:   1, 0, 3, 16
MD5:   00fbbb2b564dd1f2f54ed0810a08b8d9
SHA1:   857980a7b7ab77ff8e34a090ccd76b8ba628e7e4
SHA256:   5925099be414f4f006fdbbac9d46b50d2c25e97410e9f1bd931e13ec586cd669
Warning 5 antivirus scanners has detected malware.


4zskin.dll is malware that is loaded as dynamic link library that runs in the context of a process. It is installed with a couple of know programs including CouponXplorer Internet Explorer Toolbar published by Mindspark Interactive Network, WeatherBlink Internet Explorer Toolbar from Mindspark Interactive Network and WeatherBlink Internet Explorer Toolbar by Mindspark Interactive Network. The file is digitally signed by Mindspark Interactive Network which was issued by the VeriSign certificate authority (CA). This particular version is usually found on Windows 7 Home Premium (6.1.7601.65536).


File name:4zskin.dll
Product name:Toolbar Messages
Description:Skin Tools
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\VideoDownloadConverter_4z\bar\1.bin\4zskin.dll
File version:1, 0, 3, 16
Product version:2, 3, 0, 0
Size:125.5 KB (128,512 bytes)
Issued to:Mindspark Interactive Network
Authority (CA):VeriSign
Effective date:Sunday, May 30, 2010
Expiration date:Sunday, May 6, 2012
Digital DNA
PE subsystem:Windows GUI
File packed:No
More details


The following programs will install this file
Mindspark Interactive Network
  61% remove
Installs an toolbar in Internet Explorer as a Browser Helper Object. According to the EULA (see below) as well as the behavior of the software, this toolbar will install search functionality in IE by modifying the default search, address bar and redirect queries. In addition it will change the user's home page and new tabs page to The toolbar uses the Price Finder application from Pronto, LLC. From the Privac...
Mindspark Interactive Network
  61% remove
WeatherBlink Internet Explorer Toolbar is a web browser extension that changes the browsers search and home pages as well as delivers. In order to provide search advertising revenue, the software is designed not only to modify the search provider but to protect it so that it remains the default browser search engine. It is typically installed via a bundled offer within a third-party software distribution. As for distribution, the toolb...
Mindspark Interactive Network
  67% remove
SafePCRepair Internet Explorer Toolbar is a web browser extension that changes the browsers search and home pages as well as delivers. In order to provide search advertising revenue, the software is designed not only to modify the search provider but to protect it so that it remains the default browser search engine. It is typically installed via a bundled offer within a third-party software distribution. As for distribution, the toolb...
Mindspark Interactive Network
  68% remove
Functionality of the toolbar includes: - Changing the web browser's default home page to - Changing the browser's search provider, built-in search box to - Ability to modify the 'new tab' functionality to launch the modified search portal page. - Adds an alternative error page, DNS error and 'page not' found functionality. - Adds additional functionality that is designed to protect the search and h...
Mindspark Interactive Network
  64% remove
Functionality of the toolbar includes: - Changing the web browser's default home page to - Changing the browser's search provider, built-in search box to - Ability to modify the 'new tab' functionality to launch the modified search portal page. - Adds an alternative error page, DNS error and 'page not' found functionality. - Adds additional functionality that is designed to protect the search and h...
Mindspark Interactive Network
  61% remove
FromDocToPDF Firefox Toolbar is a web browser toolbar and extension that modifies the browsers search and home pages as well as delivers contextual based advertising. In order to provide search advertising revenue, the software is designed not only to modify the search provider but to protect it so that it remains the default browser search engine. It is typically installed via a co-bundled offer within a third-party software distribut...
Mindspark Interactive Network
  62% remove
FromDocToPDF Internet Explorer Toolbar is a web browser extension that changes the browsers search and home pages as well as delivers. In order to provide search advertising revenue, the software is designed not only to modify the search provider but to protect it so that it remains the default browser search engine. It is typically installed via a bundled offer within a third-party software distribution. As for distribution, the toolb...
Mindspark Interactive Network
  74% remove
MapsGalaxy Firefox Toolbar installs is a web browser extension and allows provides users the means to search the Internet with MyWebSearch, a potentially unwanted program that changes and redircts all of your search results as well as DNS errors, and modifies your home page to or some other webpage. MyWebSearch automatically becomes your default search service which hijacks all your search requests as well as tracks your...
Mindspark Interactive Network
  75% remove
MapsGalaxy Internet Explorer Toolbar installs is a web browser extension and allows provides users the means to search the Internet with MyWebSearch, a potentially unwanted program that changes and redircts all of your search results as well as DNS errors, and modifies your home page to or some other webpage. MyWebSearch automatically becomes your default search service which hijacks all your search requests as well as t...
Mindspark Interactive Network
  79% remove
Installs a Mindspark toolbar in your Web browser that collects and stores information about your web browsing habits and sends this information to Mindspark so they can suggest services or provide ads via the toolbar.
Mindspark Interactive Network
  77% remove
Installs a Mindspark toolbar in your Web browser that collects and stores information about your web browsing habits and sends this information to Mindspark so they can suggest services or provide ads via the toolbar.
Mindspark Interactive Network
  78% remove
Installs a Mindspark toolbar in your Web browser that collects and stores information about your web browsing habits and sends this information to Mindspark so they can suggest services or provide ads via the toolbar.
Mindspark Interactive Network
  70% remove
FilmFanatic Firefox Toolbar is a web browser extension that changes the browsers search and home pages as well as delivers. In order to provide search advertising revenue, the software is designed not only to modify the search provider but to protect it so that it remains the default browser search engine. It is typically installed via a bundled offer within a third-party software distribution. As for distribution, the toolbar is typic...
Mindspark Interactive Network
  75% remove
TelevisionFanatic Internet Explorer Toolbar installs is a web browser extension and allows provides users the means to search the Internet with MyWebSearch, a potentially unwanted program that changes and redircts all of your search results as well as DNS errors, and modifies your home page to or some other webpage. MyWebSearch automatically becomes your default search service which hijacks all your search requests as we...
Mindspark Interactive Network
  63% remove
ReadingFanatic Internet Explorer Toolbar is a web browser extension that changes the browsers search and home pages as well as delivers. In order to provide search advertising revenue, the software is designed not only to modify the search provider but to protect it so that it remains the default browser search engine. It is typically installed via a bundled offer within a third-party software distribution. As for distribution, the too...
Mindspark Interactive Network
  62% remove
ReadingFanatic Firefox Toolbar is a web browser extension that changes the browsers search and home pages as well as delivers. In order to provide search advertising revenue, the software is designed not only to modify the search provider but to protect it so that it remains the default browser search engine. It is typically installed via a bundled offer within a third-party software distribution. As for distribution, the toolbar is ty...
Mindspark Interactive Network
  63% remove
This toolbar/web browser extension is ad/search-supported that is typically installed as an optional offer, users generally have this bundled with 3rd party software. During setup, this toolbar will modify the home page and new tab pages to an affiliate search portal using a primary search engine in order to collect shared search revenue. It will also modify the default search provider as well.
Mindspark Interactive Network
  66% remove
Functionality of the toolbar includes: - Changing the web browser's default home page to - Changing the browser's search provider, built-in search box to - Ability to modify the 'new tab' functionality to launch the modified search portal page. - Adds an alternative error page, DNS error and 'page not' found functionality. - Adds additional functionality that is designed to protect the search and h...
Mindspark Interactive Network
  61% remove
RadioRage Firefox Toolbar installs is a web browser extension and allows provides users the means to search the Internet with MyWebSearch, a potentially unwanted program that changes and redircts all of your search results as well as DNS errors, and modifies your home page to or some other webpage. MyWebSearch automatically becomes your default search service which hijacks all your search requests as well as tracks your ...
Mindspark Interactive Network
  62% remove
RadioRage Internet Explorer Toolbar is a web browser extension that changes the browsers search and home pages as well as delivers. In order to provide search advertising revenue, the software is designed not only to modify the search provider but to protect it so that it remains the default browser search engine. It is typically installed via a bundled offer within a third-party software distribution. As for distribution, the toolbar ...

MalwareMalware detections

Based on 40+ industry antivirus scanners, 5 of them detected the following malware.
Antivirus engineEngine versionDetection
avast! 6.0.1289.0 Win32:FunWeb-K [PUP]
AVG 2014.0.3629 AdInstaller.FunWeb
Comodo Internet Security 15883 Application.Win32.WebToolbar.MyWebSearch
ESET NOD32 7.8214 a variant of Win32/Toolbar.MyWebSearch.P
VIPRE Antivirus 16734 MyWebSearch.J (v) (not malicious)

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Home Premium 100.00%
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