
Yahoo! Messenger by Yahoo! Inc. (Signed)

Remove ymsgr_tray.exe


ymsgr_tray.exe has 5 known versions, the most recent one is 11,5,0,0155. ymsgr_tray.exe is run as a standard windows process with the logged in user's account privileges. The average file size is about 93.28 KB. It is an authenticode code-signed executable issued to Yahoo! Inc. by the certification authority VeriSign. The programs Yahoo! Messenger, Yahoo!7 Messenger and Yahoo! Install Manager have been observed as installing specific variations of ymsgr_tray.exe. During the process's lifecycle, the typical CPU resource utilization is about 0.0013% including both foreground and background operations, the average private memory consumption is about 18.89 MB. Addionally, typically read and write I/O disk operations is about 763 Bytes per minute for reads and 0 Bytes per minute for writes.


File name:ymsgr_tray.exe
Publisher:Yahoo! Inc.
Product name:Yahoo! Messenger
Description:Yahoo! Messenger Tray
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\yahoo!\messenger\ymsgr_tray.exe
Issued to:Yahoo! Inc.
Authority (CA):VeriSign
Expiration date:Sunday, September 2, 2012

ResourcesPrograms installed in

(Note, the programs listed below are for all versions of Yahoo! Messenger.)
Yahoo! Inc.
7% remove
Yahoo! Messenger (YIM) is an ad-supported instant messaging client and protocol by Yahoo!. Yahoo! Messenger is provided free of charge and can be downloaded and used with a generic "Yahoo! ID" which a...
Yahoo! Inc.
3% remove
Just sign into Yahoo! Mail to enjoy the same Yahoo! Messenger for the Web service you know and love. Yahoo! Messenger within Yahoo! Mail also allows you to chat with your Facebook and Windows Live fri...
Yahoo! Inc.
21% remove
AT&T Yahoo! Messenger is an AT&T branded version of Y! Messenger.
Yahoo! Inc.
20% remove
Yahoo Install Manager manages Yahoo program downloads and installations. The install manager keeps track of such programs and assists in the installations to put things in their proper places.

VersionsAll file variations of ymsgr_tray.exe

MD5SHA-1File size
97019fe4a310e6437eb668ed2a3c6bf1 c5c508b199a31ac1e78dc8146da11da90bb84371 77.3 KB
20ae69482f367f27a3178782f6f1a6ea 076c22d4f8205c7ae43d9ad913f3cf5f4e07e248 157.3 KB
ba7790350c0443774e3e7c51aec83e7f 25d1a016a4420f9aa349e73f5ff4e6c1d61cbdd2 77.3 KB
d7bd2cbd90ac8f2a32fbaa0963633ea0 f64beea759912e64ac2735c5a27885e03704bd38 77.23 KB
e78818d3f25f7b489e55f4068e8ca721 9eb25a28a5a77024ed71c6639f508b3ae94bd5f5 77.23 KB

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Ultimate 57.14%
Windows 8 Pro 14.29%
Windows 7 Starter 14.29%
Microsoft Windows XP 14.29%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

Ireland installs about 28.57% of Yahoo! Messenger.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
Dell 60.00%
Toshiba 40.00%
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