Should I block it?

40% of PCs block this file from running.
Possible reason:
Performance resource utilization

VersionsAdditional versions

5, 0, 8, 258 20.00%
5, 0, 8, 238 80.00%


PE structurePE file structure

Show functions
Import table
RegCreateKeyExW, RegSetValueExW, RegQueryValueExW, RegQueryValueExA, RegEnumKeyExA, RegQueryInfoKeyA, RegSetValueExA, RegOpenKeyExA, RegCreateKeyExA, RegCloseKey, RegDeleteValueA, RegDeleteKeyA, RegOpenKeyExW
GetDIBits, GetBitmapBits, CreateDIBitmap, CreateDIBSection, ExtCreateRegion, CreateICA, CreateRectRgn, CreateRoundRectRgn, OffsetWindowOrgEx, SetWindowOrgEx, GetPixel, CreateSolidBrush, GetStockObject, GetObjectA, GetDeviceCaps, BitBlt, CreateCompatibleDC, CreateCompatibleBitmap, DeleteDC, CreateDCA, DeleteObject, SelectObject
FindResourceA, LoadLibraryExA, GetModuleHandleA, LockResource, FindResourceExA, FlushInstructionCache, GetCurrentProcess, HeapAlloc, ActivateActCtx, CreateActCtxA, ReleaseActCtx, DeactivateActCtx, TerminateThread, WaitForSingleObject, GetTickCount, OpenMutexA, CloseHandle, ReleaseMutex, GetCurrentThreadId, CreateThread, MulDiv, GlobalUnlock, GlobalLock, lstrcmpA, CreateMutexA, MapViewOfFile, CreateFileMappingA, OpenFileMappingA, Sleep, WritePrivateProfileStringA, GetPrivateProfileStringA, UnmapViewOfFile, GetProcAddress, LoadLibraryA, QueryPerformanceCounter, QueryPerformanceFrequency, IsBadCodePtr, TlsGetValue, SetEnvironmentVariableA, GetCurrentProcessId, SetFilePointer, SystemTimeToFileTime, GetFileAttributesA, CreateFileA, ReadFile, LocalFileTimeToFileTime, CreateDirectoryA, GetCurrentDirectoryA, SetFileTime, WriteFile, LoadResource, SetEvent, WaitForMultipleObjects, CreateEventA, LocalFree, GetLocaleInfoW, SetStdHandle, IsBadReadPtr, IsValidCodePage, IsValidLocale, EnumSystemLocalesA, GetUserDefaultLCID, GetStringTypeW, GetStringTypeA, UnhandledExceptionFilter, GetEnvironmentStringsW, FreeEnvironmentStringsW, GetEnvironmentStrings, FreeEnvironmentStringsA, GetStartupInfoA, GetFileType, GetStdHandle, SetHandleCount, GetOEMCP, FlushFileBuffers, TlsSetValue, TlsFree, TlsAlloc, SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, TerminateProcess, IsBadWritePtr, VirtualFree, HeapCreate, GetCPInfo, LCMapStringW, LCMapStringA, ExitProcess, GetCommandLineA, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime, RtlUnwind, VirtualQuery, GetSystemInfo, VirtualAlloc, VirtualProtect, HeapSize, HeapReAlloc, HeapDestroy, SizeofResource, FreeLibrary, IsDBCSLeadByte, lstrcatA, GetModuleFileNameA, lstrcpyA, lstrcpynA, InterlockedDecrement, InterlockedIncrement, GetProcessHeap, HeapFree, LeaveCriticalSection, EnterCriticalSection, GlobalAlloc, GlobalFree, GetEnvironmentVariableA, lstrlenA, lstrlenW, lstrcmpiA, GetVersion, DeleteCriticalSection, InitializeCriticalSection, GetLastError, RaiseException, WideCharToMultiByte, MultiByteToWideChar, GetVersionExA, GetThreadLocale, GetLocaleInfoA, GetACP, SetLastError, InterlockedExchange, SetEndOfFile
OleRun, CoTaskMemFree, CoGetObject, OleUninitialize, OleInitialize, CoGetClassObject, CreateStreamOnHGlobal, OleLockRunning, CLSIDFromString, CLSIDFromProgID, CoTaskMemAlloc, OleSaveToStream, WriteClassStm, OleLoadFromStream, CoInitialize, CoUninitialize, StringFromGUID2, CoCreateInstance, CoTaskMemRealloc
SHGetMalloc, SHGetSpecialFolderLocation, SHGetPathFromIDListA, ShellExecuteA, ShellExecuteExW
SHCreateStreamOnFileA, PathRemoveFileSpecA, PathCanonicalizeA, PathAddBackslashA, UrlEscapeW, SHDeleteKeyA, PathFindExtensionA, PathStripPathA
CoInternetGetSession, URLDownloadToFileA, IsValidURL
UnhookWindowsHookEx, GetPropA, GetClassNameA, SetWindowPos, DestroyWindow, RedrawWindow, GetDlgItem, IsWindow, DestroyAcceleratorTable, IsChild, SetFocus, BeginPaint, GetWindowTextLengthA, RegisterWindowMessageA, OffsetRect, CallWindowProcW, SetTimer, SetPropA, SetWindowsHookExA, UnregisterClassA, PostMessageA, SetWindowLongA, GetWindowLongA, GetClientRect, CharNextA, DefWindowProcA, GetWindow, GetFocus, CallWindowProcA, DispatchMessageA, CreateAcceleratorTableA, TranslateMessage, GetParent, MoveWindow, GetWindowRect, GetClassInfoExA, wsprintfA, FindWindowExA, ShowWindow, KillTimer, RegisterClassA, LoadIconA, MessageBoxA, GetKeyState, LoadStringA, SendMessageW, SetWindowRgn, GetSystemMetrics, CreateIcon, IsIconic, GetClassInfoA, UpdateWindow, SetForegroundWindow, IsWindowVisible, SetParent, SetMenu, GetSystemMenu, PostQuitMessage, SetCursorPos, SetActiveWindow, GetMessageA, GetWindowInfo, SetWindowLongW, GetWindowLongW, EndDialog, IsDlgButtonChecked, SetWindowTextW, CheckDlgButton, SystemParametersInfoA, GetActiveWindow, SetWindowTextA, DispatchMessageW, GetWindowTextA, LoadCursorA, SendMessageA, GetSysColor, CallNextHookEx, GetCursorPos, PtInRect, EqualRect, IntersectRect, SetRect, MapWindowPoints, CharLowerBuffA, CharUpperBuffA, RegisterClassExA, CreateWindowExA, WindowFromPoint, DialogBoxParamA, ReleaseCapture, SetCapture, FillRect, GetDC, ReleaseDC, InvalidateRect, InvalidateRgn, GetDesktopWindow, EndPaint, DeleteMenu
HttpSendRequestW, HttpOpenRequestW, FtpOpenFileW, HttpQueryInfoW, HttpQueryInfoA, InternetCloseHandle, FindFirstUrlCacheEntryA, DeleteUrlCacheEntry, FindNextUrlCacheEntryA, InternetGetConnectedState, InternetOpenW, InternetCrackUrlW, InternetConnectW, InternetReadFile
Export table


DTX Toolbar by APN LLC (Signed)

Remove searchresultstb.dll
Version:   5, 0, 8, 238
MD5:   3c1b125b64b41412a5a730332af2f7be
SHA1:   aee777c33b56057601631ab4644c0978bca2a1c8
SHA256:   f3589c52436a6083b2afdd859c1cc956601a221ca8e8c128126e9522bf3df471

What is searchresultstb.dll?

searchresultstb.dll is an Internet Explorer Toolbar for the Search-Results Toolbar. When loaded by IE, it will install a toolbar in the top of your Internet Explore web browser. By installing itself, the toolbar has full access to the a loaded web page's document object model (HTML content) and knowledge of the URL the user is currently viewing; it can also manipuate these depending on the intended function of the toolbar.

About searchresultstb.dll (from APN LLC) are owned and operated by IAC Search & Media, Inc., headquartered in Oakland, California, with offices throughout the United States, as well as in Europe and Asia.


File name:searchresultstb.dll
Publisher:APN LLC
Product name:DTX Toolbar
Description:DTX kernel Module
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\SRToolbar\Datamngr\SRTOOL~1\searchresultstb.dll
Original name:dtBand.dll
File version:5, 0, 8, 238
Size:451.2 KB (462,024 bytes)
Issued to:APN LLC
Authority (CA):VeriSign
Effective date:Sunday, April 15, 2012
Expiration date:Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Digital DNA
PE subsystem:Windows GUI
File packed:No
More details


The following programs will install this file
  80% remove
The Search-Results Toolbar by APN (Ask Partner Network, part of IAC Search & Media, Inc) is an advertising supported toolbar for Internet Explorer and Firefox (a web browser extension) that is typically installed via a software bundler. The toolbar collects and stores information about your web browsing habits and sends this information to so they can suggest services or provide advertising via the toolbar. Search-Res...
Bandoo Media Inc
  83% remove
The Searchqu Toolbar is a Bandoo powered toolbar (by Bandoo Media Inc) for Intenet Explorer and Firefox. Searchqu collects and stores information about your web browsing habits and sends this information to Conduit so they can suggest services or provide advertising via the toolbar. The Bandoo Searchqu Toolbar will attempt to change your home page and search provider if you are not careful during installation and provides a search box a...
Client Connect LTD
  79% remove
Search Protect from Client Connect (formally Conduit, now a venture of Perion) is a homepage and search provider modifier that when installed will change the default web browser's home page and search pages to a partner portal such as Trovi.
iMesh Inc.
24% remove
iMesh is a media and file sharing client that's available in 9 languages. It uses a proprietary, centralized, P2P network (IM2Net) operating on ports 80, 443 and 1863. iMesh operates the first "RIAA-approved" P2P service, allowing users residing in United States and Canada to download music content of choice for a monthly fee in the form of either a Premium subscription or a "ToGo" subscription. This subscription based approach is advoc...
Musiclab, LLC
29% remove
BearShare is a peer-to-peer file sharing application originally created by Free Peers, Inc. for Microsoft Windows and also a rebranded version of iMesh by MusicLab, LLC, tightly integrated with their music subscription service. Three variants of the original BearShare gnutella servent were distributed by Free Peers: Free, Lite and Pro. The Free version had higher performance limits than the Lite version but contained some bundled potent...
Yahoo! Inc.
20% remove
Yahoo Install Manager manages Yahoo program downloads and installations. The install manager keeps track of such programs and assists in the installations to put things in their proper places.
Yahoo! Inc.
  51% remove
Yahoo! Toolbar is a toolbar that installs on the Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers, within the context of internet access functions. It allows access to several functions, including Yahoo! Search and Yahoo! Mail.

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Ultimate N 60.00%
Windows 8 Pro 20.00%
Windows 7 Ultimate 20.00%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

United States installs about 60.00% of DTX Toolbar.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
ASUS 100.00%
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