
AuthenTec WBF by AuthenTec (Signed)

Remove ATEngineAdapter.dll


atengineadapter.dll has 3 known versions, the most recent one is The average file size is about 972.42 KB. It is an authenticode code-signed executable issued to AuthenTec by the certification authority VeriSign. Numerous variations of atengineadapter.dll have been installed with both AuthenTec WinBio FingerPrint Software 64-bit and AuthenTec WinBio FingerPrint Software 32-bit. This is a .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR) assembly.

What is atengineadapter.dll?

AuthenTec WBF engine adapter is part of AuthenTec TrueAPI for TrueSuite, a biometric software that protects the security of your data through the use of fingerprint authentication. Fingerprint authentication is performed by scanning your finger on a fingerprint sensor.

About atengineadapter.dll (from AuthenTec)

AuthenTec TrueSuite is secure, user-friendly, biometric software providing effortless management of your passwords, file and folder locking, and website log-ins.


File name:atengineadapter.dll
Publisher:AuthenTec, Inc.
Product name:AuthenTec WBF
Description:AuthenTec WBF engine adapter
Typical file path:C:\Windows\System32\winbioplugins\atengineadapter.dll
Issued to:AuthenTec
Authority (CA):VeriSign
Expiration date:Sunday, May 12, 2013

ResourcesPrograms installed in

(Note, the programs listed below are for all versions of AuthenTec WBF.)
AuthenTec, Inc.
8% remove
Provides the software fot the biometric fingerprinter scanner.
AuthenTec, Inc.
10% remove
Provides the software fot the biometric fingerprinter scanner.

VersionsAll file variations of atengineadapter.dll

MD5SHA-1File size
f5bf076e157c2453859a8e00e108cb68 adee3ae355b88877cfe697a2adf0e74a8a31919d 973.59 KB
8f4d9f1c4c230b6013c573856159a46e 37c88ba3a4094fa119afdba2d6d7427f7e95b89e 973.09 KB
5d032f5111196e747b729a1ec294d4bf 74777492b9f13c812828846ab4eef046443ebd70 970.57 KB

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 8 Pro 55.56%
Windows 7 Home Premium 22.22%
Windows 8 Single Language 11.11%
Windows 8 11.11%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

Germany installs about 33.33% of AuthenTec WBF.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
Toshiba 61.54%
Sony 30.77%
Hewlett-Packard 7.69%
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