(Note, the developer publishes each variation of this file with the same version, but the hashes are unique.)
There are 3 versions of bklocalbackup.dll in the wild, the latest version being . The average file size is about 140.5 KB. Numerous variations of bklocalbackup.dll have been installed with both Belkin USB Print and Storage Center and Print and Storage Center USB de Belkin.
File name: | bklocalbackup.dll |
Typical file path: | C:\Program Files\belkin\belkin usb print and storage center\bklocalbackup.dll |
Programs installed in
(Note, the programs listed below are for all versions of bklocalbackup.dll.)
Belkin International, Inc. |
The USB Print and Storage Center is an extra install for your router.
Belkin International, Inc. |
All file variations of bklocalbackup.dll