Should I block it?

No, this file is 100% safe to run.


PE structurePE file structure

Show functions
Import table
GetVersionExA, GetCurrentThreadId, DecodePointer, GetCommandLineA, EncodePointer, TlsAlloc, TlsGetValue, TlsSetValue, TlsFree, InterlockedIncrement, GetModuleHandleW, SetLastError, GetLastError, InterlockedDecrement, GetProcAddress, HeapFree, Sleep, ExitProcess, SetHandleCount, GetStdHandle, InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount, GetFileType, GetStartupInfoW, DeleteCriticalSection, GetModuleFileNameA, FreeEnvironmentStringsW, WideCharToMultiByte, GetEnvironmentStringsW, HeapCreate, HeapDestroy, QueryPerformanceCounter, GetTickCount, GetCurrentProcessId, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime, TerminateProcess, GetCurrentProcess, UnhandledExceptionFilter, SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, IsDebuggerPresent, IsProcessorFeaturePresent, LeaveCriticalSection, EnterCriticalSection, GetCPInfo, GetACP, GetOEMCP, IsValidCodePage, HeapAlloc, HeapReAlloc, LoadLibraryW, WriteFile, GetModuleFileNameW, RtlUnwind, LCMapStringW, MultiByteToWideChar, GetStringTypeW, HeapSize


RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition by RSA - The Security Division of EMC

Remove ccme_asym.dll
MD5:   219d56d4b66daed4169318c45e7792b3
SHA1:   10d960d2358192ccfd2ebc63d904b5a9818cd00d
SHA256:   e5ce2fe10f69f82b108b657f3d75d308fbe118fa58e149de9c142ba954c3e8c0


ccme_asym.dll is loaded as dynamic link library that runs in the context of a process. It is installed with a couple of know programs including Adobe Reader XI published by Adobe Systems Incorporated, Adobe Reader XI - Slovenian from Adobe Systems Incorporated and Adobe Reader XI - Slovenian by Adobe Systems Incorporated.


File name:ccme_asym.dll
Publisher:RSA - The Security Division of EMC
Product name: RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition
Description:Asymmetric encryption library
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\adobe\reader 11.0\reader\ccme_asym.dll
Original name:ccme_asym
File version:
Size:222 KB (227,328 bytes)
Digital DNA
File packed:No
More details


The following programs will install this file
Adobe Systems Incorporated
3% remove
Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader XI are a set of applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program.
Adobe Systems Incorporated
9% remove
Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader XI are a set of applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program.
Adobe Systems Incorporated
12% remove
Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader XI are a set of applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program.
Adobe Systems Incorporated
3% remove
Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader XI are a set of applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program.
Adobe Systems Incorporated
5% remove
Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Acrobat XI (version 11.0) are a set of applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program. The graphical user i...
Adobe Systems Incorporated
6% remove
Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader XI are a set of applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program.
Adobe Systems Incorporated
4% remove
Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader XI are a set of applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program.
Adobe Systems Incorporated
11% remove
Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Acrobat XI (version 11.0) are a set of applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program. The graphical user i...
Adobe Systems Incorporated
10% remove
Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Acrobat XI (version 11.0) are a set of applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program. The graphical user i...
Adobe Systems Incorporated
5% remove
Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Acrobat XI (version 11.0) are a set of applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program. The graphical user i...
Adobe Systems Incorporated
4% remove
Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Acrobat XI (version 11.0) are a set of applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program. The graphical user i...
Adobe Systems Incorporated
11% remove
Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Acrobat XI (version 11.0) are a set of applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program. The graphical user i...
Adobe Systems Incorporated
10% remove
Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Acrobat XI (version 11.0) are a set of applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program. The graphical user i...
Adobe Systems Incorporated
4% remove
Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Acrobat XI (version 11.0) are a set of applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program. The graphical user i...
Adobe Systems Incorporated
12% remove
Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Acrobat XI (version 11.0) are a set of applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program. The graphical user i...
Adobe Systems Incorporated
8% remove
Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Acrobat XI (version 11.0) are a set of applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program. The graphical user i...
Adobe Systems Incorporated
4% remove
Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Acrobat XI (version 11.0) are a set of applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program. The graphical user i...
Adobe Systems Incorporated
11% remove
Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Acrobat XI (version 11.0) are a set of applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program. The graphical user i...
Adobe Systems Incorporated
6% remove
Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Acrobat XI (version 11.0) are a set of applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program. The graphical user i...
Adobe Systems Incorporated
4% remove
Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Acrobat XI (version 11.0) are a set of applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program. The graphical user i...

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Home Premium 33.33%
Windows 8.1 N 16.67%
Windows 8 16.67%
Windows 7 Home Basic 16.67%
Windows 8 Pro 16.67%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

United States installs about 50.00% of RSA BSAFE Crypto-C Micro Edition.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
Acer 33.33%
Toshiba 33.33%
Hewlett-Packard 16.67%
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