Should I block it?

No, this file is 100% safe to run.


PE structurePE file structure

Show functions
Import table
RegQueryValueExA, RegCloseKey, RegOpenKeyExW, RegSetValueExW, RegQueryValueExW, RegOpenKeyExA
GetTextMetricsW, CreatePatternBrush, CreateCompatibleDC, SetTextColor, CreateSolidBrush, SelectObject, DeleteObject, SetBkMode, GetObjectW, BitBlt, GetStockObject, CreatePen, MoveToEx, LineTo, ExtFloodFill, CreateFontW
InitializeCriticalSection, GetLocaleInfoA, Sleep, GetStringTypeW, GetStringTypeA, LCMapStringW, WideCharToMultiByte, LCMapStringA, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime, GetCurrentProcessId, GetTickCount, QueryPerformanceCounter, GetStartupInfoA, GetFileType, SetHandleCount, GetCommandLineW, GetCommandLineA, GetEnvironmentStringsW, FreeEnvironmentStringsW, GetEnvironmentStrings, FreeEnvironmentStringsA, GetModuleFileNameW, GetModuleFileNameA, GetStdHandle, WriteFile, ExitProcess, HeapCreate, HeapReAlloc, VirtualAlloc, VirtualFree, EnterCriticalSection, LeaveCriticalSection, DeleteCriticalSection, GetCurrentThreadId, SetLastError, TlsFree, TlsSetValue, TlsAlloc, TlsGetValue, GetModuleHandleA, IsValidCodePage, GetOEMCP, GetACP, InterlockedDecrement, InterlockedIncrement, GetCPInfo, IsDebuggerPresent, SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, UnhandledExceptionFilter, GetCurrentProcess, TerminateProcess, RtlUnwind, RaiseException, GetStartupInfoW, GetProcessHeap, GetVersionExA, HeapFree, HeapAlloc, MultiByteToWideChar, HeapSize, LoadLibraryA, lstrcmpiW, lstrcatW, SetThreadLocale, GetSystemDefaultLangID, FreeLibrary, GetProcAddress, LoadLibraryW, lstrcpyW, LoadResource, FindResourceExW, ReleaseMutex, GetLastError, CreateMutexW, lstrcmpW, HeapDestroy
SetupDiGetClassDevsW, SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo, SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyW
SetDoubleClickTime, SendMessageTimeoutW, SystemParametersInfoW, wsprintfW, CopyRect, FindWindowExW, GetSystemMetrics, PostQuitMessage, EnableWindow, DestroyWindow, SetTimer, EndPaint, BeginPaint, BringWindowToTop, SetFocus, CreateDialogParamW, KillTimer, DrawTextW, InvalidateRect, SetClassLongW, GetWindowTextW, FrameRect, FillRect, LoadBitmapW, PostMessageW, ReleaseCapture, SetWindowPos, GetDesktopWindow, GetParent, ReleaseDC, SetCapture, GetClientRect, GetSysColor, SetCursor, GetDC, CallWindowProcW, OffsetRect, LoadCursorW, LoadIconW, LoadStringW, TrackPopupMenu, DeleteMenu, InsertMenuW, DestroyMenu, GetSubMenu, LoadMenuW, DialogBoxParamW, GetDlgCtrlID, MessageBoxW, IsWindowVisible, PtInRect, SetForegroundWindow, GetWindowRect, ShowWindowAsync, GetWindow, IsIconic, ChildWindowFromPointEx, FindWindowW, ScreenToClient, GetCursorPos, GetClassNameW, SetWindowLongW, GetWindowLongW, GetDlgItem, SendMessageW, SetDlgItemTextW, UpdateWindow, ShowWindow, LoadImageW, RegisterClassExW, SetWindowTextW, EndDialog


Dell Touchpad by Alps Electric Co. (Signed)

Remove DellTPad.exe
Version:   1, 0, 1, 149
MD5:   1a6576b0b18d902e321c5a72dc2da86f
SHA1:   24687999aac512d2cfe23c6513a3e2cf39ceb2f9
SHA256:   2266b7d06388d31aa43f93f2c051da46204acd368a3bcadc54a3b884ac01d8d6


delltpad.exe is installed with a couple of know programs including Dell Touchpad published by Alps Electric Co., Dell Touchpad from Alps Electric Co. and Dell Touchpad by Alps Electric Co.. The file is digitally signed by Alps Electric Co. which was issued by the VeriSign certificate authority (CA). This particular version is usually found on Windows 7 Home Premium (6.1.7601.65536).


File name:delltpad.exe
Product name:Dell Touchpad
Description:Dell Touchpad GUI
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\delltpad\delltpad.exe
File version:1, 0, 1, 149
Size:13.37 MB (14,022,520 bytes)
Issued to:Alps Electric Co.
Authority (CA):VeriSign
Digital DNA
PE subsystem:Windows GUI
File packed:No
More details


The following programs will install this file
Alps Electric Co.
8% remove
Explore or expand your interactive capabilities by using up to four fingers at once on the large, smooth glass surface of the Dell Wireless Touchpad. Competitive touch games, drawing and music apps and more come to life with this multi-touch solution. Pair it with a non-touch display to experience four-finger touch and interactive computing, or add it to your touchscreen setup for a flexible multi-touch alternative. Discover full-touch ...
Alps Electric Co.
5% remove
This program contains the driver for the ALPS Touchpad in the supported notebook/laptop models and operating systems. The driver enables touchpad functionality and provides a user interface.

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Home Premium 100.00%
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