
0036e 2.17%
28a88 2.17%
f770d 6.52%
364f0 2.17%
11d03 13.04%
b879d 6.52%
f8bce 8.70%
770ac 2.17%
493bc 17.39%
0c16e 2.17%
30819 2.17%
775a9 2.17%
44abd 15.22%
b0c6b 4.35%
dc943 6.52%
80356 4.35%
49b2c 2.17%
(Note, Comodo Security Solutions publishes each variation of this file with the same version, but the hashes are unique.)



By Comodo Security Solutions (Signed)

Remove dragon_updater.exe


dragon_updater.exe has 17 known versions, the most recent one is . It is started as a Windows Service called 'COMODO Dragon Update Service' with the name 'DragonUpdater' and described as “Automatically installs updates for COMODO Dragon”. . In addition, it is run under the context of the SYSTEM account with extensive privileges (the administrator accounts have the same privileges). The average file size is about 1.85 MB. It is an authenticode code-signed executable issued to Comodo Security Solutions by the certification authority COMODO CA Limited. Some variations of the file have been seen to be installed with the program Comodo Dragon from COMODO. During the process's lifecycle, the typical CPU resource utilization is about 0.0009% including both foreground and background operations, the average private memory consumption is about 3.78 MB with the maximum memory reaching around 8.24 MB. Addionally, typically read and write I/O disk operations is about 3.48 KB per minute for reads and 3.29 KB per minute for writes.

What is dragon_updater.exe?

Comodo Dragon Updater is the software updater program which runs in the background of Windows and automatically starts up when your PC boots. It checks for software udpates and automatically downloads and installs them if found. Comodo Dragon is a freeware web browser. The Comodo Dragon browser developed by Comodo Security Solutions, Inc. is based on the Chromium software code developed by Google.

About dragon_updater.exe (from Comodo Security Solutions)

Internet is the world's foremost communicative medium. Each day, the volume of messages it transmits, the tidal wave of credentials, ID numbers and passwords it requires, the preponderance of data it


File name:dragon_updater.exe
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\comodo\dragon\dragon_updater.exe
Issued to:Comodo Security Solutions
Authority (CA):COMODO CA Limited
Windows Service
Service name:DragonUpdater
Display name:COMODO Dragon Update Service
Description:“Automatically installs updates for COMODO Dragon”

ResourcesPrograms installed in

(Note, the programs listed below are for all versions of dragon_updater.exe.)
42% remove
Comodo Dragon is a freeware web browser. The Comodo Dragon browser developed by Comodo Security Solutions, Inc. is based on the Chromium software code developed by Google. It is an implementation of C...


(Note, the behaviors below are for all versions of dragon_updater.exe, select a unique version for details.)
Runs under 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services' by the Service Controller (services.exe)
  • 'DragonUpdater' (COMODO Dragon Update Service)
  • DragonUpdater

VersionsAll file variations of dragon_updater.exe

MD5SHA-1File size
0036e686ca66bd1b005776ac8064640b ece6f556042e66a5385ba8e9a1aa3a85fe1b4c9d 399.64 KB
28a88bb61b6b4a352729ba22bd2d2604 5e2a49f22a4eb0b87d492d5b344f93e07b60d6ce 1.77 MB
f770d63f964631aa07d03324bc1bfd40 2406eca537a83810b8dced7299ae0ce3a81ad660 1.78 MB
364f0e1d4510e05dc01a1a5e0e957f36 dfa3780d75f70d8e028d4ffcdb24b82378117ce3 1.78 MB
11d030a18b4ca496b8691278511b3ab5 55a3ea2fd7b591c6c3570cd29913e81bf9201c5d 1.98 MB
b879d19945def3bed47ee6c33fa774b5 651a0204d4cae798f23d5c4b48f49665c5b5ed82 1.98 MB
f8bce77f950e5112d7087dca2a2174d8 c973e6be67cf1d506bb788685dd8bbbdc154cc28 1.98 MB
770ac17fbf274fb1773f5c49ee15b3dd 60b6d9b66673dc70fbf77eb85871bfde0bfc2ac7 1.98 MB
493bcc9d95ca98a1de8a839ff0491dc0 ed672de91a8de347fbb085ed886060bd049668f1 2 MB
0c16e2f7287875bb91da452b3ec405fe 01839c269982533cc18be11ea812a48a906a829d 1.98 MB
308195495181c8f3d51e6ed5b58d54ac 046f1471c1880e7dd1c55401a6f1f2ba283dc4fa 2 MB
775a90bcaf3310f672cec4f51a1f9776 92f284d7c430f8c2920b8665ceecfed542f1dff2 2 MB
44abd98fd6180d0dbe556cf6b0d642e6 4559ad3452cf9faf593798cafa0cfeead4fee3ca 1.78 MB
b0c6ba4f50a6b4f2a8334f07bcb80b52 97c33fec8340a43173aa1d560363a8e706ee76a9 2.01 MB
dc94357f990759316423d021aeeaaf45 889cb9259c77f35d54dc06ce9984b820d2065703 2 MB
803569711f5976ad4a1469a091617946 a29984cda9d752228fc2de4f04a01b157fbefa87 2.04 MB
49b2c034d77f9f73c80ac55e795ccb6e 5c8e2ff01a149959753436969bbb2c0e176601e8 2.04 MB

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Ultimate 30.43%
Windows 8 Pro 19.57%
Windows 7 Home Premium 17.39%
Microsoft Windows XP 8.70%
Windows 8.1 6.52%
Windows 8.1 Pro 4.35%
Windows 8 4.35%
Windows 7 Home Basic 4.35%
Windows 8 Single Language 2.17%
Windows 7 Ultimate N 2.17%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

United States installs about 34.09% of dragon_updater.exe.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
Dell 34.78%
ASUS 21.74%
Acer 17.39%
Intel 8.70%
Hewlett-Packard 6.52%
Lenovo 4.35%
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