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No, this file is 100% safe to run.


PE structurePE file structure

Show functions
Import table
RegCloseKey, RegQueryValueExW, RegOpenKeyExW
CreateBitmap, SetMapMode, ScaleWindowExtEx, SetWindowExtEx, ScaleViewportExtEx, SetViewportExtEx, OffsetViewportOrgEx, SetViewportOrgEx, Escape, TextOutW, RectVisible, PtVisible, GetTextExtentPoint32W, RestoreDC, SaveDC, GetClipBox, GetDeviceCaps, GetObjectW, CreateFontIndirectW, CreateCompatibleBitmap, GetStockObject, SetTextColor, DeleteDC, CreateCompatibleDC, BitBlt, SetBkMode, SelectObject, DeleteObject, SetBkColor, ExtTextOutW, GetTextMetricsW
WriteFile, FlushFileBuffers, SetEndOfFile, RtlUnwind, HeapFree, ExitProcess, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime, HeapAlloc, HeapReAlloc, GetCommandLineA, VirtualProtect, VirtualAlloc, GetSystemInfo, VirtualQuery, HeapSize, TerminateProcess, SetStdHandle, GetFileType, HeapDestroy, HeapCreate, VirtualFree, QueryPerformanceCounter, GetCurrentProcessId, GetModuleFileNameA, LCMapStringA, LCMapStringW, UnhandledExceptionFilter, SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, SetHandleCount, GetStdHandle, GetStartupInfoA, FreeEnvironmentStringsA, GetEnvironmentStrings, FreeEnvironmentStringsW, GetEnvironmentStringsW, IsBadReadPtr, IsBadCodePtr, GetOEMCP, GetCPInfo, GetStringTypeA, GetStringTypeW, GlobalFlags, lstrcmpiW, SetErrorMode, TlsFree, LocalReAlloc, TlsSetValue, TlsAlloc, TlsGetValue, EnterCriticalSection, GlobalReAlloc, LeaveCriticalSection, LocalAlloc, GetCurrentThreadId, GlobalAddAtomW, GlobalFindAtomW, GlobalDeleteAtom, lstrlenA, GetModuleHandleA, LoadLibraryA, lstrcatW, lstrcmpW, GetModuleHandleW, GetVersionExA, FreeResource, MulDiv, lstrcpyW, FormatMessageW, LocalFree, InterlockedDecrement, InterlockedIncrement, GetPrivateProfileIntW, GetPrivateProfileStringW, CreateDirectoryW, SetLastError, GetVersion, GetCurrentProcess, GetUserDefaultLangID, LoadLibraryW, GetProcAddress, FreeLibrary, lstrcpynW, MultiByteToWideChar, GlobalAlloc, GlobalLock, GlobalHandle, GlobalUnlock, GlobalFree, lstrlenW, GetFileAttributesW, GetLastError, GetFileSize, CreateFileW, SetFilePointer, ReadFile, WideCharToMultiByte, CopyFileW, WaitForSingleObject, GetExitCodeProcess, CreateProcessW, GetTickCount, Sleep, CloseHandle, GetModuleFileNameW, FindResourceW, LoadResource, LockResource, SizeofResource, GetVersionExW, GetThreadLocale, GetLocaleInfoA, GetACP, InterlockedExchange, DeleteCriticalSection, InitializeCriticalSection, IsBadWritePtr, RaiseException
OleUninitialize, OleInitialize, CoInitialize, OleSetContainedObject, OleCreate
PathFindExtensionW, PathFindFileNameW
SetMenuItemBitmaps, ModifyMenuW, EnableMenuItem, CheckMenuItem, GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions, LoadBitmapW, IsDialogMessageW, GrayStringW, DrawTextExW, TabbedTextOutW, WinHelpW, GetCapture, SetWindowsHookExW, CallNextHookEx, GetClassInfoExW, GetClassLongW, GetClassNameW, SendDlgItemMessageW, SendDlgItemMessageA, GetFocus, GetLastActivePopup, GetTopWindow, GetMessageTime, GetMessagePos, MapWindowPoints, MessageBoxW, GetKeyState, UpdateWindow, GetMenu, AdjustWindowRectEx, ValidateRect, GetClassInfoW, RegisterClassW, DefWindowProcW, SystemParametersInfoA, IsIconic, GetWindow, GetDesktopWindow, GetActiveWindow, SetActiveWindow, GetSystemMetrics, CreateDialogIndirectParamW, DestroyWindow, IsWindowEnabled, UnhookWindowsHookEx, GetMenuState, GetMenuItemID, GetMenuItemCount, GetSubMenu, InvalidateRect, CallWindowProcW, SetRect, EnumChildWindows, GetDlgCtrlID, GetParent, DialogBoxIndirectParamW, GetPropW, RemovePropW, SetPropW, SetTimer, EnableWindow, ShowWindow, SetWindowTextW, GetSysColor, DrawTextW, KillTimer, GetClientRect, BeginPaint, EndPaint, CreateWindowExW, LoadIconW, PtInRect, GetDC, ReleaseDC, EndDialog, GetDlgItem, SetFocus, GetMessageW, GetSysColorBrush, LoadCursorW, SetDlgItemTextW, IsWindow, PostQuitMessage, DestroyMenu, PostMessageW, RegisterWindowMessageW, GetWindowTextLengthW, GetWindowTextW, SendMessageW, GetForegroundWindow, SetForegroundWindow, SetWindowLongW, ClientToScreen, ScreenToClient, GetWindowPlacement, TranslateMessage, GetWindowLongW, SetWindowPos, GetWindowRect, MoveWindow, SystemParametersInfoW, OffsetRect, CopyRect, PeekMessageW, DispatchMessageW, FindWindowW, UnregisterClassW, GetNextDlgTabItem
OpenPrinterW, DocumentPropertiesW, ClosePrinter
Export table


GomTV Streamer Helper Utillity by GRETECH (Signed)

Remove GomTVStrm.dll
Version:   1, 0, 0, 4
MD5:   43ef13e7913876a1f2aa3d1d475daa7a
SHA1:   293bf473be95cffdbc9bbf01c70c2a1240775172
SHA256:   6a1372619f6dde86389b54269605c310998bba82458c460b4ae5cb5470d6fa7a

What is GomTVStrm.dll?

GomTV Streamer Helper Utillity for GOM Player (Gretech Online Movie Player) is a 32/64-bit media player for Microsoft Windows, distributed by the Gretech Corporation of South Korea. It is the primary client player for South Korean GOM-TV, and is more popular in South Korea than any other media player. GOM Player will playback AVI, WMV, Matroska, QuickTime, MP4, 3GP, Google Video, Flash Video, VOB, Ogg, OGM, RMVB, MPEG-1, MPEG-2 formats of media files.

About GomTVStrm.dll (from GRETECH)

GOM Media Player is freeware video playback software developed by the South Korean company, Gretech Corp. Designed with both power and simplicity in mind, GOM Media Player is an ideal video player for


File name:gomtvstrm.dll
Product name:GomTV Streamer Helper Utillity
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\gretech\gomplayer\gomtvstrm.dll
File version:1, 0, 0, 4
Size:411.64 KB (421,520 bytes)
Issued to:GRETECH
Authority (CA):VeriSign
Effective date:Thursday, March 31, 2011
Expiration date:Saturday, March 31, 2012
Digital DNA
File packed:No
More details


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Photoshop® CC is part of Creative Cloud™. That means you have access to all the latest updates and future releases the moment they're available. Use Save to Cloud to keep your files organized across multiple computers. And with Behance® integration, you can share your projects straight from Photoshop CC and get immediate feedback from creatives around the world. More freedom, speed, and power to make incredible images real. You'll get d...
Gretech Corporation
24% remove
GOM Player (Gretech Online Movie Player) is a 32/64-bit media player for Microsoft Windows, distributed by the Gretech Corporation of South Korea. It is the primary client player for South Korean GOM-TV, and is more popular in South Korea than any other media player. Key strengths inherited from libavcodec include wide ranging ability to play media files, including .flv - without needing to obtain an external codec, and the ability to p...

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Ultimate 37.50%
Windows 8 25.00%
Windows 7 Professional 12.50%
Windows 8 Pro 12.50%
Windows XP Professional 12.50%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

United States installs about 42.86% of GomTV Streamer Helper Utillity.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
Hewlett-Packard 33.33%
Acer 33.33%
Dell 33.33%
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