Should I block it?

No, this file is 100% safe to run.


PE structurePE file structure

Show functions
Import table
lstrcpynA, lstrcmpA, lstrlenA, InterlockedDecrement, OutputDebugStringA, FormatMessageA, InterlockedIncrement, GetModuleFileNameA, DebugBreak, GetModuleHandleA, WideCharToMultiByte, GetTimeZoneInformation, GetStringTypeW, SetEnvironmentVariableA, CompareStringW, CompareStringA, FlushFileBuffers, GetProcAddress, lstrcpyA, IsDBCSLeadByte, IsBadWritePtr, IsBadStringPtrA, LeaveCriticalSection, EnterCriticalSection, InitializeCriticalSection, DeleteCriticalSection, RtlUnwind, GetCommandLineA, GetVersion, RaiseException, HeapAlloc, HeapFree, GetCurrentThreadId, TlsSetValue, TlsAlloc, TlsFree, SetLastError, TlsGetValue, GetLastError, ExitProcess, LoadLibraryA, GetCPInfo, GetACP, GetOEMCP, MultiByteToWideChar, GetStringTypeA, SetStdHandle, WriteFile, SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, TerminateProcess, GetCurrentProcess, SetHandleCount, GetStdHandle, GetFileType, GetStartupInfoA, FreeEnvironmentStringsA, FreeEnvironmentStringsW, GetEnvironmentStrings, GetEnvironmentStringsW, GetEnvironmentVariableA, GetVersionExA, HeapDestroy, HeapCreate, VirtualFree, IsBadCodePtr, IsBadReadPtr, HeapReAlloc, HeapSize, ReadFile, CloseHandle, SetFilePointer, VirtualAlloc, LCMapStringA, LCMapStringW
wsprintfA, LoadStringA, wvsprintfA, CharNextA
Export table


Visual IP InSight by Visual Networks

Remove ipformat.dll
MD5:   ae9f950fe2850101c73a0335ef594d20
SHA1:   245e3ebe2f9cfced805cd20550e117a94bff1e0e
SHA256:   ad5da625b1680599cfdac56c3a37cda7e253c9d07e3e88f1b46428c559f13eb2

About ipformat.dll (from Visual Networks)

The Visual IP InSight Client is a utility that monitors the performance of Windows Dial-Up Networking call attempts. Like other "test and diagnostic" software, its goal is to improve the quality of


ipformat.dll is loaded as dynamic link library that runs in the context of a process. This is typically installed with the program EarthLink FastLane published by EarthLink, Inc..


File name:ipformat.dll
Publisher:Visual Networks
Product name:Visual IP InSight
Description:Resource DLL
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\visual networks\visual ip insight\sbc\ipformat.dll
Original name:ArFormat
File version:
Size:220 KB (225,280 bytes)
Digital DNA
PE subsystem:Windows GUI
File packed:No
More details


The following program will install this file
EarthLink, Inc.
19% remove
Fast Lane is the latest component of EarthLink’s plans to further decrease churn, increase satisfaction and inspire loyalty within its member base. By gathering previously unavailable connection data automatically from individual computers, Fast Lane allows EarthLink to identify members having trouble getting online and contact them proactively with a solution. The company also uses aggregated Fast Lane information to monitor and resolv...

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Microsoft Windows XP 100.00%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

United States installs about 100.00% of Visual IP InSight.
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