
fe2a9 7.14%
b4023 14.29%
ba7d2 14.29%
0e9b4 7.14%
262ef 14.29%
ca9bd 7.14%
38017 7.14%
d188c 7.14%
cb0c9 7.14%
3f1ab 7.14%
094da 7.14%
(Note, Innovative Digital Technologies publishes each variation of this file with the same version, but the hashes are unique.)



By Innovative Digital Technologies (Signed)

Remove libpva_plugin.dll


There are 11 versions of libpva_plugin.dll in the wild, the latest version being . The average file size is about 41.83 KB. The file is a digitally signed and issued to Innovative Digital Technologies by COMODO CA Limited. Numerous variations of libpva_plugin.dll have been installed with both VLC Media Player and GPSPlayerSetup.


File name:libpva_plugin.dll
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\vlc\plugins\libpva_plugin.dll
Issued to:Innovative Digital Technologies
Authority (CA):COMODO CA Limited

ResourcesPrograms installed in

(Note, the programs listed below are for all versions of libpva_plugin.dll.)
JOBO Carcam
4% remove
VideoLAN Team
12% remove
VLC media player (also known as VLC) is a highly portable free and open-source cross-platform media player and streaming media server written by the VideoLAN project. VLC media player supports many au...

VersionsAll file variations of libpva_plugin.dll

MD5SHA-1File size
fe2a93b4d2f35859eaefc4ccba8a046a d1831e5964f4d0a926293567de6964b13f8c56ba 35 KB
b40230d2ac73be1e30104dd2ed915272 a38b54807b041b8b442498418f875985a134e72d 32.52 KB
ba7d23e6d4488510ced6904838183304 76eef20917bfbaccf4a47cad225a05624fe4e9b9 35 KB
0e9b4a298483dfee697e41d4c281478f 785263a2098b1fc90da39e4a322d2fa48e1e45a0 39 KB
262ef35db64bc175240c16807673caa7 570b59673e0548e87a794a7e2e5d2490736dca8a 72.5 KB
ca9bd143b20be0c913dfa27fd7f0e9b6 747c8df710ee03851e016942fc37fcd5b51c0812 35 KB
380176dcc450af0e84baac849f5dc008 56a02da271721b5d3f813f8a67e8a30dd5d03164 72.5 KB
d188c5517df748d130efd40dcfa628b3 da58d7ba9f244127130fe50e7536a56b3de71390 39.5 KB
cb0c9800f35552cf8e2e831b3bcfafc3 7d86e08a73cee7d5c87b9570871bb89ffeb054a1 39 KB
3f1ab2a0ae4621713728d8aaf91580bf 2dd349d38a975e52a4ce66ea6e551502232e2a59 42.12 KB
094dab166d43d0d9e23a0d14b8d66593 62d7260b61a13c3b858179436cc1aca0e3e56fdd 18.02 KB

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Ultimate 42.86%
Windows 7 Home Premium 21.43%
Windows 7 Home Basic 7.14%
Windows 8.1 7.14%
Windows 7 Professional 7.14%
Windows 8 7.14%
Windows Vista Ultimate 7.14%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

United States installs about 14.29% of libpva_plugin.dll.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
Hewlett-Packard 33.33%
Dell 26.67%
Acer 13.33%
ASUS 13.33%
Samsung 6.67%
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