Bonjour by Apple Computer
mdnsnsp.dll has 2 known versions, the most recent one is 1,0,3,1. The average file size is about 92 KB.
What is mdnsnsp.dll?
Bonjour Namespace Provider for Bonjour provides a general method to discover services on a local area network. The software is widely used throughout Mac OS, and allows users to set up a network without any configuration. It is used to find printers and file-sharing servers. iTunes uses Bonjour to find shared music, iPhoto to find shared photos. Bonjour for Windows and AirPort Base Stations may be configured to use Wide Area Bonjour which allows for wide area service discovery.
About mdnsnsp.dll (from Apple Computer)
“Bonjour, also known as zero-configuration networking, enables automatic discovery of computers, devices, and services on IP networks using industry standard IP protocols. It is a key component of Appl”
File name: | mdnsnsp.dll |
Publisher: | Apple Computer, Inc. |
Product name: | Bonjour |
Description: | Bonjour Namespace Provider |
Typical file path: | C:\Program Files\bonjour\mdnsnsp.dll |
Programs installed in
(Note, the programs listed below are for all versions of Bonjour.)
Bonjour Service provides a general method to discover services on a local area network. The software is widely used throughout Mac OS and Windows for iOS devices, and allows users to set up a network ...
Bonjour Service provides a general method to discover services on a local area network including network printers. The software allows users to set up a network without any configuration. It is used t...
Bonjour Service provides a general method to discover services on a local area network including network printers. The software allows users to set up a network without any configuration. It is used t...
All file variations of mdnsnsp.dll
Distribution by Windows OS
OS version | distribution |
Microsoft Windows XP |
45.83% |
Windows 7 Ultimate |
16.67% |
Windows 8 Pro |
16.67% |
Windows Vista Ultimate |
12.50% |
Windows Vista Business |
4.17% |
Windows 7 Home Premium |
4.17% |
Distribution by country
Indonesia installs about 16.67% of Bonjour.
Distribution by PC manufacturer
PC Manufacturer | distribution |
Compaq |
25.00% |
Hewlett-Packard |
12.50% |
Dell |
12.50% |
Intel |
12.50% |
Toshiba |
12.50% |
12.50% |
6.25% |
Acer |
6.25% |