
By Safe Download Limited (Signed)

Remove pcsuservice.exe


There are 7 versions of pcsuservice.exe in the wild, the latest version being . It is started as a Windows Service called 'PC Speed Up Service' with the name 'PCSUService' and described as “PC Speed Up service.”. . In addition, it is run under the context of the SYSTEM account with extensive privileges (the administrator accounts have the same privileges). The average file size is about 348.13 KB. The file is a digitally signed and issued to Safe Download Limited by DigiCert Inc. The programs PC Speed Up - Complete uninstall, PC Speed Up - Volledige uninstall and Zrychlenie PC have been observed as installing specific variations of pcsuservice.exe. During the process's lifecycle, the typical CPU resource utilization is about 0.0001% including both foreground and background operations, the average private memory consumption is about 8.48 MB with the maximum memory reaching around 11.52 MB. Addionally, typically read and write I/O disk operations is about 8 Bytes per minute for reads and 41 Bytes per minute for writes.

About pcsuservice.exe (from Safe Download Limited)

PC Speed Up will scan your PC and search for settings, processes and files that are slowing down your performance before it uses number of effective tools to optimise your computer. Using one-click, P


File name:pcsuservice.exe
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\pc speed up\pcsuservice.exe
Issued to:Safe Download Limited
Authority (CA):DigiCert Inc
Effective date:Sunday, July 1, 2012
Expiration date:Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Windows Service
Service name:PCSUService
Display name:PC Speed Up Service
Description:“PC Speed Up service.”

ResourcesPrograms installed in

(Note, the programs listed below are for all versions of pcsuservice.exe.)
Speedchecker Limited
  74% remove
Do you feel that your PC does not work as it used to? The reason may be one or more problems acting together. The problem nowadays is that it is very difficult and time consuming to monitor and take c...
Speedchecker Limited
  69% remove
Do you feel that your PC does not work as it used to? The reason may be one or more problems acting together. The problem nowadays is that it is very difficult and time consuming to monitor and take c...
Speedchecker Limited
  68% remove
Do you feel that your PC does not work as it used to? The reason may be one or more problems acting together. The problem nowadays is that it is very difficult and time consuming to monitor and take c...
Speedchecker Limited
  68% remove
Do you feel that your PC does not work as it used to? The reason may be one or more problems acting together. The problem nowadays is that it is very difficult and time consuming to monitor and take c...
Speedchecker Limited
50% remove
PC Speed Up will scan your PC and search for settings, processes and files that are slowing down your performance before it uses number of effective tools to optimise your computer. Using one-click, P...
Speedchecker Limited
  68% remove
PC Speed Up will scan your PC and search for settings, processes and files that are slowing down your performance before it uses number of effective tools to optimise your computer. Using one-click, P...
Speedchecker Limited
  69% remove
Do you feel that your PC does not work as it used to? The reason may be one or more problems acting together. The problem nowadays is that it is very difficult and time consuming to monitor and take c...
Speedchecker Limited
48% remove
Speedchecker Limited
  56% remove
Speedchecker Limited
  70% remove
Using one-click, PC Speed Up will make your network settings, hard disc, memory and CPU optimised and will improve the overall performance. Fast and easy to use PC Speed Up will clean your PC and will...
Speedchecker Limited
  81% remove
Zrychlenie PC is a PC optimization program that is supposed to increase the speed of computer by removing invalid entries the computer's registry. The trial version will perform a scan and identify is...


(Note, the behaviors below are for all versions of pcsuservice.exe, select a unique version for details.)
Runs under 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services' by the Service Controller (services.exe)
  • 'PCSUService' (PC Speed Up Service)
  • PCSUService

VersionsAll file variations of pcsuservice.exe

MD5SHA-1File size
253e077471c568342a286330a7fc007c 3b6ab690224a27f43797b920327845d7a7b77fd1 304.86 KB
1d012e9760820e0133eb0ec9060f7dbf 140019c1d9a5927a9f63d746898edbdb08c9c1c8 315.44 KB
75c70a20193a77c9027afa5e7c784d85 6fdf8e1da64e158417786e10ef2fd98efe90c152 379.8 KB
362d3de9c7e7e87665f3c8e0ee3f27b6 fb51d125a74e0c44ec4cb68fefb5a3be9905a362 312.94 KB
2fe52f3547835c18bea0962f373d986c 9f76dab90e9315929441509c8f42d262a07da576 333.79 KB
aa9df38323cdecb3bfde590e49b28db2 672be6395ad1727013d5addc36ba50cd52ed5053 387.8 KB
cf47a920c4b8c5250b010ef56786fa6a c8ccf51ea2a87675003acacfaa3de524507e9700 402.3 KB

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Home Premium 25.00%
Windows 7 Professional 25.00%
Windows 7 Ultimate 12.50%
Windows 7 Ultimate N 12.50%
Windows 8 12.50%
Microsoft Windows XP 12.50%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

United States installs about 37.50% of pcsuservice.exe.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
Dell 33.33%
Toshiba 33.33%
Samsung 16.67%
Hewlett-Packard 16.67%
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