Should I block it?

No, this file is 100% safe to run.


PE structurePE file structure

Show functions
Import table
AdjustTokenPrivileges, GetSidSubAuthorityCount, GetSidSubAuthority, OpenThreadToken, OpenProcessToken, LookupPrivilegeValueW, RegDeleteValueW, RegEnumValueW, RegEnumKeyW, RegSetValueExW, RegCloseKey, RegCreateKeyExW, RegQueryValueExW, RegOpenKeyExW, GetTokenInformation, EqualSid, FreeSid, RegFlushKey, AllocateAndInitializeSid
lstrlenW, GetVersionExA, ExitProcess, QueryPerformanceCounter, GetTickCount, CreateEventW, CloseHandle, WaitForSingleObject, CreateThread, ResetEvent, CreateFileW, SetEvent, GetComputerNameW, WaitForMultipleObjectsEx, GetLastError, ReadFile, SetThreadPriority, GetCurrentThread, GetOverlappedResult, PeekNamedPipe, CreateSemaphoreW, LocalAlloc, LocalFree, ReleaseSemaphore, GetUserDefaultLangID, FreeLibrary, FindFirstFileW, FindNextFileW, FindClose, InterlockedDecrement, GetCurrentThreadId, GlobalAlloc, GlobalFree, WaitForMultipleObjects, LoadLibraryW, GlobalUnlock, GlobalLock, LockResource, LoadResource, SizeofResource, FindResourceW, SetFilePointer, CreateFileA, WideCharToMultiByte, GetVersionExW, InitializeCriticalSection, DeleteCriticalSection, EnterCriticalSection, LeaveCriticalSection, FormatMessageW, GetModuleHandleW, GetCurrentProcess, GetModuleFileNameW, GetFileAttributesW, GetTimeFormatW, GetDateFormatW, RemoveDirectoryW, WriteFile, CreateDirectoryW, SetEndOfFile, GetDriveTypeW, DeviceIoControl, FindVolumeClose, FindNextVolumeW, FindFirstVolumeW, FindVolumeMountPointClose, FindNextVolumeMountPointW, FindFirstVolumeMountPointW, GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointW, GetLogicalDriveStringsW, LCMapStringW, GetSystemDefaultLangID, GetCurrentProcessId, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime, MultiByteToWideChar, lstrlenA
WNetCloseEnum, WNetOpenEnumW, WNetEnumResourceW
NetServerEnum, NetQueryDisplayInformation, DsGetDcNameW, NetApiBufferFree
CoInitializeEx, CoUninitialize, CoCreateInstanceEx, CreateStreamOnHGlobal, OleRun, CoCreateInstance, GetHGlobalFromStream
MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx, MessageBoxW, LoadStringW, InflateRect, SystemParametersInfoW, PostMessageW, CopyImage, PeekMessageW
LeaveCriticalPolicySection, RegisterGPNotification, UnregisterGPNotification, EnterCriticalPolicySection
InternetAutodialHangup, HttpSendRequestW, HttpOpenRequestW, InternetCloseHandle, InternetConnectW, InternetOpenW, InternetGetConnectedState, InternetOpenUrlW, HttpQueryInfoW, InternetAutodial
Export table


PerfectDisk by Raxco Software (Signed)

Remove PDCommon.dll
Version:   8, 0, 0, 48
MD5:   7b29b36b849b2fa6d879776688ab886c
SHA1:   ecb56511bf4b57f7b7924cf0dd188cfd198ab19d
SHA256:   c23fe0575735276d084048b6e8f9c453e448244f1ce6d43e1bf597c5826117a8


pdcommon.dll is loaded as dynamic link library that runs in the context of a process. This is typically installed with the program PerfectDisk published by Raxco Software Inc.. The file is digitally signed by Raxco Software which was issued by the VeriSign certificate authority (CA). This particular version is usually found on Microsoft Windows XP (5.1.2600.196608).


File name:pdcommon.dll
Publisher:Raxco Software, Inc.
Product name:PerfectDisk
Description:PerfectDisk Common Library
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\raxco\perfectdisk\pdcommon.dll
File version:8, 0, 0, 48
Size:149.52 KB (153,104 bytes)
Issued to:Raxco Software
Authority (CA):VeriSign
Effective date:Monday, December 4, 2006
Digital DNA
PE subsystem:Windows GUI
File packed:No
Code language:Microsoft Visual C++ 7.1
More details


The following program will install this file
Raxco Software Inc.
18% remove
Every time you use your computer, even when it's brand new, the files on your PC or laptop will continuously become fragmented. This means that these files are split into millions of pieces, and this occurs even more so when you go to add, modify and delete them. So when you go to access a file--even just to read it--it will take much longer than necessary because Windows has to first find each piece of the file before you can even see ...

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Microsoft Windows XP 100.00%

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
Intel 100.00%
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