Should I block it?

No, this file is 100% safe to run.


PE structurePE file structure

Show functions
Import table
RegSetValueExW, RegCreateKeyExW, RegQueryValueW, RegOpenKeyW, RegEnumKeyW, RegDeleteKeyW, RegOpenKeyExW, RegQueryValueExW, RegCloseKey
SetMapMode, GetClipBox, SetTextColor, SetBkColor, RestoreDC, SaveDC, CreateBitmap, GetDeviceCaps, GetStockObject, DeleteDC, ScaleWindowExtEx, SetWindowExtEx, ScaleViewportExtEx, SetViewportExtEx, OffsetViewportOrgEx, SetViewportOrgEx, SelectObject, Escape, ExtTextOutW, TextOutW, RectVisible, PtVisible, DeleteObject
WriteFile, SetFilePointer, FlushFileBuffers, SetEndOfFile, GetCurrentProcess, CreateFileW, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime, GetCommandLineA, HeapAlloc, HeapFree, RtlUnwind, RaiseException, HeapReAlloc, ReadFile, ExitProcess, HeapSize, TerminateProcess, UnhandledExceptionFilter, SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, IsDebuggerPresent, GetCPInfo, GetACP, GetOEMCP, IsValidCodePage, GetTimeFormatA, GetDateFormatA, GetTimeZoneInformation, SetHandleCount, GetStdHandle, GetFileType, GetStartupInfoA, GetModuleFileNameA, FreeEnvironmentStringsA, GetEnvironmentStrings, FreeEnvironmentStringsW, GetEnvironmentStringsW, HeapCreate, HeapDestroy, VirtualFree, QueryPerformanceCounter, GetTickCount, VirtualAlloc, SetStdHandle, GetConsoleCP, GetConsoleMode, LCMapStringA, LCMapStringW, GetStringTypeA, GetStringTypeW, GetLocaleInfoA, WriteConsoleA, GetConsoleOutputCP, WriteConsoleW, GetProcessHeap, CreateFileA, SetEnvironmentVariableA, GlobalFindAtomW, LoadLibraryA, GetVersionExA, GlobalFlags, GetModuleHandleA, WritePrivateProfileStringW, lstrlenA, CompareStringW, InterlockedIncrement, SetErrorMode, TlsFree, LocalReAlloc, TlsSetValue, TlsAlloc, InitializeCriticalSection, GlobalHandle, GlobalReAlloc, TlsGetValue, LocalAlloc, InterlockedDecrement, GetCurrentProcessId, GlobalAddAtomW, CloseHandle, GlobalDeleteAtom, GetCurrentThread, GetCurrentThreadId, ConvertDefaultLocale, EnumResourceLanguagesW, GetModuleFileNameW, lstrcmpA, GetLocaleInfoW, LoadLibraryW, CompareStringA, InterlockedExchange, lstrcmpW, FreeLibrary, GetModuleHandleW, GetProcAddress, MultiByteToWideChar, WideCharToMultiByte, GetLastError, SetLastError, GlobalFree, GlobalAlloc, GlobalLock, GlobalUnlock, FormatMessageW, LocalFree, lstrlenW, GetFileAttributesW, DeleteCriticalSection, InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount, LeaveCriticalSection, EnterCriticalSection, FindResourceW, LoadResource, LockResource, SizeofResource, Sleep
SHGetSpecialFolderLocation, SHGetPathFromIDListW
PathFindFileNameW, PathFindExtensionW
DestroyMenu, ShowWindow, RegisterWindowMessageW, LoadIconW, WinHelpW, GetCapture, GetClassLongW, SetPropW, GetPropW, RemovePropW, IsWindow, GetForegroundWindow, GetDlgItem, GetTopWindow, DestroyWindow, GetMessageTime, GetMessagePos, MapWindowPoints, SetMenu, SetForegroundWindow, GetClientRect, CreateWindowExW, GetClassInfoExW, RegisterClassW, AdjustWindowRectEx, CopyRect, DefWindowProcW, CallWindowProcW, GetMenu, SetWindowLongW, SetWindowPos, SystemParametersInfoA, IsIconic, GetSubMenu, GetMenuItemCount, GetWindowPlacement, GetWindow, GetDlgCtrlID, GetWindowRect, GetClassNameW, PtInRect, SetWindowTextW, ClientToScreen, GrayStringW, DrawTextExW, DrawTextW, TabbedTextOutW, GetWindowTextW, LoadCursorW, GetSystemMetrics, GetDC, ReleaseDC, GetSysColor, GetSysColorBrush, GetMenuItemID, GetMenuState, PostQuitMessage, PostMessageW, CheckMenuItem, EnableMenuItem, ModifyMenuW, SendMessageW, GetParent, GetFocus, LoadBitmapW, GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions, SetMenuItemBitmaps, ValidateRect, GetCursorPos, PeekMessageW, GetKeyState, IsWindowVisible, UnregisterClassW, UnhookWindowsHookEx, GetWindowThreadProcessId, GetWindowLongW, GetLastActivePopup, IsWindowEnabled, EnableWindow, MessageBoxW, SetCursor, SetWindowsHookExW, CallNextHookEx, GetMessageW, TranslateMessage, DispatchMessageW, GetActiveWindow, GetClassInfoW
DocumentPropertiesW, OpenPrinterW, ClosePrinter
Export table


Seagate Dashboard by Memeo Inc (Signed)

Remove SeagateAdapter.dll
MD5:   811d52deef4ef761bdfe961fed4dc5cc
SHA1:   3218db9b9f2aab9953b079edcf07f2a1f014c5cc
SHA256:   20fa962c400d016cf63ab6fecd20f81a38d8fbd8cc5674fece9ce3de3d6b2db5


seagateadapter.dll is loaded as dynamic link library that runs in the context of a process. It is installed with a couple of know programs including Seagate Dashboard published by Memeo Inc., Seagate Dashboard 2.0 from Seagate Technology and Seagate Dashboard 2.0 by Seagate Technology. The file is digitally signed by Memeo Inc which was issued by the VeriSign certificate authority (CA).


File name:seagateadapter.dll
Product name:Seagate Dashboard
Description:Seagate Adapter
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\seagate\seagate dashboard\seagateadapter.dll
File version:
Size:250.26 KB (256,264 bytes)
Issued to:Memeo Inc
Authority (CA):VeriSign
Effective date:Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Expiration date:Monday, October 31, 2011
Digital DNA
PE subsystem:Windows GUI
File packed:No
More details


The following programs will install this file
Memeo Inc.
12% remove
Share files to your social media accounts and automatically save your online photos and videos to your external drive. Pre-loaded on every Backup Plus drive is the new Seagate Dashboard. Designed with simplicity in mind, it lets you easily protect, share and save what you have, and even protect what you've shared. And backing up your system is automatic, once you set up the backup plan in a few easy steps. All in one simple interface. S...
Seagate Technology
12% remove
Automatically move your content to multiple locations. Share your pictures online and automatically update without even thinking about it. Automatic revisions of your content help keep you safe from goof-ups.

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Home Premium 50.00%
Windows 7 Professional 25.00%
Microsoft Windows XP 25.00%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

United States installs about 75.00% of Seagate Dashboard.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
Hewlett-Packard 100.00%
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