Should I block it?

No, this file is 100% safe to run.

VersionsAdditional versions 6.10% 1.22% 13.41% 6.10% 1.22% 8.54% 9.76% 3.66% 8.54% 1.22% 4.88% 15.85% 3.66% 1.22% 1.22% 4.88% 1.22% 1.22% 1.22% 2.44% 1.22% 1.22%


PE structurePE file structure

Show functions
Import table
RegQueryValueExA, RegOpenKeyA, RegQueryValueA, RegOpenKeyW, RegQueryValueExW, RegCloseKey, RegOpenKeyExA, CryptGenKey, GetSecurityInfo, SetEntriesInAclW, SetSecurityInfo, GetTokenInformation, AllocateAndInitializeSid, OpenProcessToken, EqualSid, FreeSid, RegCreateKeyW, RegEnumKeyExW, RegQueryInfoKeyW, RegSetValueExW, RegDeleteValueW, RegDeleteKeyW, RegCreateKeyExW, ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorW, RegOpenKeyExW, RegEnumValueW, ConvertSidToStringSidW, RegDisablePredefinedCache, RevertToSelf, SetThreadToken, CreateProcessAsUserW, SetTokenInformation, GetLengthSid, ConvertStringSidToSidW, GetSecurityDescriptorSacl, DuplicateTokenEx, CreateRestrictedToken, DuplicateToken, LookupPrivilegeValueW, CopySid, CreateWellKnownSid, AccessCheck, MapGenericMask, GetNamedSecurityInfoW, OpenThreadToken, CheckTokenMembership, CryptGetProvParam, CryptSetProvParam, CryptGenRandom, CryptDecrypt, CryptHashData, CryptSignHashA, CryptSignHashW, CryptGetHashParam, CryptSetKeyParam, CryptAcquireContextA, CryptAcquireContextW, CryptImportKey, CryptGetUserKey, CryptCreateHash, CryptReleaseContext, CryptDestroyKey, CryptDestroyHash, RegFlushKey, RegQueryValueW
CreateBitmap, CreateCompatibleBitmap, GetMapMode, BitBlt, GetTextMetricsW, CreateEnhMetaFileW, CreateMetaFileW, SetMapMode, SetWindowOrgEx, SetWindowExtEx, SetViewportExtEx, StretchDIBits, CloseEnhMetaFile, DeleteEnhMetaFile, SetBkColor, GetCurrentObject, GetRgnBox, CreateRectRgn, CombineRgn, SetPolyFillMode, GetObjectType, SetDIBits, CloseMetaFile, DeleteMetaFile, GetEnhMetaFileHeader, GetObjectW, GetDIBits, GetEnhMetaFileBits, GetWorldTransform, EnumEnhMetaFile, PlayEnhMetaFileRecord, SetWorldTransform, ModifyWorldTransform, SetEnhMetaFileBits, PlayEnhMetaFile, SelectObject, GetFontData, CreateScalableFontResourceW, RemoveFontResourceW, DeleteDC, DeleteObject, CreateFontIndirectW, CreateDCW, GetClipBox, GetTextColor, GetTextAlign, GetBkMode, GetStretchBltMode, GetPolyFillMode, GetMiterLimit, AddFontResourceW, ExtEscape, Escape, ResetDCW, EndDoc, EndPage, StartPage, AbortDoc, StartDocW, CreateDCA, CreateICW, DPtoLP, GetTextExtentPoint32W, GetStockObject, GetBkColor, CreateSolidBrush, CreateCompatibleDC, GetDeviceCaps
CloseHandle, UnmapViewOfFile, CreateFileA, VirtualQueryEx, GetCurrentProcess, MapViewOfFile, CreateFileMappingW, GetFileAttributesA, FindClose, FindNextFileA, FindFirstFileA, ReadFile, SetFilePointer, GetTempPathA, GetWindowsDirectoryA, GetSystemDirectoryA, GetModuleFileNameA, SizeofResource, LockResource, LoadResource, FindResourceW, GetSystemInfo, MultiByteToWideChar, LoadLibraryW, FreeLibrary, GetProcAddress, GetSystemDirectoryW, GetModuleHandleW, WaitForSingleObject, CreateSemaphoreW, ReleaseSemaphore, HeapReAlloc, HeapFree, HeapAlloc, HeapDestroy, DeleteCriticalSection, InitializeCriticalSection, LeaveCriticalSection, EnterCriticalSection, RaiseException, GetVersionExA, IsDebuggerPresent, OutputDebugStringA, GetVersionExW, HeapSize, GetProcessHeap, GetCurrentThreadId, FindResourceExW, GetCurrentProcessId, GetThreadLocale, GetLocaleInfoA, GetACP, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime, Sleep, InterlockedCompareExchange, GetStartupInfoW, TerminateProcess, UnhandledExceptionFilter, SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, QueryPerformanceCounter, GetTickCount, InterlockedExchange, DllMain, CreateFileMappingA, LoadLibraryA, GetModuleHandleA, CreateSemaphoreA, GetStartupInfoA, VirtualProtect, GetCommandLineA, ExitProcess, WriteFile, GetStdHandle, FreeEnvironmentStringsA, GetEnvironmentStrings, FreeEnvironmentStringsW, WideCharToMultiByte, GetLastError, GetEnvironmentStringsW, SetHandleCount, GetFileType, HeapCreate, VirtualFree, GetOEMCP, GetCPInfo, VirtualAlloc, RtlUnwind, VirtualQuery, LCMapStringA, LCMapStringW, GetStringTypeA, GetStringTypeW
CoCreateInstance, CoTaskMemFree, CLSIDFromString, GetHGlobalFromStream, CoMarshalInterface, CreateStreamOnHGlobal, StringFromCLSID, CoTaskMemRealloc, CoInitialize, StringFromGUID2, OleLockRunning, CoGetClassObject, OleInitialize, OleUninitialize, CoInitializeEx, CoLockObjectExternal, CoTaskMemAlloc, CLSIDFromProgID, CoRevokeClassObject, ReadClassStg, GetConvertStg, WriteFmtUserTypeStg, WriteClassStg, CreateDataAdviseHolder, CreateOleAdviseHolder, CoDisconnectObject, CoRegisterClassObject, CoResumeClassObjects, CoUninitialize, CoUnmarshalInterface, ReleaseStgMedium, MkParseDisplayName, CreateBindCtx
FreeContextBuffer, FreeCredentialsHandle, InitializeSecurityContextA, AcquireCredentialsHandleA, DeleteSecurityContext
SHGetMalloc, SHGetPathFromIDListA, SHGetSpecialFolderLocation, SHGetFolderPathW, ShellExecuteExW, SHGetFileInfoW, FindExecutableW, SHBrowseForFolderW, SHGetPathFromIDListW, ShellExecuteW, SHCreateDirectoryExW, CommandLineToArgvW
PathRemoveBackslashW, PathAddBackslashW, PathCreateFromUrlW, PathFindFileNameW, UrlCanonicalizeW, PathIsUNCW, PathFindExtensionW, PathCombineW, PathIsDirectoryW, AssocQueryStringW, UrlGetPartW, PathIsRelativeW, PathFileExistsW, PathRemoveFileSpecW, PathAppendW, SHDeleteKeyW, PathIsURLW, UrlIsW, StrStrIW, StrStrIA
MessageBoxW, SendMessageW, FindWindowW, UnregisterClassA, GetDC, ReleaseDC, RegisterClipboardFormatW, DispatchMessageW, PeekMessageW, TranslateMessage, MsgWaitForMultipleObjects, DdeDisconnect, DdeConnect, DdeCreateDataHandle, DdeAddData, SystemParametersInfoW, GetThreadDesktop, GetProcessWindowStation, CloseWindowStation, GetDesktopWindow, CreateWindowStationW, CreateDesktopW, GetUserObjectInformationW, PostThreadMessageW, GetActiveWindow, SetTimer, GetAsyncKeyState, UnregisterClassW, RegisterClassW, EnableWindow, SetWindowTextW, GetWindowInfo, EnumChildWindows, GetRawInputDeviceList, GetRawInputDeviceInfoW, SetWindowPos, GetWindowRect, GetWindowTextW, GetWindowTextLengthW, CreateIconFromResourceEx, UnhookWindowsHookEx, SetDlgItemTextW, SetWindowsHookExW, GetParent, GetClassNameW, FindWindowExW, DdeClientTransaction, SetActiveWindow, IsWindowEnabled, CloseWindow, GetClipboardFormatNameA, GetClipboardData, OpenClipboard, CloseClipboard, EmptyClipboard, SetClipboardData, IsClipboardFormatAvailable, EnumClipboardFormats, CountClipboardFormats, GetClipboardFormatNameW, GetClipboardSequenceNumber, GetClipboardOwner, GetOpenClipboardWindow, GetClipboardViewer, LoadCursorW, LoadIconW, SetFocus, GetFocus, SendDlgItemMessageW, MoveWindow, GetClientRect, UpdateWindow, GetClassInfoExW, IsChild, GetMessageW, GetSysColor, ClientToScreen, ScreenToClient, InvalidateRect, InvalidateRgn, RedrawWindow, SetCapture, ReleaseCapture, FillRect, CallWindowProcW, EndPaint, BeginPaint, DestroyAcceleratorTable, CreateAcceleratorTableW, IsDialogMessageW, MapWindowPoints, GetMonitorInfoW, MonitorFromWindow, SetCursor, LoadBitmapW, SetWindowContextHelpId, MapDialogRect, CreateDialogIndirectParamW, GetWindowDC, SetPropW, PostQuitMessage, GetPropW, DdeGetData, EnumThreadWindows, SetForegroundWindow, IsWindowVisible, DdeInitializeW, DdeUninitialize, DdeFreeStringHandle, DdeCreateStringHandleW, DdeNameService, FindWindowA, RegisterWindowMessageA, SetWindowLongW, ShowWindow, SetProcessWindowStation, SetThreadDesktop, OpenInputDesktop, CloseDesktop, DefWindowProcW, CreateWindowExW, RegisterClassExW, RegisterWindowMessageW, PostMessageW, DestroyWindow, EnumWindows, IsWindow, UserHandleGrantAccess, SetParent, GetWindowLongW, GetWindow, BringWindowToTop, GetSystemMetrics, GetForegroundWindow, EndDialog, GetDlgItem, AllowSetForegroundWindow, CharNextW, DialogBoxParamW, GetGUIThreadInfo, GetWindowThreadProcessId, GetPriorityClipboardFormat, ChangeClipboardChain, SetClipboardViewer, RegisterClipboardFormatA, SendNotifyMessageW, wsprintfW, SendMessageA, MessageBoxA


Adobe Reader by Adobe Systems (Signed)

Remove AcroRd32.exe
MD5:   6e3d7f11d087fe1ac7865f702665d768
SHA1:   734199dce95fef9f98506206dea2bf0ce8af402c
SHA256:   33f890c10390ce6b587cb3255cef97ac4d545e4996c359a61fcc4caa9da077bb

What is AcroRd32.exe?

Adobe Acrobat is a set of application software developed by Adobe Systems to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF).


AcroRd32.exe executes as a process with the local user's privileges. It has been configured with a firewall exception which allows both inbound and outbound network communication without being blocked. It is installed with a couple of know programs including Adobe Reader X MUI published by Adobe Systems Incorporated, Adobe Reader X - Deutsch from Adobe Systems Incorporated and Adobe Reader X - Deutsch by Adobe Systems Incorporated. The file is digitally signed by Adobe Systems which was issued by the VeriSign certificate authority (CA).


File name:AcroRd32.exe
Publisher:Adobe Systems Incorporated
Product name:Adobe Reader
Description:Adobe Reader 9.0
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\adobe\reader 9.0\reader\acrord32.exe
File version:
Size:1.23 MB (1,289,624 bytes)
Build date:10/26/2010 1:32 AM
Issued to:Adobe Systems
Authority (CA):VeriSign
Effective date:Monday, September 18, 2006
Expiration date:Thursday, November 5, 2009
Digital DNA
PE subsystem:Windows GUI
File packed:No
Code language:Microsoft Visual C++ 8.0
More details


The following programs will install this file
Adobe Systems Incorporated
7% remove
Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader X are a set of applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program.
Adobe Systems Incorporated
3% remove
Adobe Acrobat X (version 10.0) is an applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program. It included "sandboxing" protection for Wind...
Adobe Systems Incorporated
12% remove
Adobe Acrobat X (version 10.0) is an applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program. It included "sandboxing" protection for Wind...
Adobe Systems Incorporated
12% remove
Adobe Acrobat X (version 10.0) is an applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program. It included "sandboxing" protection for Wind...
Adobe Systems Incorporated
7% remove
Adobe Acrobat X (version 10.0) is an applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program. It included "sandboxing" protection for Wind...
Adobe Systems Incorporated
1% remove
Adobe Creative Suite (CS6) is a collection of graphic design, video editing, and web development applications made by Adobe Systems. The collection consists of Adobe's applications (Photoshop, Acrobat, InDesign), that are based on various technologies (PostScript, PDF, Flash). Adobe sells Creative Suite applications in five different combinations called "editions", the Adobe Creative Suite Master Collection contains applications from a...
Adobe Systems Incorporated
10% remove
Adobe Acrobat X (version 10.0) is an applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program. It included "sandboxing" protection for Wind...
Adobe Systems Incorporated
11% remove
Adobe Acrobat X (version 10.0) is an applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program. It included "sandboxing" protection for Wind...
Adobe Systems Incorporated
12% remove
Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader X are a set of applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program. It includes sandboxing protection fo...
Adobe Systems Incorporated
12% remove
Adobe Acrobat X (version 10.0) is an applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program. It included "sandboxing" protection for Wind...
Adobe Systems Incorporated
10% remove
Adobe Acrobat X (version 10.0) is an applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program. It included "sandboxing" protection for Wind...
Adobe Systems Incorporated
9% remove
Adobe Acrobat X (version 10.0) is an applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program. It included "sandboxing" protection for Wind...
Adobe Systems Incorporated
6% remove
Adobe Acrobat X (version 10.0) is an applications designed to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Acrobat and Reader are widely used as a method of presenting information with a fixed layout similar to a paper publication. Adobe also allows Acrobat plug-ins to be developed by third parties, which can add extra functions to the Acrobat program. It included "sandboxing" protection for Wind...
Adobe Systems Incorporated
6% remove
BitTorrent Inc.
7% remove
BitTorrent is a desktop application that allows you to work with torrent files.BitTorrent allows you to download files available as torrents, search torrent sites for music, videos, books, software and other free or public domain material. BitTorrent will modify system settings upon installation, making the Application the default application for handling torrent files, if you do not already have an program associated with torrent files...


Scheduled tasks
  • The task '{7BA77A3A-9000-4A31-AA85-9153D38FD7C7}' runs on registration in the path '\{7BA77A3A-9000-4A31-AA85-9153D38FD7C7}'
  • The job '{C38D5D8F-604E-43D3-8739-B66C1B490541}' runs on registration in the path '\{C38D5D8F-604E-43D3-8739-B66C1B490541}'
  • The job '{A5EA3B4C-A5F1-4E0E-8F40-35BCB2C35E59}' runs on registration in the path '\{A5EA3B4C-A5F1-4E0E-8F40-35BCB2C35E59}'
  • The task '{95B0BB98-D891-4F39-B1BF-E5875B328A92}' runs on registration in the path '\{95B0BB98-D891-4F39-B1BF-E5875B328A92}'
  • The job '{4BD76361-419D-4920-8936-F6F03D4420BA}' runs on registration in the path '\{4BD76361-419D-4920-8936-F6F03D4420BA}'
  • The task '{9F90E156-3443-4F55-BDE7-83312D6A3B97}' runs on registration in the path '\{9F90E156-3443-4F55-BDE7-83312D6A3B97}'
  • Entry path '\{BCBC90BC-7132-43D2-93A1-EB18C7AB46D2}'
  • Entry path '\{B6D33AB2-D5BE-4A57-84A7-1AD706526772}'
  • Entry path '\{951A0EC2-87B8-4DCA-88D3-96A448B71B78}'
  • Entry path '\{6BA3BAE6-9367-4952-B0C7-5AA62F8977DC}'
  • Entry path '\{56E820C4-C882-4899-9AE3-1810142BA6BA}'
  • Entry path '\{4A05E0BF-EDDF-4C3B-B51B-35C63CA19FC6}'
  • Entry path '\{2505ED7D-D0A4-4A7E-B9E8-5FFDFDB6F802}'
  • Entry path '\{0FCB99A3-188B-4F9E-B845-7C85CD0392B6}'
  • Entry path '\{867D4E1F-80BE-4A2D-8157-1A8705020099}'
  • Entry path '\{3323ED45-BDD5-46DD-B0D0-49B72DE4D5E4}'
Windows firewall allowed programs
Exceptions allow programs to access to the Internet through an outbound connections
  • Firewall exception for 'C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 10.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe'
  • Firewall exception for 'C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe'

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Home Premium 42.68%
Windows 8 9.76%
Windows 8 Pro 8.54%
Windows 7 Professional 8.54%
Windows 7 Ultimate 7.32%
Microsoft Windows XP 6.10%
Windows 7 Starter 3.66%
Windows XP Professional 3.66%
Windows 8.1 Pro 2.44%
Windows 7 Home Basic 2.44%
Windows 8.1 N 1.22%
Windows Vista Ultimate 1.22%
Windows Vista Home Premium 1.22%
Windows Vista Home Basic 1.22%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

United States installs about 48.68% of Adobe Reader.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
ASUS 28.57%
Hewlett-Packard 16.07%
Acer 16.07%
Dell 10.71%
Sony 7.14%
Toshiba 7.14%
Intel 7.14%
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