
1.3.470.0 13.04%
1.3.363.0 4.35%
1.3.340.0 4.35%
1.3.309.0 4.35% 21.74% 26.09% 26.09%



Bing Desktop by Microsoft Corporation (Signed)

Remove BDExtHost.exe


bdexthost.exe has 7 known versions, the most recent one is 1.3.470.0. bdexthost.exe is run as a standard windows process with the logged in user's account privileges. The average file size is about 202.6 KB. It is an authenticode code-signed executable issued to Microsoft Corporation by the certification authority Microsoft Corporation. During the process's lifecycle, the typical CPU resource utilization is about 0.0004% including both foreground and background operations, the average private memory consumption is about 2.14 MB with the maximum memory reaching around 7.12 MB. Addionally, typically read and write I/O disk operations is about 454 Bytes per minute for reads and 0 Bytes per minute for writes.


File name:bdexthost.exe
Publisher:Microsoft Corp.
Product name:Bing Desktop
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\microsoft\bingdesktop\bdexthost.exe
Issued to:Microsoft Corporation
Authority (CA):Microsoft Corporation
Effective date:Thursday, January 24, 2013
Expiration date:Thursday, April 24, 2014

ResourcesPrograms installed in

(Note, the programs listed below are for all versions of Bing Desktop.)
Microsoft Corporation
26% remove
Bing Desktop marries the beauty of Bing’s daily homepage with a quick and convenient search interface so you don’t have to open our browser to start a search session or get the latest headlines. Every...
Microsoft Corporation
21% remove
Bing Desktop is a program developed by Microsoft which allows users to search Bing from the desktop, and to set their desktop background to the Bing homepage image. Bing Desktop allows users to initia...
Microsoft Corporation
24% remove
Bing Bar is a browser extension toolbar for Internet Explorer, developed by Microsoft. Bing Bar was previously supported on Mozilla Firefox but Microsoft discontinued support. Bing Bar incorporates fe...

VersionsAll file variations of bdexthost.exe

MD5SHA-1File size
b59421860fd19d81be1385c594795389 ca45e935597de72ab9cb6ff51d83cacc6ea16a2f 203.72 KB
10cc3dd7db444cd280d56e326e699a1b 8b1467d3ac22929826ec17a0bd55958142a19ff9 202.71 KB
4fcf4756d932e07121fa75260cbf4341 183887ebfb84884981393098351ca8aa4f29b222 202.71 KB
f3f53cb9bfdb7abec09589a4779a9468 b22fcee684805eba693fa4d8ffd5a9d801e45e0a 202.63 KB
41a782783abd43cb54e2ac32c8912392 206d7893bbf627eb80514cef16e54137cde17833 202.13 KB
94d9bceb597d91c3cd23a0be5d124865 45f4bb9e5cffc6cf2df5684d151b88d1160d0694 202.13 KB
993877ba93012fec1c21b48160cda459 0a106d0161594ffacc56745de318fcea86a2cce4 202.13 KB

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Home Premium 30.43%
Windows 8 Pro 13.04%
Windows 7 Ultimate 8.70%
Windows 8.1 Pro 8.70%
Windows 7 Professional 8.70%
Windows 8 8.70%
Windows 8.1 4.35%
Windows 7 Home Basic 4.35%
Windows Vista Ultimate 4.35%
Windows Vista Home Premium 4.35%
Microsoft Windows XP 4.35%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

United States installs about 47.83% of Bing Desktop.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
Hewlett-Packard 17.24%
Acer 17.24%
Dell 13.79%
ASUS 6.90%
Medion 6.90%
Intel 6.90%
Sony 6.90%
Lenovo 6.90%
Toshiba 6.90%
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