Should I block it?

No, this file is 100% safe to run.

VersionsAdditional versions

1.9c 16.67%
1.99r 16.67%
1.99g 16.67%
1.8i 16.67%
1.8i 16.67%
1.8c 16.67%

PE structurePE file structure

Show functions
Import table
CreateDIBSection, GetDeviceCaps, StretchBlt, GetDIBits, SetPixel, DeleteObject, SelectObject, CreateCompatibleDC, CreateCompatibleBitmap, SetStretchBltMode, GetPixel, DeleteDC
RtlUnwind, HeapReAlloc, VirtualAlloc, GetCPInfo, GetOEMCP, GetACP, InterlockedExchange, UnhandledExceptionFilter, GetEnvironmentStringsW, GetLastError, WideCharToMultiByte, FreeEnvironmentStringsW, GetEnvironmentStrings, FreeEnvironmentStringsA, VirtualFree, VirtualQuery, HeapSize, LCMapStringA, MultiByteToWideChar, LCMapStringW, GetStringTypeA, GetStringTypeW, GetCurrentThreadId, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime, GetLocaleInfoA, VirtualProtect, WriteFile, HeapCreate, GetWindowsDirectoryA, GetSystemDirectoryA, GetModuleFileNameA, SetErrorMode, FreeLibrary, GetProcAddress, LoadLibraryA, GetModuleHandleA, Sleep, GetCurrentProcessId, OutputDebugStringA, QueryPerformanceCounter, GetTickCount, QueryPerformanceFrequency, CreateFileA, SetFilePointer, ReadFile, CloseHandle, HeapAlloc, HeapFree, GetSystemInfo, WaitForSingleObject, SetEvent, CreateEventA, SetThreadPriority, WaitForMultipleObjects, CreateMutexA, ReleaseMutex, ResumeThread, CreateThread, HeapDestroy, GetStartupInfoA, GetFileType, GetStdHandle, SetHandleCount, GetCurrentProcess, TerminateProcess, ExitProcess, GetVersionExA, GetCommandLineA
DestroyWindow, GetClassLongA, RegisterClassA, ChangeDisplaySettingsA, IsWindowVisible, GetSystemMetrics, GetCursorPos, DefWindowProcA, ReleaseDC, PeekMessageA, CreateWindowExA, UnregisterClassA, ShowCursor, GetTopWindow, GetWindowLongA, GetActiveWindow, GetWindowThreadProcessId, GetWindow, EndPaint, ClientToScreen, MessageBoxA, SetCursor, ScreenToClient, GetWindowRect, IsIconic, GetClientRect, BeginPaint, GetDC
waveOutPrepareHeader, waveOutOpen, waveOutUnprepareHeader, waveOutSetVolume, waveOutReset, waveOutRestart, waveOutPause, waveOutWrite, waveOutClose, timeGetTime, timeBeginPeriod, timeEndPeriod
Export table


Bink and Smacker by UBISOFT ENTERTAINMENT INC. (Signed)

Remove binkw32.dll
Version:   1.9c
MD5:   29af39c2b96d35eba67d3189695ac19d
SHA1:   f496c19241e1a47cf10a7b75e350659bc39d08e8
SHA256:   e67e0319f9929c024a6d0757de50c65257f686f6711cb0efb7ad53afc3405dd4


binkw32.dll is loaded as dynamic link library that runs in the context of a process. It is installed with a couple of know programs including Age of Conan: Unchained published by Funcom, Volvo - The Game from SimBin Studios and Volvo - The Game by SimBin Studios. The file is digitally signed by UBISOFT ENTERTAINMENT INC. which was issued by the Thawte certificate authority (CA).


File name:binkw32.dll
Publisher:RAD Game Tools, Inc.
Product name:Bink and Smacker
Description:RAD Video Tools
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\ubisoft\assassin's creed iii\binkw32.dll
File version:1.9c
Size:167 KB (171,008 bytes)
Authority (CA):Thawte
Effective date:Friday, June 29, 2012
Expiration date:Sunday, July 14, 2013
Digital DNA
PE subsystem:Windows GUI
File packed:No
More details


The following programs will install this file
Crystal Dynamics
4% remove
Eidos Interactive Limited
12% remove
Soul Reaver is an action-adventure game.
6% remove
Explore the vast reaches of Hyboria, and tread in the footsteps of the world's greatest fantasy hero: Conan the Barbarian himself! Experience a groundbreaking action-driven combat system, unlike anything ever seen in a massively multiplayer online game before! Master tradeskills, build entire cities, venture into deep dungeons, or charge the battlefield on the back of a mammoth in epic warfare!
4% remove
9% remove
1% remove
4% remove
Experience a groundbreaking action-driven combat system, unlike anything ever seen in a massively multiplayer online game before. Explore the vast reaches of Hyboria, and tread in the footsteps of the world's greatest fantasy hero: Conan the Barbarian himself.
5% remove
11% remove
Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver is a digital video game distributed through the DRM-free GOG service. This game can be run from the optional download manager or directly downloaded through the cloud.
2% remove
6% remove
Riot Games
12% remove
League of Legends (LoL) is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Riot Games for Microsoft Windows. Players are formed into 2 even teams of Champions, 3v3 or 5v5. League of Legends is a session-based game. Matchmaking occurs based on the average Elo ratings of each individual players, with slight proprietary adjustments. The game can currently be played in five different modes: Tutorial, Custom, Co-Op v...
Sarzamin Games
5% remove
8% remove
SimBin Studios
2% remove
Volvo is a sim-racing game developed by SimBin and published by Atari/Viva Media.
SimBin Studios
3% remove
RaceRoom is a sim-racing game developed by SimBin.
SimBin Studios
1% remove
This is a sim-racing game developed by SimBin.
SimBin Studios
6% remove
RaceRoom Racing Experience is a sim-racing game developed by SimBin.
SimBin Studios
21% remove
This is a sim-racing game developed by SimBin and published by Atari/Viva Media.
Sony Online Entertainment
7% remove
Star Wars Galaxies is a Star Wars themed massively multiplayer online role-playing (MMORPG). The game events were originally set following the destruction of the Death Star in Episode IV: A New Hope, but before the beginning of Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. Even though the battle of Hoth has been included this does not change the timeline. Some parts of the game include past "missions" to before the destruction of the Death Star.

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Home Premium 33.33%
Microsoft Windows XP 16.67%
Windows 7 Ultimate 16.67%
Windows 7 Professional 16.67%
Windows 8 16.67%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

United States installs about 33.33% of Bink and Smacker.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
MSI 50.00%
Hewlett-Packard 50.00%
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