Should I block it?

No, this file is 100% safe to run.

VersionsAdditional versions

2.0.0 57.14%
2.0.0 7.14%
2.0.0 35.71%
(Note, Belkin International publishes each variation of this file with the same version, but the hashes are unique.)



Belkin Local Backup by Belkin International

Remove BkHistoryBrowser.dll
Version:   2.0.0
MD5:   afe176a21ea0bfc86a37b8d47a1cdc09
SHA1:   fcc88ffcdae4d85d05fb1754bfa90615451dc4f3
SHA256:   352e113ff4f010805d05c6287915b7b8547f5363648298a9744cc1bbe679298a


bkhistorybrowser.dll is loaded as dynamic link library that runs in the context of a process. It is installed with a couple of know programs including Belkin USB Print and Storage Center published by Belkin International, Inc., Print and Storage Center USB de Belkin from Belkin International, Inc. and Print and Storage Center USB de Belkin by Belkin International, Inc.. The assembly utilizes the .NET run-time framework (which is required to be installed on the PC).


File name:bkhistorybrowser.dll
Publisher:Belkin International, Inc.
Product name:Belkin Local Backup
Description:Belkin History Browser Extension
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\belkin\belkin usb print and storage center\bkhistorybrowser.dll
File version:2.0.0
Size:103 KB (105,472 bytes)
Digital DNA
File packed:No
Code language:Microsoft Visual C# / Basic .NET
More details


The following programs will install this file
Belkin International, Inc.
11% remove
The USB Print and Storage Center is an extra install for your router.
Belkin International, Inc.
7% remove


Context menu handlers
Located in '*\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers'
  • Name: 'Belkin HistoryBrowser'
Approved shell extensions
Located in the registry at 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved'
  • 'Belkin History Browser' with CLSID {5E0A7F0F-4B41-4661-A084-BFF3F8CBDE25}

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Home Premium 64.29%
Windows 7 Ultimate 14.29%
Windows 7 Professional 7.14%
Windows 8 7.14%
Windows Vista Home Premium 7.14%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

United States installs about 78.57% of Belkin Local Backup.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
Hewlett-Packard 35.71%
Sony 28.57%
Dell 28.57%
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