Should I block it?

No, this file is 100% safe to run.

VersionsAdditional versions

4, 1, 0, 0 15.00%
3, 6, 8, 0 10.00%
3, 6, 7, 0 25.00%
3, 6, 5, 0 15.00%
3, 6, 5, 0 5.00%
3, 6, 2, 0 5.00%
3, 6, 1, 0 20.00%
3, 2, 0, 0 5.00%


PE structurePE file structure

Show functions
Import table
RegCloseKey, RegQueryValueExW, AdjustTokenPrivileges, LookupPrivilegeValueW, OpenProcessToken, RegCreateKeyExW, RegSetValueExW, RegDeleteValueW, GetUserNameW, GetCurrentHwProfileW, RegQueryValueExA, RegOpenKeyExA, RegOpenKeyExW
ImageList_Replace, ImageList_DrawEx, ImageList_Add, ImageList_Copy, ImageList_Create, ImageList_AddMasked, ImageList_SetOverlayImage, ImageList_ReplaceIcon, ImageList_GetImageCount, ImageList_Destroy, ImageList_SetImageCount, ImageList_GetIconSize, ImageList_Remove
ChooseFontW, CommDlgExtendedError, GetSaveFileNameW, GetOpenFileNameW, ChooseColorW
DwmIsCompositionEnabled, DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow, DwmGetColorizationColor, DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea, DwmSetWindowAttribute
SetViewportOrgEx, ExtCreateRegion, GetRegionData, GetTextExtentPoint32W, GetTextMetricsW, StretchBlt, SetStretchBltMode, Rectangle, SetDCPenColor, SelectClipRgn, CombineRgn, SetDCBrushColor, CreateCompatibleBitmap, CreateFontIndirectW, CreateCompatibleDC, SetLayout, SelectObject, GetStockObject, SetTextColor, GetTextExtentPointW, BitBlt, GetDeviceCaps, CreateDIBSection, CreateFontW, IntersectClipRect, GetObjectW, SetBkMode, DeleteDC, CreateRectRgn, DeleteObject
WaitForSingleObject, CreateThread, FreeLibraryAndExitThread, Sleep, GetTickCount, GlobalAddAtomW, SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, LockResource, LoadResource, FindResourceW, VirtualProtect, GetModuleHandleW, GetThreadPreferredUILanguages, LoadLibraryExW, GetModuleFileNameW, SizeofResource, FindResourceExW, DeleteCriticalSection, SetEvent, MultiByteToWideChar, GetFileAttributesW, SetThreadPriority, GetCurrentThread, CreateEventW, InitializeCriticalSection, DeleteFileW, MoveFileExW, LocalFree, FormatMessageW, GetFileInformationByHandleEx, CreateProcessW, CreateDirectoryW, GetTempPathW, CompareFileTime, CompareStringW, lstrlenW, GetEnvironmentVariableW, FindNLSStringEx, FindClose, FindNextFileW, FindFirstFileW, GetFileAttributesExW, MulDiv, LoadLibraryW, GetStringTypeW, GetStringTypeA, LCMapStringA, SetFilePointer, ReadFile, QueryPerformanceCounter, GetEnvironmentStringsW, FreeEnvironmentStringsW, GetEnvironmentStrings, FreeEnvironmentStringsA, GetStartupInfoA, GetFileType, SetHandleCount, GetModuleFileNameA, GetStdHandle, HeapCreate, LCMapStringW, FlushFileBuffers, GetConsoleMode, GetConsoleCP, WriteFile, GetModuleHandleA, ExitProcess, IsValidCodePage, GetOEMCP, GetACP, TlsFree, TlsSetValue, TlsAlloc, TlsGetValue, GetCommandLineA, RtlUnwind, IsDebuggerPresent, UnhandledExceptionFilter, HeapSize, HeapReAlloc, HeapDestroy, VirtualAlloc, VirtualFree, IsProcessorFeaturePresent, LoadLibraryA, HeapAlloc, GetProcessHeap, HeapFree, InterlockedCompareExchange, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime, EnumResourceNamesW, GetVersion, InitializeSRWLock, ReleaseSRWLockExclusive, AcquireSRWLockExclusive, ReleaseSRWLockShared, AcquireSRWLockShared, GetUserDefaultUILanguage, GetLocaleInfoEx, GetLocaleInfoW, WideCharToMultiByte, GetCPInfo, GetProcAddress, CreateFileW, GetLastError, ExpandEnvironmentStringsA, SetEndOfFile, CreateFileA, WriteConsoleW, GetConsoleOutputCP, GetCurrentProcessId, CloseHandle, TerminateProcess, FreeLibrary, SetLastError, GetCurrentThreadId, GetCurrentProcess, FlushInstructionCache, LeaveCriticalSection, EnterCriticalSection, RaiseException, InterlockedDecrement, InterlockedIncrement, WriteConsoleA, SetStdHandle, InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount, GetLocaleInfoA
NetApiBufferFree, DsGetDcNameW
RevokeDragDrop, CoTaskMemFree, CoUninitialize, CoInitialize, RegisterDragDrop, CoCreateInstance, CLSIDFromProgID, PropVariantClear, StgOpenStorageEx, StgCreateStorageEx
LresultFromObject, CreateStdAccessibleObject
GetPwrCapabilities, SetSuspendState
ExtractIconExW, ExtractIconExA, SHCreateItemFromParsingName, SHBindToFolderIDListParent, SHParseDisplayName, SHOpenFolderAndSelectItems, SHFileOperationW, SHGetNameFromIDList, SHCreateItemFromIDList, SHAssocEnumHandlers, SHGetPathFromIDListW, SHGetIDListFromObject, SHGetStockIconInfo, SHGetFileInfoW, SHGetDesktopFolder, SHGetKnownFolderIDList, SHCreateItemWithParent, SHBindToParent, SHGetKnownFolderPath, ShellExecuteW, ShellExecuteExW, SHAppBarMessage, DoEnvironmentSubstW
SHCreateStreamOnFileW, PathUnExpandEnvStringsW, PathRemoveBackslashW, SHAutoComplete, StrCmpLogicalW, StrRetToStrW, PathRemoveFileSpecW, PathAppendW, PathFindExtensionW, PathFindFileNameW
SetWindowTextW, SetDlgItemTextW, EndDialog, GetMenuDefaultItem, CharUpperW, SetProcessDPIAware, GetDC, ReleaseDC, GetIconInfo, GetAncestor, GetMessageTime, EnableWindow, GetPropW, CreatePopupMenu, AppendMenuW, EnableMenuItem, SetMenuDefaultItem, GetMenuItemCount, GetMessageW, GetActiveWindow, TrackPopupMenuEx, GetMenuItemInfoW, CheckMenuItem, DeleteMenu, InsertMenuW, GetMenuItemID, LockWorkStation, DialogBoxParamW, CreateDialogIndirectParamW, MessageBoxW, GetWindow, IsDlgButtonChecked, CheckDlgButton, SendDlgItemMessageW, GetForegroundWindow, RegisterClipboardFormatW, UnionRect, GetClassLongW, SetClassLongW, SwitchToThisWindow, GetDesktopWindow, GetShellWindow, SetCursor, ReleaseCapture, TrackMouseEvent, GetCapture, SetActiveWindow, LoadIconW, IsChild, SetCapture, UnregisterClassA, DestroyCursor, MapVirtualKeyW, GetKeyNameTextW, CreateIconIndirect, IsDialogMessageW, GetSystemMenu, GetWindowTextW, SetMenuItemInfoW, SetMenuInfo, TrackPopupMenu, DestroyMenu, BeginPaint, EndPaint, SetForegroundWindow, SendInput, GetWindowTextLengthW, GetClientRect, ExitWindowsEx, UpdateWindow, InvalidateRect, RedrawWindow, SetLayeredWindowAttributes, PostQuitMessage, AnimateWindow, AdjustWindowRect, GetDlgItemTextW, TranslateMessage, GetGUIThreadInfo, RegisterWindowMessageW, EnumWindows, DrawEdge, LockSetForegroundWindow, PeekMessageW, DispatchMessageW, GetFocus, GetParent, ChildWindowFromPointEx, MonitorFromPoint, IsWindowVisible, OffsetRect, EnumThreadWindows, SetFocus, ShowWindow, GetKeyState, FindWindowW, MonitorFromWindow, EnumDisplayMonitors, FindWindowExW, GetDlgItem, SetWindowsHookExW, UnhookWindowsHookEx, UnregisterHotKey, RegisterHotKey, GetAsyncKeyState, CallNextHookEx, IsWindow, MonitorFromRect, GetMonitorInfoW, GetWindowRgnBox, MapWindowPoints, GetWindowThreadProcessId, GetClassNameW, IntersectRect, SetWindowRgn, GetSystemMetrics, CallWindowProcW, GetWindowLongW, CreateWindowExW, RegisterClassExW, LoadImageW, SystemParametersInfoW, GetMessagePos, WindowFromPoint, FillRect, InflateRect, DrawFrameControl, DrawIconEx, GetSysColor, DrawTextW, UpdateLayeredWindow, DefWindowProcW, DestroyIcon, LoadCursorW, GetClassInfoExW, KillTimer, SetTimer, SetWindowPos, SendMessageW, DestroyWindow, SetWindowLongW, PtInRect, ScreenToClient, ClientToScreen, GetWindowRect, PostMessageW, NotifyWinEvent
CloseThemeData, DrawThemeBackground, SetWindowTheme, DrawThemeTextEx, OpenThemeData, IsAppThemed, EndBufferedPaint, BufferedPaintSetAlpha, BeginBufferedPaint, BufferedPaintInit, GetThemePartSize, BufferedPaintUnInit, EnableThemeDialogTexture
InternetOpenUrlW, InternetOpenW, InternetReadFile, InternetCloseHandle


Classic Shell by Ivaylo Beltchev (Signed)

Remove ClassicStartMenuDLL.dll
Version:   4, 1, 0, 0
MD5:   44a828d23618e21d85ab4dad049c1a17
SHA1:   0b273cc3abe9bbb1e80947d3f7de9f50970862b1


classicstartmenudll.dll is loaded as dynamic link library that runs in the context of a process. It is installed with a couple of know programs including Classic Shell published by IvoSoft, Snap.Do from ReSoft Ltd. and Snap.Do by ReSoft Ltd.. The assembly utilizes the .NET run-time framework (which is required to be installed on the PC). The file is digitally signed by Ivaylo Beltchev which was issued by the StartCom Ltd. certificate authority (CA).


File name:classicstartmenudll.dll
Product name:Classic Shell
Description:Classic Start Menu
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\classic shell\classicstartmenudll.dll
File version:4, 1, 0, 0
Size:3.22 MB (3,374,272 bytes)
Build date:4/20/2014 9:16 PM
Issued to:Ivaylo Beltchev
Authority (CA):StartCom Ltd.
Expiration date:Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Digital DNA
File packed:No
Code language:Microsoft Visual C# / Basic .NET
More details


The following programs will install this file
Acer Incorporated
11% remove
Office-Addin is part of the AcerCloud platform and is designed to integrate with Microsoft Office products (Word, PowerPoint and Excel) and to backup files to the cloud.
Acer Incorporated
27% remove
Dell Inc.
3% remove
Dell Edoc Viewer is pre-installed with various Dell PCs and is part of the Dell support system. Dell eDoc Viewer or Dell Document Viewer is a display tool that collects and displays all documents hardware and software installed on your Dell computer. This display shows documents in HTML and PDF formats and also supports many other document formats.
8% remove
Classic Shell is a collection of features that were available in older versions of Windows but are removed from Vista and Windows 7. It has a classic start menu for Windows 7. It adds a toolbar for Windows Explorer and supports a variety of smaller features. Classic Shell adds some missing features to Windows 7 and Vista like a classic start menu, toolbar for Explorer and others.
Linkury Ltd.
  81% remove
This is a potentially unwanted web browser extension this is distributed and installed by PINWID LTD, ReSoft LTD., MY POP SHOP LTD and Linkury. It will display advertisements including banners and popups in the user's web browser.
Microsoft Corporation
9% remove
ReSoft Ltd.
  85% remove
Snap.Do is a web browser addin/toolbar (depending on the browser it is installed within) that plugs into all the major web browsers including Internet Explorer, Chrome and Firefox. Snap.Do provides the standard generic toolbar features such as social integration for Facebook and Twitter as well as others. It also leverages the SimularSites engine to provide "recommendations". On installation it will modify the browser's home page and se...

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 8 Pro 30.00%
Windows 8 25.00%
Windows 8 Pro with Media Center 20.00%
Windows 7 Home Premium 10.00%
Windows 8.1 5.00%
Windows 8.1 Pro 5.00%
Windows 8 Single Language 5.00%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

United States installs about 35.00% of Classic Shell.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
Toshiba 24.00%
Lenovo 16.00%
Dell 16.00%
Hewlett-Packard 16.00%
ASUS 8.00%
Medion 8.00%
American Megatrends 4.00%
Samsung 4.00%
Acer 4.00%
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