VersionsVersions 5.65% 25.81% 1.61% 19.35% 3.23% 7.26% 18.55% 2.42% 6.45%
1.1.500.0 7.26%
1.1.500.0 2.42%



Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center by Microsoft Corporation (Signed)

Remove cplredirector.dll


There are 11 versions of cplredirector.dll in the wild, the latest version being The average file size is about 231.92 KB. The file is a digitally signed and issued to Microsoft Corporation by Microsoft Corporation. The programs Microsoft-Maus- und Tastatur-Center, Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center and Centro de Mouse y Teclado de Microsoft have been observed as installing specific variations of cplredirector.dll. The executable is a .NET framework assembly utilizing the CLR.

What is cplredirector.dll?

Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center is the Microsoft software driver for Microsoft's mice. It has been succeeded by Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center, which combines IntelliType with IntelliPoint. Depending on the software version and specific mouse product, users can define mouse buttons to run any executable program or file they desire and can even define buttons for different functions in chosen programs. IntelliPoint supports all known Microsoft mice, as well as generic 3/5-button mice.

About cplredirector.dll (from Microsoft Corporation)

Mouse and Keyboard Center helps you personalize and customize how you work on your PC. Tailor your mouse and keyboard to meet your unique needs and work style. Modify your mouse and keyboard settings


File name:cplredirector.dll
Publisher:Microsoft Corporation
Product name:Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\microsoft device center\cplredirector.dll
Issued to:Microsoft Corporation
Authority (CA):Microsoft Corporation
Expiration date:Saturday, October 26, 2013

ResourcesPrograms installed in

(Note, the programs listed below are for all versions of Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center.)
Microsoft Corporation
7% remove
Mouse and Keyboard Center helps you personalize and customize how you work on your PC. Tailor your mouse and keyboard to meet your unique needs and work style. Modify your mouse and keyboard settings ...
Microsoft Corporation
7% remove
Mouse and Keyboard Center helps you personalize and customize how you work on your PC. Tailor your mouse and keyboard to meet your unique needs and work style. Modify your mouse and keyboard settings ...
Microsoft Corporation
5% remove
Téléchargez le Centre Souris et Claviers pour tirer le meilleur parti de Windows 8. Le Centre Souris et Claviers vous permet de personnaliser la manière dont vous travaillez sur votre PC. Effectuez sa...
Microsoft Corporation
8% remove
Descargue el Centro de Mouse y Teclado para sacar el máximo partido de Windows 8. El Centro de Mouse y Teclado ayuda a personalizar la forma de trabajar en su PC. Modificar la configuración del mouse ...
Microsoft Corporation
1% remove
Baixar a Central de Mouse e Teclado para tirar o máximo proveito do Windows 8. A Central de Mouse e Teclado da Microsoft ajuda você a personalizar o jeito de trabalhar no PC. Fazer a transição rápida ...
Microsoft Corporation
5% remove
Transfira o Centro de Ratos e Teclados para tirar o máximo partido do Windows 8. O Centro de Ratos e Teclados ajuda-o a personalizar e adaptar o seu método de trabalho no PC. Modificar as definições d...
Microsoft Corporation
6% remove
Personalizzare mouse e tastiera in modo che soddisfino le tue esigenze specifiche e il tuo stile di lavoro unico. Modificare le impostazioni di mouse e tastiera per utilizzare più facilmente le funzio...
Microsoft Corporation
3% remove
Descargue el Centro de Mouse y Teclado para sacar el máximo partido de Windows 8. El Centro de Mouse y Teclado ayuda a personalizar la forma de trabajar en su PC. Modificar la configuración del mouse ...


(Note, the behaviors below are for all versions of cplredirector.dll, select a unique version for details.)
Approved shell extension
Located in the registry at 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved'
  • 'Device Center Control Panel Property Page' with CLSID {ACEF9F57-4DEF-4CC9-A2C0-7A158D967E63}

VersionsAll file variations of cplredirector.dll

MD5SHA-1File size
bab25fd048552fe12b45a7c46c6fb40f 6f01f4762532b0e6db6ade69c0147b02039d1295 265.7 KB
53648c86d09e0361311a654a768a9e7a 1572e492c6e7eac18ead1ba867ec4be5857695d9 254.7 KB
2f313a282ee427757b39afed233983a0 fdb5bf3b0fa150d054a6b8bd8fde1cb56353ae5b 201.7 KB
12c2938eb02faad52a588ce720fdd0f6 cdd39a3c8b981a216d51d4ffd73bfd9c8ec50bbb 254.63 KB
06bf7d169efc9c45a7f73c0186503368 8c372d1a5a9b4158205ecca2ca317c47110e01fd 202.11 KB
fe6b04058973b77fbc8271e41acd75cd 7243ba4982f33c65a8112a98a47ba2756b0faec9 202.13 KB
44a1c7ecce4320c1db1376cf4337e52f 00c76836da2fd16220015b5d49b923ba72dc9fad 255.13 KB
8b7ac598d820a7e227ee84f250e49606 8815eee59b438bba8043e362c847965a3e3ce859 202.16 KB
9145edd74510340f28ef3ab471ab0970 a7daa8a4be14d6f7eef61f603032dcc9e3467b92 255.15 KB
3685db87e33d623c25b44134631507a2 e2d9a6cd9395065e6c1825dcd7bbadb3d3e01816 253.08 KB
18087a950624a428dbded1a9e12a5056 d0569cba127fb67942cbc4cba432ba705aefe11e 204.58 KB

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Home Premium 39.84%
Windows 7 Ultimate 16.26%
Windows 8 Pro 14.63%
Windows 7 Professional 10.57%
Windows 8 5.69%
Windows 8.1 4.88%
Windows 8 Pro with Media Center 2.44%
Windows 7 Starter 1.63%
Windows Seven Black Edition 0.81%
Windows 8 Enterprise 0.81%
Windows 8.1 Pro 0.81%
Windows 8.1 Pro Preview with Media Center 0.81%
Windows 7 Enterprise 0.81%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

United States installs about 66.67% of Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
Hewlett-Packard 21.31%
Dell 18.03%
ASUS 14.75%
Lenovo 11.48%
Toshiba 9.84%
Acer 9.84%
Sony 6.56%
Samsung 1.64%
Alienware 0.82%
American Megatrends 0.82%
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