Should I block it?

90% of PCs block this file from running.
Possible reason:
Multiple malware detections

VersionsAdditional versions

d1a5e 6.45%
4a483 6.45%
c9847 3.23%
701de 3.23%
3a94a 6.45%
9e734 3.23%
f3610 9.68%
51bf8 9.68%
3808a 3.23%
65601 6.45%
e192b 3.23%
b144d 6.45%
24573 16.13%
5932e 3.23%
8ecad 3.23%
3eb9e 3.23%
21b1f 3.23%
344ad 3.23%
(Note, Bandoo Media publishes each variation of this file with the same version, but the hashes are unique.)


PE structurePE file structure

Show functions
Import table
RegSetValueExW, LookupAccountNameW, ConvertSidToStringSidW, RegCreateKeyExW, IsValidSid, ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorW, RegSetValueExA, RegEnumKeyExW, RegQueryInfoKeyW, RegCloseKey, RegQueryValueExA, RegQueryValueExW, RegOpenKeyExW
IsBadWritePtr, TlsGetValue, TlsSetValue, GetCurrentThreadId, TlsAlloc, GetCurrentThread, GetCommandLineW, CreateEventW, CreateSemaphoreA, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime, ReleaseSemaphore, OpenMutexW, PulseEvent, GetCurrentProcessId, WaitForMultipleObjects, GetProcessHeap, HeapFree, LocalFree, HeapAlloc, LoadLibraryA, DuplicateHandle, GetCurrentProcess, lstrlenW, CopyFileW, DeleteFileW, FreeLibrary, VirtualQuery, SetLastError, GetModuleHandleA, VirtualAlloc, InterlockedCompareExchange, ResumeThread, FlushInstructionCache, GetThreadContext, SetThreadContext, SuspendThread, WideCharToMultiByte, OpenEventW, lstrlenA, GetModuleFileNameW, Sleep, InitializeCriticalSection, DeleteCriticalSection, EnterCriticalSection, LeaveCriticalSection, GetVersionExW, AreFileApisANSI, SetFilePointer, SetEndOfFile, FlushFileBuffers, UnlockFile, LockFile, GetFileAttributesA, DeleteFileA, GetFileAttributesW, LoadLibraryW, QueryPerformanceCounter, GetTickCount, GetSystemTime, LockFileEx, GetTempPathA, GetTempPathW, FormatMessageA, FormatMessageW, GetFullPathNameA, GetFullPathNameW, GetDiskFreeSpaceA, GetDiskFreeSpaceW, CreateFileA, DeviceIoControl, WriteFile, ReadFile, GetLastError, GetFileSize, GetDateFormatA, CreateFileW, GetProcAddress, GetModuleHandleW, RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler, InterlockedExchange, VirtualProtect, IsBadReadPtr, AddVectoredExceptionHandler, SetEvent, CreateEventA, CloseHandle, WaitForSingleObject, GetTimeFormatA, MultiByteToWideChar, SetEnvironmentVariableA, InterlockedIncrement, InterlockedDecrement, GetStringTypeW, EncodePointer, DecodePointer, HeapDestroy, HeapReAlloc, HeapSize, TlsFree, OpenEventA, ResetEvent, SystemTimeToFileTime, SetWaitableTimer, CreateWaitableTimerA, GetUserDefaultLCID, GetStringTypeExA, LCMapStringA, LCMapStringW, GetCommandLineA, RaiseException, RtlUnwind, GetCPInfo, ExitThread, CreateThread, TerminateProcess, UnhandledExceptionFilter, SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, IsDebuggerPresent, ExitProcess, GetStdHandle, GetLocaleInfoW, IsProcessorFeaturePresent, HeapCreate, GetACP, GetOEMCP, IsValidCodePage, SetHandleCount, InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount, GetFileType, GetStartupInfoW, GetModuleFileNameA, FreeEnvironmentStringsW, GetEnvironmentStringsW, GetTimeZoneInformation, GetLocaleInfoA, EnumSystemLocalesA, IsValidLocale, GetConsoleCP, GetConsoleMode, SetStdHandle, WriteConsoleW, CompareStringW, FindClose, FindFirstFileW, lstrcpyW, lstrcatW, FindNextFileW, LocalAlloc
ZwClose, RtlCreateUserThread, NtQueryInformationProcess, NtAllocateVirtualMemory, NtFreeVirtualMemory
LoadStringA, GetWindowThreadProcessId, FindWindowExW
GetFileVersionInfoW, GetFileVersionInfoSizeW, VerQueryValueW
WTSQuerySessionInformationW, WTSFreeMemory


By Bandoo Media (Signed)

Remove datamngr.dll
MD5:   701de10a1390d1d67b3432491867b2b1
SHA1:   0310a60a916c6a0df24c0530f46e1a8ebdfd97b8
SHA256:   ca81a3db2123fd841b5196cd92d1974a52837ebc1b00fec2a3f78d68e0d77712
Warning 3 antivirus scanners has detected malware.

What is datamngr.dll?

Searchqu Toolbar is a browser add-on which adds various shortcuts and other buttons to your Internet browsers such as Internet Explorer, FireFox, Google Chrome. Some PC users may find such shortcuts useful but Searchqu Toolbar can be categorized as an unwanted program because it's deceptive ways of installation and not full uninstall procedures. When installed on your PC this toolbar by default will change your homepage to

About datamngr.dll (from Bandoo Media)

Windows Searchqu Toolbar is an Internet browser toolbar that offers helpful search suggestions as the user types keywords into the search box. Additionally, it catches misspelled words and suggests a


File name:datamngr.dll
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\Windows Searchqu Toolbar\Datamngr\datamngr.dll
Size:1.64 MB (1,723,320 bytes)
Issued to:Bandoo Media
Authority (CA):Thawte
Expiration date:Friday, November 2, 2012
Digital DNA
PE subsystem:Windows GUI
File packed:No
More details


The following programs will install this file
Bandoo Media Inc
  83% remove
The Searchqu Toolbar is a Bandoo powered toolbar (by Bandoo Media Inc) for Intenet Explorer and Firefox. Searchqu collects and stores information about your web browsing habits and sends this information to Conduit so they can suggest services or provide advertising via the toolbar. The Bandoo Searchqu Toolbar will attempt to change your home page and search provider if you are not careful during installation and provides a search box a...
Bandoo Media Inc
  88% remove
Windows Searchqu Toolbar is an ad-supported program installed into Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome. The programs collects and stores information about web browsing habits and sends this information to its remote servers in order to provide injected advertising in search results and various other places. It will also modify the browser's home page and search provider. It displays various pop-up advertisements and tracks and reports...

MalwareMalware detections

Based on 40+ industry antivirus scanners, 3 of them detected the following malware.
Antivirus engineEngine versionDetection
Emsisoft Anti-Malware Riskware.Win32.Toolbar.SearchSuite.AMN (A)
ESET NOD32 7.8175 a variant of Win32/Toolbar.SearchSuite
K7 AntiVirus 9.164.8447 Adware

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Ultimate N 29.03%
Microsoft Windows XP 19.35%
Windows 7 Home Premium 16.13%
Windows 7 Ultimate 16.13%
Windows 8 Pro 6.45%
Windows Vista Home Basic 6.45%
Windows 7 Home Basic 3.23%
Windows 7 Professional 3.23%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

United States installs about 37.93% of datamngr.dll.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
Toshiba 15.38%
Gateway 15.38%
ASUS 15.38%
Hewlett-Packard 15.38%
Dell 15.38%
Sahara 7.69%
American Megatrends 7.69%
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