Should I block it?

No, this file is 100% safe to run.

VersionsAdditional versions 4.76% 33.33% 4.76% 19.05% 4.76% 4.76% 4.76% 9.52%
3.1.13a.0 14.29%


PE structurePE file structure

Show functions
Import table
CryptAcquireContextA, RegCloseKey, GetTraceEnableFlags, GetTraceLoggerHandle, RegisterTraceGuidsA, UnregisterTraceGuids, GetTraceEnableLevel, RegSetValueExA, RegQueryValueExA, CryptHashData, CryptDestroyHash, CryptCreateHash, CryptGetHashParam, TraceEvent, CryptReleaseContext, RegOpenKeyExA, RegCreateKeyExA, RegEnumValueA, RegDeleteKeyA, RegDeleteValueA
CertFreeCertificateContext, CertFindExtension, CertCompareIntegerBlob, CryptDecodeObjectEx, CryptMsgClose, CertCreateCertificateContext, CryptMemFree, CryptMsgUpdate, CryptMsgGetParam, CryptMsgOpenToDecode, CertGetIssuerCertificateFromStore, CertVerifyValidityNesting, CertOpenStore, CryptMemAlloc, CertFreeCertificateChain, CertAddCertificateContextToStore, CertCompareCertificate, CertCloseStore, CryptMemRealloc, CertDuplicateCertificateContext, CertGetIntendedKeyUsage, CertNameToStrA, CryptMsgControl
LeaveCriticalSection, EnterCriticalSection, RaiseException, MoveFileW, CreateFileW, CopyFileW, Sleep, SetFileAttributesW, DeleteFileW, GetFileAttributesW, CompareFileTime, RemoveDirectoryA, MoveFileExA, CreateDirectoryA, DeleteFileA, InitializeCriticalSection, GetFileAttributesExA, CreateHardLinkA, CopyFileExA, CreateFileA, FindFirstFileA, DeviceIoControl, OpenEventA, PulseEvent, OpenProcess, GetWindowsDirectoryA, FindNextFileA, FindClose, WaitForSingleObject, GetFileSize, ReadFile, SetFilePointer, GetCurrentProcessId, SetEndOfFile, WriteFile, FileTimeToSystemTime, GetVersionExA, LoadLibraryA, CreateEventA, GetModuleFileNameW, LoadLibraryExA, GetCurrentProcess, DuplicateHandle, GetLastError, SetEvent, LoadLibraryW, LocalAlloc, LocalFree, CloseHandle, FreeLibrary, GetProcAddress, FindResourceExA, FindResourceA, LoadResource, LockResource, SizeofResource, DeleteCriticalSection, HeapDestroy, HeapAlloc, HeapFree, HeapReAlloc, HeapSize, GetProcessHeap, InterlockedExchange, InterlockedCompareExchange, TerminateProcess, UnhandledExceptionFilter, SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, IsDebuggerPresent, QueryPerformanceCounter, GetTickCount, GetCurrentThreadId, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime, lstrlenW, MultiByteToWideChar, WideCharToMultiByte, lstrlenA, DisableThreadLibraryCalls, InterlockedDecrement, SetFileAttributesA, InterlockedIncrement, GetThreadLocale, GetLocaleInfoA, GetACP, CreateMutexA, ReleaseMutex, ExitProcess, GetStartupInfoA, GetModuleHandleA, GetProcessWorkingSetSize, GlobalMemoryStatus, GetCurrentThread, GetThreadTimes, GetProcessTimes, GetLocalTime, CopyFileA, GetFileAttributesA, GetPrivateProfileSectionA, GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesA, WritePrivateProfileStringA, GetShortPathNameA, GetPrivateProfileStringA, InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount, EncodePointer, DecodePointer, FindResourceW, FindResourceExW
PathAppendA, PathFileExistsW
CharNextA, wsprintfA, CharPrevA, GetActiveWindow, GetCapture, GetClipboardOwner, GetClipboardViewer, GetFocus, GetOpenClipboardWindow, GetMessagePos, GetCaretPos, GetCursorPos, GetQueueStatus, GetMessageTime, CharToOemA
Export table


Symantec Definition Utilities by Symantec Corporation (Signed)

Remove DefUtDCD.dll
MD5:   a329ee5a003e92538df55d72caf17a80
SHA1:   7029bbfd2385b75082358318c2d9e96a53372072


defutdcd.dll is loaded as dynamic link library that runs in the context of a process. It is installed with a couple of know programs including Norton Security Scan published by Symantec Corporation, Norton Security Scan from Symantec Corporation and Norton Security Scan by Symantec Corporation. The file is digitally signed by Symantec Corporation which was issued by the VeriSign certificate authority (CA).


File name:defutdcd.dll
Publisher:Symantec Corporation
Product name:Symantec Definition Utilities
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\norton internet security\engine\\defutdcd.dll
File version:
Size:311.47 KB (318,944 bytes)
Issued to:Symantec Corporation
Authority (CA):VeriSign
Effective date:Monday, August 9, 2010
Digital DNA
PE subsystem:Windows GUI
File packed:No
Code language:Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0
More details


The following programs will install this file
SnadBoy Software
  52% remove
Symantec Corporation
  53% remove
Norton Security Scan is a software tool designed to help you understand if your computer is currently protected from known threats. Norton Security Scan will scan your computer and identify if there are existing viruses, worms, spyware, unwanted adware or Trojans residing on your computer. Norton Security Scan checks to see how your computer is currently protected. The software is sometimes bundled with various download managers (pay-pe...
Symantec Corporation
9% remove
Customers have embraced Symantec Endpoint Protection 12 faster than any previous release. In Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1.2, we've worked hard to further the Unrivaled Security, Blazing Performance and support for Virtual Environments. By layering technologies like Insight and SONAR, antivirus scans are reduced and maximum performance is achieved while stopping cyber-criminals and even zero-day threats in their tracks. Endpoint pro...
Symantec Corporation
1% remove
Basic antivirus protection that stops viruses and spyware, so you can safely go online and share. Five patented layers of protection quickly and accurately detect and eliminate viruses and spyware. Protects your privacy and prevents your passwords and identity from being stolen when you surf the Web. Deep clean your PC – our powerful Threat-Removal Layer targets and scrubs out aggressive, hard-to-remove infections that less sophisticate...
Symantec Corporation
21% remove
Norton Safe Web Lite provides a safer search experience by warning you of dangerous Web sites right in your search results, so you can search, browse, and shop online without worry. Norton Safe Web Lite is our FREE Web site rating service. It's designed to let you surf the Web, use search engines, and shop online in safety. Norton Safe Web Lite uses signature-based file scanning, intrusion detection engines, behavioral detection and in...
Symantec Corporation
50% remove
Powered by Norton 360 Technology. XFINITY Internet customers can now get the #1 ranked Norton Security Suite at no additional charge. Protects against viruses, spyware, Trojan horses, worms, bots, and rootkits. Blocks browser, OS, and application threats; protects against infected Web sites. Blocks phishing Web sites and authenticates trusted sites. Available at no extra cost to XFINITY Internet customers, Norton Security Suite protects...
Symantec Corporation
12% remove
Norton ™ Identity Safe is a password manager that makes logging into your favorite web sites easier, faster and more secure. Never again forget a user name or password. Ever. Stop filling in the same forms over and over. Warns you of unsafe sites right in your search results and blocks them. Stores your passwords and more in a secure, cloud-based vault that only you can access. Stop filling in the same forms over and over. Identity Saf...

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Microsoft Windows XP 33.33%
Windows 7 Home Premium 28.57%
Windows Vista Home Premium 14.29%
Windows 8 Pro 9.52%
Windows 7 Home Basic 4.76%
Windows 8 Pro with Media Center 4.76%
Windows 7 Starter 4.76%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

United States installs about 38.10% of Symantec Definition Utilities.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
Hewlett-Packard 30.77%
Toshiba 30.77%
Dell 15.38%
ASUS 15.38%
Acer 7.69%
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