Should I block it?

No, this file is 100% safe to run.

VersionsAdditional versions

9.0.30729.1 built by: SP 57.14%
6.00.8167 14.29%
6.00.8167 14.29%
6.00.8167 14.29%


PE structurePE file structure

Show functions
Import table
CryptDestroyHash, RegCloseKey, RegCreateKeyExW, RegOpenKeyExW, RegQueryValueExW, RegOpenKeyExA, RegQueryValueExA, RegDeleteKeyA, RegEnumKeyExA, RegCreateKeyExA, RegSetValueExA, CryptDestroyKey, CryptReleaseContext, AllocateAndInitializeSid, CheckTokenMembership, FreeSid, RegQueryInfoKeyW, RegEnumKeyW, RegEnumKeyExW, RegEnumValueW, RegSetValueExW, RegQueryInfoKeyA, RegDeleteValueA, CryptVerifySignatureA, RegDeleteValueW, CryptAcquireContextA, CryptImportKey, CryptHashData, CryptCreateHash, RegDeleteKeyW
CreateDIBitmap, CreatePalette, GetDeviceCaps, FrameRgn, CreateSolidBrush, SetStretchBltMode, RealizePalette, SelectPalette, CreateRectRgn, CreateRoundRectRgn, SelectObject, BitBlt, CreateCompatibleDC, DeleteDC, GetObjectA, SetTextColor, SetBkMode, CreateFontIndirectA, GetTextExtentPoint32W, MoveToEx, CreatePen, LineTo, TextOutW, DeleteObject
TransparentBlt, AlphaBlend
_strlwr_s, calloc, _vsnwprintf, wcscat_s, wcschr, memmove, _wfullpath, wcspbrk, _wtoi, _wcslwr_s, _set_purecall_handler, isprint, strrchr, _vswprintf_c_l, malloc, _callnewh, _localtime64_s, _time64, free, strftime, _stricmp, strcpy_s, fopen_s, _ultow_s, fclose, memcpy_s, wcsncpy_s, _resetstkoflw, _snwprintf_s, _wcsicmp, fprintf, wcsrchr, sprintf_s, _wcsnicmp, memmove_s, strnlen, _vsnprintf, _wtol, _crt_debugger_hook, _controlfp_s, _invoke_watson, _except_handler4_common, _decode_pointer, _onexit, _lock, __dllonexit, _unlock, __set_app_type, _wmakepath_s, _wsplitpath_s, fgets, _encode_pointer, __p__fmode, __p__commode, _adjust_fdiv, __setusermatherr, _configthreadlocale, _initterm_e, _initterm, _acmdln, exit, _ismbblead, _XcptFilter, _exit, _cexit, __getmainargs, _amsg_exit, memset, wcscpy_s, memcpy, _recalloc, strstr, strncpy_s, wcsstr, _purecall, vsprintf_s, _vscprintf, vswprintf_s, _vscwprintf, _ismbcspace, _mbsupr_s, _mbsrchr, _mbschr, _mbsstr, _mbsicmp, _mbscmp, _mbsinc, wcsnlen, swprintf_s
CLSIDFromString, IIDFromString, StringFromCLSID, CoTaskMemFree, CoInitialize, CoUninitialize, GetRunningObjectTable, CreateBindCtx, CoGetMalloc, CoCreateInstance, CoTaskMemRealloc, StringFromGUID2, OleInitialize, CoInitializeSecurity, OleUninitialize, CoReleaseMarshalData, CreateStreamOnHGlobal, CoMarshalInterface, CoDisconnectObject, CoTaskMemAlloc
SHFileOperationW, SHGetFolderPathW
SHSetValueW, SHCopyKeyW, SHRegGetValueW, PathRemoveFileSpecW, PathRemoveBackslashW, PathMatchSpecW, PathFileExistsW, PathCombineW, PathAddBackslashW, StrToInt64ExA, StrToIntExA, SHDeleteKeyW
CharNextA, LoadStringW, LoadBitmapA, CreateWindowExA, SystemParametersInfoA, GetSystemMetrics, SetWindowRgn, GetWindowRgn, UpdateWindow, MessageBoxA, DestroyWindow, GetWindowLongA, RegisterClassA, BeginPaint, GetDesktopWindow, GetDC, LoadImageA, LoadIconA, SetForegroundWindow, MessageBoxW, CharNextW, DrawTextW, ReleaseDC, DefWindowProcA, EndPaint, SetWindowLongA


Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 by Microsoft Corporation (Signed)

Remove devenv.exe
Version:   6.00.8167
MD5:   4f0af04245330ab3b3c19a34285165ca
SHA1:   b260b571cacd28558a2a8abe4ca834d67420a000
SHA256:   24def661b9f64ec4a56d4d66bf30580fd532c255ff66b46fcec535f467f11f99

What is devenv.exe?

Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft. It is used to develop console and graphical user interface applications along with Windows Forms applications, web sites, web applications, and web services in both native code together with managed code for all platforms supported by Microsoft Windows, Windows Mobile, Windows CE, .NET Framework, .NET Compact Framework and Microsoft Silverlight.

About devenv.exe (from Microsoft Corporation)

Microsoft Visual Studio is a powerful IDE that ensures quality code throughout the entire application lifecycle, from design to deployment. Whether you’re developing applications for SharePoint, the w


File name:devenv.exe
Publisher:Microsoft Corporation
Product name:Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2008
Description:Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\microsoft visual studio 9.0\common7\ide\devenv.exe
File version:6.00.8167
Size:258.27 KB (264,464 bytes)
Issued to:Microsoft Corporation
Authority (CA):Microsoft Corporation
Effective date:Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Expiration date:Sunday, February 22, 2009
Digital DNA
File packed:No
More details

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Ultimate 100.00%
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