Windows Error Reporting Service by Microsoft
This is a Windows system installed file with Windows File Protection (WFP) enabled.
ersvc.dll has 24 known versions, the most recent one is 5.1.2600.5512 (xpsp.080413-2108). The average file size is about 22.5 KB.
What is ersvc.dll?
Windows Error Reporting (WER) is a set of Windows technologies that capture software crash and hang data from end users. Through the Winqual website, software and hardware vendors can access these reports in order to analyze, fix and respond to these problems. WER technologies were originally implemented in Windows XP/Windows Server 2003, and are still a part of current Windows releases.
About ersvc.dll (from Microsoft)
“Microsoft sorts error reports received through Windows Error Reporting into virtual "buckets." A bucket is a categorization of all instances of a specific error associated with a particular version of”
File name: | ersvc.dll |
Publisher: | Microsoft Corporation |
Product name: | Windows Error Reporting Service |
Description: | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
Typical file path: | C:\Windows\System32\ersvc.dll |
(Note, the behaviors below are for all versions of ersvc.dll, select a unique version for details.)
Hosted services
Runs as a shared service under the Windows svcHost
- Shared name is 'ERSvc'
- Shared name is 'ERSvc'
- Shared name is 'ERSvc'
- Shared name is 'ERSvc'
- Shared name is 'ERSvc'
- Shared name is 'ERSvc'
- Shared name is 'ERSvc'
- Shared name is 'ERSvc'
- Shared name is 'ERSvc'
- Shared name is 'ERSvc'
- Shared name is 'ERSvc'
- Shared name is 'ERSvc'
- Shared name is 'ERSvc'
- Shared name is 'ERSvc'
- Shared name is 'ERSvc'
- Shared name is 'ERSvc'
- Shared name is 'ERSvc'
- Shared name is 'ERSvc'
- Shared name is 'ERSvc'
- Shared name is 'ERSvc'
- Shared name is 'ERSvc'
- Shared name is 'ERSvc'
All file variations of ersvc.dll
Distribution by Windows OS
OS version | distribution |
Microsoft Windows XP |
98.31% |
Windows 7 Home Premium |
1.69% |
Distribution by country
United States installs about 35.81% of Windows Error Reporting Service.
Distribution by PC manufacturer
PC Manufacturer | distribution |
Dell |
40.70% |
Toshiba |
10.47% |
Intel |
9.30% |
American Megatrends |
7.56% |
6.40% |
Hewlett-Packard |
5.81% |
Compaq |
4.65% |
Sahara |
4.07% |
Lenovo |
3.49% |
2.33% |
Acer |
1.74% |
Gateway |
1.16% |
Sony |
1.16% |
1.16% |