Should I block it?

No, this file is 100% safe to run.

VersionsAdditional versions

7, 0, 7, 0 40.00%
7, 0, 7, 0 20.00%
7, 0, 4, 17 20.00%
7, 0, 4, 17 20.00%


PE structurePE file structure

Show functions
Import table
RegQueryValueA, RegOpenKeyA, RegEnumKeyA, RegDeleteKeyA, RegQueryInfoKeyA, RegCreateKeyExA, RegSetValueExA, RegCloseKey, RegQueryValueExA, RegOpenKeyExA
GetStockObject, DeleteDC, ScaleWindowExtEx, SetWindowExtEx, SetViewportOrgEx, ScaleViewportExtEx, SetViewportExtEx, GetDeviceCaps, SelectObject, Escape, ExtTextOutA, TextOutA, RectVisible, PtVisible, DeleteObject, GetClipBox, SetMapMode, SetTextColor, SetBkColor, RestoreDC, SaveDC, CreateBitmap, OffsetViewportOrgEx
GetCommandLineA, HeapAlloc, HeapFree, HeapReAlloc, RtlUnwind, RaiseException, VirtualAlloc, ExitProcess, HeapSize, TerminateProcess, UnhandledExceptionFilter, SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, IsDebuggerPresent, GetACP, IsValidCodePage, SetHandleCount, GetStdHandle, GetFileType, GetStartupInfoA, FreeEnvironmentStringsA, GetEnvironmentStrings, FreeEnvironmentStringsW, HeapCreate, HeapDestroy, VirtualFree, QueryPerformanceCounter, GetTickCount, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime, InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount, GetConsoleCP, GetConsoleMode, LCMapStringA, LCMapStringW, GetStringTypeA, GetStringTypeW, SetStdHandle, WriteConsoleA, GetConsoleOutputCP, WriteConsoleW, GetOEMCP, GetCPInfo, CreateFileA, GetCurrentProcess, FlushFileBuffers, SetFilePointer, WriteFile, GlobalFindAtomA, lstrcmpW, GetVersionExA, GlobalFlags, WritePrivateProfileStringA, InterlockedIncrement, GetModuleHandleW, GlobalGetAtomNameA, SetErrorMode, TlsFree, DeleteCriticalSection, LocalReAlloc, TlsSetValue, TlsAlloc, InitializeCriticalSection, GlobalHandle, GlobalReAlloc, EnterCriticalSection, TlsGetValue, LeaveCriticalSection, LocalAlloc, InterlockedDecrement, GetModuleFileNameW, GetCurrentProcessId, GlobalAddAtomA, GlobalDeleteAtom, GetCurrentThread, ConvertDefaultLocale, EnumResourceLanguagesA, GetLocaleInfoA, LoadLibraryA, CompareStringA, InterlockedExchange, lstrcmpA, FreeLibrary, GetProcAddress, GetLastError, SetLastError, GlobalFree, GlobalUnlock, FormatMessageA, LocalFree, lstrlenW, lstrlenA, MultiByteToWideChar, GlobalLock, GlobalAlloc, GetModuleFileNameA, FindResourceA, LoadResource, LockResource, SizeofResource, WideCharToMultiByte, CloseHandle, SetEvent, OpenEventA, lstrcpyA, GetCurrentThreadId, lstrcatA, Sleep, GetEnvironmentStringsW, GetModuleHandleA
CoCreateInstance, CoUninitialize, CLSIDFromProgID, CoInitializeEx
ShellExecuteExA, SHAppBarMessage
PathFindFileNameA, PathFindExtensionA
DestroyMenu, ShowWindow, RegisterWindowMessageA, LoadIconA, WinHelpA, GetCapture, GetClassLongA, SetPropA, GetPropA, RemovePropA, IsWindow, GetDlgItem, GetTopWindow, DestroyWindow, GetMessageTime, GetMessagePos, MapWindowPoints, GetClientRect, CreateWindowExA, GetClassInfoExA, GetClassInfoA, RegisterClassA, AdjustWindowRectEx, CopyRect, DefWindowProcA, CallWindowProcA, GetMenu, SetWindowLongA, SetWindowPos, SystemParametersInfoA, IsIconic, GetWindowPlacement, GetDlgCtrlID, PtInRect, SetWindowTextA, ClientToScreen, GrayStringA, DrawTextExA, DrawTextA, TabbedTextOutA, LoadCursorA, GetDC, UnhookWindowsHookEx, SetWindowsHookExA, GetForegroundWindow, GetClassNameA, ReleaseDC, GetSysColor, GetSysColorBrush, UnregisterClassA, GetLastActivePopup, IsWindowEnabled, EnableWindow, MessageBoxA, SetCursor, GetMessageA, TranslateMessage, DispatchMessageA, GetWindowTextA, GetWindowLongA, PostMessageA, GetDesktopWindow, GetWindowRect, SendMessageA, FindWindowA, FindWindowExA, SetForegroundWindow, GetParent, GetSystemMetrics, GetScrollInfo, GetCursorPos, SetScrollInfo, GetWindow, GetWindowThreadProcessId, AttachThreadInput, GetFocus, CallNextHookEx, SendInput, GetActiveWindow, IsWindowVisible, GetKeyState, PeekMessageA, ValidateRect, SetMenuItemBitmaps, GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions, LoadBitmapA, ModifyMenuA, EnableMenuItem, CheckMenuItem, PostQuitMessage, GetMenuState, GetMenuItemID, GetMenuItemCount, GetSubMenu, SetMenu
VerQueryValueA, GetFileVersionInfoA, GetFileVersionInfoSizeA
DocumentPropertiesA, OpenPrinterA, ClosePrinter
Export table


ELAN Smart-Pad by ELAN Microelectronics Corporation (Signed)

Remove ETDApix.dll
Version:   7, 0, 4, 17
MD5:   c11c309a78faac9c1c6ff39576deab26
SHA1:   94a7fb2bb3635367e03eb787ff0850dd92b219f6
SHA256:   3a424e45e12479a30d7c277dfa6aabda29f49f24c45c00fbc2c33eab38d0bce1


etdapix.dll is loaded as dynamic link library that runs in the context of a process. This is typically installed with the program ETDWare PS/2-x64 published by ELAN Microelectronic Corp.. The assembly utilizes the .NET run-time framework (which is required to be installed on the PC). The file is digitally signed by ELAN Microelectronics Corporation which was issued by the VeriSign certificate authority (CA).


File name:etdapix.dll
Publisher:ELAN Microelectronics Corp.
Product name:ELAN Smart-Pad
Description:ETD Ware TSR Enhancements
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\elantech\etdapix.dll
File version:7, 0, 4, 17
Size:311.88 KB (319,368 bytes)
Issued to:ELAN Microelectronics Corporation
Authority (CA):VeriSign
Digital DNA
File packed:No
Code language:Microsoft Visual C# / Basic .NET
More details


The following program will install this file
ELAN Microelectronic Corp.
9% remove
ETDWare PS/2-x64 is the device driver installed for an Elan Microelectronics Touch Pad. ELAN's Smart Click-Pad eliminates the need of physical buttons since the entire touchpad functions as buttons. User can click almost anywhere on the touchpad to simulate the mouse left or right button click. It's different from traditional touchpad, because it can support multi-finger gesture to let the user interact with their laptop more intuitivel...

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Home Premium 40.00%
Windows 7 Ultimate 40.00%
Windows 7 Starter 20.00%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

Israel installs about 20.00% of ELAN Smart-Pad.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
Lenovo 57.14%
Samsung 42.86%
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