Should I block it?

No, this file is 100% safe to run.

VersionsAdditional versions

2, 1, 47, 5137 0.82%
2, 1, 43, 5119 20.49%
2, 1, 40, 5106 18.03%
2, 1, 39, 5101 5.74%
2, 1, 37, 5085 5.74%
2, 1, 33, 5071 15.57%
2, 1, 28, 5039 25.41%
2, 1, 27, 5031 0.82%
2, 1, 26, 5021 4.10%
2, 1, 21, 4846 2.46%
2, 1, 20, 4830 0.82%


PE structurePE file structure

Show functions
Import table
RegSetValueW, RegQueryValueExW, RegOpenKeyExW, RegSetValueExW, RegOpenKeyW, RegEnumKeyExW, RegFlushKey, RegCreateKeyA, RegCreateKeyW, RegCreateKeyExA, RegCreateKeyExW, RegDeleteKeyA, RegDeleteKeyW, RegDeleteValueA, RegDeleteValueW, GetFileSecurityW, SetFileSecurityW, OpenThreadToken, OpenProcessToken, GetTokenInformation, AllocateAndInitializeSid, EqualSid, FreeSid, RegSetValueExA, RegCloseKey, RegSetValueA, RegQueryValueExA, RegQueryValueW, RegQueryValueA, RegQueryInfoKeyW, RegQueryInfoKeyA, RegOpenKeyExA, RegOpenKeyA, RegEnumValueW, RegEnumValueA, RegEnumKeyExA
ImageList_Draw, ImageList_AddMasked, _TrackMouseEvent, PropertySheetW, DestroyPropertySheetPage, CreatePropertySheetPageW, ImageList_Destroy, ImageList_Create, ImageList_LoadImageW
GetSaveFileNameW, ChooseColorW, GetFileTitleW, GetOpenFileNameW
GetTextMetricsW, PtVisible, RectVisible, Escape, CreateDIBSection, GetDIBColorTable, GetDIBits, CreateRoundRectRgn, CreateEllipticRgn, ExtCreateRegion, OffsetRgn, SetViewportOrgEx, OffsetViewportOrgEx, SetViewportExtEx, ScaleViewportExtEx, SetWindowOrgEx, SetWindowExtEx, ScaleWindowExtEx, SelectClipRgn, ExcludeClipRect, IntersectClipRect, SetMapMode, GetViewportExtEx, GetWindowExtEx, CreatePatternBrush, CreateBitmap, GetMapMode, PatBlt, SetRectRgn, DPtoLP, GetTextColor, GetCharWidthW, LPtoDP, CopyMetaFileW, MoveToEx, LineTo, GetTextExtentPointW, CloseFigure, EndPath, GetPath, AbortPath, BeginPath, TextOutA, GetTextExtentPoint32A, CreateFontA, GetClipBox, SaveDC, CreatePen, RestoreDC, ExtTextOutW, GetCurrentObject, CreateFontIndirectW, PtInRegion, CreatePolygonRgn, FrameRgn, Polygon, EnumFontFamiliesExW, CreateSolidBrush, GetBkColor, StretchDIBits, CreateCompatibleBitmap, Rectangle, CreateRectRgn, BitBlt, GetStockObject, CreateRectRgnIndirect, CombineRgn, FillRgn, GetDeviceCaps, SetTextCharacterExtra, SetBkMode, CreateFontW, SetBkColor, SetTextColor, TextOutW, CreateCompatibleDC, StretchBlt, DeleteDC, SelectObject, GetTextExtentPoint32W, GetObjectW, ExtTextOutA, GetTextExtentPointA, CreateDIBitmap, DeleteObject
ImmGetConversionStatus, ImmSetConversionStatus, ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd, ImmGetContext
ReleaseStgMedium, RevokeDragDrop, CoLockObjectExternal, RegisterDragDrop, CoFreeUnusedLibraries, OleLockRunning, CLSIDFromProgID, OleCreate, OleSetContainedObject, CreateStreamOnHGlobal, OleGetClipboard, StgCreateDocfile, OleUninitialize, OleInitialize, CoRegisterClassObject, OleSaveToStream, StringFromGUID2, CoCreateInstance, CLSIDFromString, CoGetObject, CoCreateGuid, CoRevokeClassObject, CoRegisterMessageFilter, StringFromCLSID, CoTaskMemFree, CoLoadLibrary, CoFreeLibrary, CreateBindCtx, MkParseDisplayName, CoUninitialize, CoInitialize, OleLoadFromStream, StgOpenStorage, CoGetClassObject, StgOpenStorageOnILockBytes, StgCreateDocfileOnILockBytes, CoTaskMemAlloc, CreateILockBytesOnHGlobal, OleFlushClipboard, OleIsCurrentClipboard, OleDuplicateData
SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList, SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo, SetupDiGetClassDevsW, SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyW
DragAcceptFiles, Shell_NotifyIconW, DragQueryPoint, SHChangeNotify, SHFileOperationW, DragQueryFileW, DragFinish, SHAppBarMessage, ShellExecuteW, SHBrowseForFolderW, SHGetPathFromIDListW
GetFileVersionInfoW, VerQueryValueW, GetFileVersionInfoSizeW
HttpQueryInfoW, InternetReadFile, HttpSendRequestExA, InternetWriteFile, HttpEndRequestW, HttpOpenRequestA, HttpAddRequestHeadersA, HttpSendRequestA, InternetCloseHandle, InternetCanonicalizeUrlW, InternetOpenA, HttpOpenRequestW, HttpAddRequestHeadersW, HttpSendRequestW, InternetConnectW, InternetQueryDataAvailable, InternetOpenUrlW, InternetCrackUrlW, InternetSetCookieW, InternetSetOptionW, InternetCrackUrlA, InternetCreateUrlW, InternetAttemptConnect, InternetConnectA, InternetOpenW
mixerGetControlDetailsW, mixerSetControlDetails, mixerGetDevCapsW, mixerGetLineInfoW, mixerGetID, mixerOpen, mixerGetLineControlsW, mixerGetNumDevs, mixerClose, waveOutGetNumDevs
ClosePrinter, DocumentPropertiesW, OpenPrinterW


GOM Player by GRETECH (Signed)

Remove GOM.exe
Version:   2, 1, 20, 4830
MD5:   3b596e9a274e8c090079a8209918f597
SHA1:   79dbcf5a0dfbe1e61ffbe650920383b1e3d5e7b0
SHA256:   4dfcfa879ce07b3eaeb5edb707b43bbde470b385c5f343d964367775eebac184

What is GOM.exe?

GOM Player (Gretech Online Movie Player) is a 32/64-bit media player for Microsoft Windows, distributed by the Gretech Corporation of South Korea. It is the primary client player for South Korean GOM-TV, and is more popular in South Korea than any other media player. GOM Player will playback AVI, WMV, Matroska, QuickTime, MP4, 3GP, Google Video, Flash Video, VOB, Ogg, OGM, RMVB, MPEG-1, MPEG-2 formats of media files.

About GOM.exe (from GRETECH)

GOM Media Player is freeware video playback software developed by the South Korean company, Gretech Corp. Designed with both power and simplicity in mind, GOM Media Player is an ideal video player for


File name:GOM.exe
Publisher:Gretech Corp.
Product name:GOM Player
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\gretech\gomplayer\gom.exe
File version:2, 1, 20, 4830
Size:2.63 MB (2,761,960 bytes)
Issued to:GRETECH
Authority (CA):VeriSign
Effective date:Thursday, March 31, 2011
Expiration date:Saturday, March 31, 2012
Digital DNA
File packed:No
More details


Autoplay handlers
Runs under the registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\AutoplayHandlers\Handlers'
  • Handler name 'GOMPlayMediaOnArrival'
  • Handler name 'GOMPlayDVDOnArrival'
Scheduled tasks
  • The job '{EDA273B5-4E0D-4C44-9A15-D144F7E984F8}' runs on registration in the path '\{EDA273B5-4E0D-4C44-9A15-D144F7E984F8}'
  • Entry path '\{490C0669-9D76-4908-A302-65EE28638610}'

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Ultimate 55.74%
Windows 7 Home Premium 12.30%
Microsoft Windows XP 11.48%
Windows 7 Professional 9.02%
Windows 7 Home Basic 5.74%
Windows Vista Business 1.64%
Windows Vista Home Basic 1.64%
Windows 8 Pro 1.64%
Windows XP Professional 0.82%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

Indonesia installs about 14.29% of GOM Player.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
Dell 41.24%
Acer 12.37%
MSI 8.25%
Toshiba 8.25%
Hewlett-Packard 6.19%
ASUS 4.12%
Samsung 4.12%
American Megatrends 3.09%
Sahara 2.06%
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