
5.9.1005.12335 33.33%
5.9.1005.12335 33.33%
5.9.911.3589 33.33%



Google Desktop by Google

Remove googledesktopresources_fr.dll


There are 3 versions of googledesktopresources_fr.dll in the wild, the latest version being 5.9.1005.12335. The average file size is about 567.5 KB. Some variations of the file have been seen to be installed with the program Google Desktop from Google Inc.

What is googledesktopresources_fr.dll?

Google Desktop was desktop search software made by Google. The program allows text searches of a user's e-mails, computer files, music, photos, chats, Web pages viewed, and other "Google Gadgets". After initially installing Google Desktop, the software completes an indexing of all the files in the computer. After the initial indexing is completed, the software continues to index files as needed. Users can start searching for files immediately after installing the program.


File name:googledesktopresources_fr.dll
Product name:Google Desktop
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\google\google desktop search\googledesktopresources_fr.dll

ResourcesPrograms installed in

(Note, the programs listed below are for all versions of Google Desktop.)
Google Inc
27% remove
Google Desktop is a desktop search software that allows text searches of a user's e-mails, computer files, music, photos, chats, Web pages viewed, and other "Google Gadgets". After initially installi...

VersionsAll file variations of googledesktopresources_fr.dll

MD5SHA-1File size
805bb022b395bb4d7bfb7ac3f1182565 76f82793c5f2f962c50b7f45a79246e31e26d62e 567.5 KB
a6e15b318d3ab2e4f3e52d3e002e7202 fcf15a8b47a9c42b5939d194783f05950a611963 567.5 KB
de22b52e93838285726f1d8e816b66d9 c5c097cb6d8aaf990362ab9d3ce14758957c6ffb 567.5 KB
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