Should I block it?

No, this file is 100% safe to run.

VersionsAdditional versions

6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623) 2.71%
6.3.9431.0 (winmain_bluemp.130615-1214) 0.16%
6.2.9200.16384 (win8_rtm.120725-1247) 10.04%
6.2.8400.0 (winmain_win8rc.120518-1423) 0.10%
6.2.8250.0 (winmain_win8beta.120217-1520) 0.01%
6.2.8102.0 (winmain_win8m3.110823-1455) 0.04%
6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) 15.75%
6.1.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) 26.01%
6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205) 11.55%
6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205) 2.59%
6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205) 0.72%
5.2.3790.4110 (srv03_sp2_qfe.070702-2345) 20.42%
5.2.3790.4110 (srv03_sp2_qfe.070702-2345) 1.43%
5.2.3790.4110 (srv03_sp2_qfe.070702-2345) 0.01%
5.2.3790.4110 (srv03_sp2_qfe.070702-2345) 0.90%
5.2.3790.4110 (srv03_sp2_qfe.070702-2345) 0.10%
5.2.3790.4110 (srv03_sp2_qfe.070702-2345) 0.01%
5.2.3790.4110 (srv03_sp2_qfe.070702-2345) 0.10%
5.2.3790.4110 (srv03_sp2_qfe.070702-2345) 0.90%
5.2.3790.4110 (srv03_sp2_qfe.070702-2345) 0.19%
5.2.3790.4110 (srv03_sp2_qfe.070702-2345) 0.10%
5.2.3790.4110 (srv03_sp2_qfe.070702-2345) 0.01%
5.2.3790.4110 (srv03_sp2_qfe.070702-2345) 0.01%
5.2.3790.4110 (srv03_sp2_qfe.070702-2345) 0.01%
5.2.3790.4110 (srv03_sp2_qfe.070702-2345) 0.01%
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HTML Help by Microsoft

Remove hhctrl.ocx
Version:   5.2.3790.4110 (srv03_sp2_qfe.070702-2345)
MD5:   872995719dd767e782f5dc6facf7db45
SHA1:   2bc3ef63febad0e0184c1f2b46b95b5a2a61ab5e
This is a Windows system installed file with Windows File Protection (WFP) enabled.

What is hhctrl.ocx?

Microsoft Compiled HTML Help is a Microsoft proprietary online help format. It was introduced as the successor to Microsoft WinHelp with the release of Windows 98, and is still supported in Windows 7. Help is delivered as a binary file with the .chm. It contains a set of HTML files, a hyperlinked table of contents, and an index file.

About hhctrl.ocx (from Microsoft)

Microsoft® HTML Help is the standard help system for the Windows platform. Authors can use HTML Help to create online help for a software application or to create content for a multimedia title or Web site. Developers can use the HTML Help API to program a host application or hook up context-sensitive help to an application. As an information delivery system, HTML Help is suited for a wide range of applications, including training guides, interactive books, and electronic newsletters, as well as


File name:hhctrl.ocx
Publisher:Microsoft Corporation
Product name:HTML Help
Description:Microsoft® HTML Help Control
Typical file path:C:\Windows\System32\hhctrl.ocx
Original name:HHCtrl.ocx.mui
File version:5.2.3790.4110 (srv03_sp2_qfe.070702-2345)
Product version:5.2.3790.4110
Size:532.5 KB (545,280 bytes)
Build date:4/14/2008 7:05 PM
Digital DNA
File packed:No
More details


Safe for scripting controls
Marked as a safe ActiveX control for Internet Explorer (digitally signed with script execution permission)
  • Implemented as 'CLSID\{ADB880A6-D8FF-11CF-9377-00AA003B7A11}\Implemented Categories\{7DD95801-9882-11CF-9FA9-00AA006C42C4}'
  • Implemented as 'CLSID\{41B23C28-488E-4E5C-ACE2-BB0BBABE99E8}\Implemented Categories\{7DD95801-9882-11CF-9FA9-00AA006C42C4}'
  • Implemented as 'CLSID\{52A2AAAE-085D-4187-97EA-8C30DB990436}\Implemented Categories\{7DD95801-9882-11CF-9FA9-00AA006C42C4}'
Safe for initializing controls
  • {ADB880A6-D8FF-11CF-9377-00AA003B7A11}
  • {41B23C28-488E-4E5C-ACE2-BB0BBABE99E8}
  • {52A2AAAE-085D-4187-97EA-8C30DB990436}

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Home Premium 49.00%
Windows 7 Ultimate 18.00%
Windows 7 Professional 9.00%
Windows 8 Single Language 6.00%
Windows 8 Pro 6.00%
Windows 8 5.00%
Windows Vista Home Premium 3.00%
Windows 7 Home Basic 2.00%
Windows 8 Enterprise N 1.00%
Windows Seven Black Edition 1.00%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

United States installs about 50.51% of HTML Help.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
Dell 24.81%
Hewlett-Packard 18.60%
Acer 13.18%
ASUS 10.85%
Toshiba 10.85%
Lenovo 6.20%
Sony 6.20%
Intel 3.10%
Samsung 2.33%
Alienware 1.55%
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