Should I block it?
No, this file is 100% safe to run.
Additional versions
Parent process
Child processes
Related files
PE file structure
Show functions |
Import table
RegQueryValueExW, RegOpenKeyExW
GetFileAttributesExW, GetLastError, GetCommandLineW, LocalFree, GetModuleHandleW, GetProcAddress, VerSetConditionMask, VerifyVersionInfoW, LoadLibraryW, FreeLibrary, QueryPerformanceCounter, GetModuleFileNameW, GetCommandLineA, GetStartupInfoA, TerminateProcess, GetCurrentProcess, UnhandledExceptionFilter, SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, IsDebuggerPresent, GetCPInfo, InterlockedIncrement, InterlockedDecrement, GetACP, GetOEMCP, IsValidCodePage, TlsGetValue, TlsAlloc, TlsSetValue, TlsFree, SetLastError, GetCurrentThreadId, Sleep, ExitProcess, WriteFile, GetStdHandle, GetModuleFileNameA, FreeEnvironmentStringsA, GetEnvironmentStrings, FreeEnvironmentStringsW, WideCharToMultiByte, GetEnvironmentStringsW, SetHandleCount, GetFileType, DeleteCriticalSection, HeapCreate, VirtualFree, HeapFree, GetTickCount, GetCurrentProcessId, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime, LCMapStringA, MultiByteToWideChar, LCMapStringW, GetStringTypeA, GetStringTypeW, LeaveCriticalSection, EnterCriticalSection, GetLocaleInfoA, LoadLibraryA, InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount, HeapAlloc, VirtualAlloc, HeapReAlloc, RtlUnwind, HeapSize, HeapSetInformation, GetStartupInfoW, EncodePointer, DecodePointer, IsProcessorFeaturePresent
PathAppendW, PathRemoveFileSpecW
wsprintfW, MessageBoxW
iTunes by Apple Inc. (Signed)
Version: | |
MD5: | b1d252e989dc2701b264f493850d9999 |
SHA1: | 6e539924d012ccc6eee892fb795ee1ab5e26f591 |
What is iTunes.exe?
Apple's iTunes is a proprietary media player computer program, used for playing and organizing digital music and video files on desktop computers. It can also manage contents on iPod, iPhone and iPad. iTunes is an application that allows the user to purchase and manage audio and video on a personal computer, acting as a front end for Apple's QuickTime media player. Officially, using iTunes is required in order to manage the audio of an Apple iPod portable audio player.
About iTunes.exe (from Apple Inc.)
“iTunes is a free application for your Mac or PC. It lets you organize and play digital music and video on your computer. It can automatically download new music, app, and book purchases across all y”
File name: | itunes.exe |
Publisher: | Apple Inc. |
Product name: | iTunes |
Typical file path: | C:\Program Files\itunes\itunes.exe |
File version: | |
Size: | 9.34 MB (9,789,256 bytes) |
Build date: | 2/21/2014 6:50 AM |
Certificate |
Issued to: | Apple Inc. |
Authority (CA): | VeriSign |
Expiration date: | Tuesday, June 25, 2013 |
Digital DNA |
File packed: | No |
.NET CLR: | No |
More details
The following programs will install this file
Apple's iTunes is a proprietary media player computer program, used for playing and organizing digital music and video files on desktop computers. It can also manage contents on iPod, iPhone and iPad. iTunes is an application that allows the user to purchase and manage audio and video on a personal computer, acting as a front end for Apple's QuickTime media player. Officially, using iTunes is required in order to manage the audio of an ...
“Enabling VoiceOver for iPod allows you to hear the names of songs, artists, and playlists spoken when listening to content on your iPod. If you have the Apple Earphones with Remote and Mic or the In-Ear Headphones with Remote and Mic, you can also use VoiceOver to navigate playlists.”
“QuickTime Player 7 supports older media formats, such as QTVR, interactive QuickTime movies, and MIDI files on Snow Leopard and OS X Lion. It also accepts QuickTime 7 Pro registration codes, which turn on QuickTime Pro functions. QuickTime Player 7 will be installed in the Utilities folder in the Applications folder.”
“iPhone Configuration Utility lets you easily create, maintain, encrypt, and install configuration profiles, track and install provisioning profiles and authorized applications, and capture device information including console logs. Configuration profiles are XML files that contain device security policies, VPN configuration information, Wi-Fi settings, APN settings, Exchange account settings, mail settings, and certificates that permit ...”
“Project64 is a Nintendo 64 emulator for Windows by Zilmar, Jabo, Tooie and Witten. Project64 or PJ64 dates back to its first public release Project64 v1.0 in May 26th 2001. Project64 is an emulator designed to emulate a Nintendo64 video game system on a Microsoft Windows based PC. It creates an environment on your PC which real N64 software can run and be played in much the same way as it would be on the original hardware system. It has...”
“TeamSpeak 3 continues the legacy of the original TeamSpeak communication system previously offered in TeamSpeak Classic (1.5) and TeamSpeak 2. TeamSpeak 3 is not merely an extension of its predecessors but rather a complete rewrite in C++ of its proprietary protocol and core technology. With over nine years of experience and leadership in the VoIP sector, our engineers have created a flexible, powerful, and scalable solution granting yo...”
WinRAR is a file archiver and data compression utility that supports RAR, and ZIP and can unpack ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE, UUE, BZ2, JAR, ISO, EXE and 7z compressed archives. Version 5 uses the RAR5 archive format that cannot be managed by old versions of WinRAR. This format features a maximum 1GB dictionary (only in 64bit version), better multicore support, it removes multimedia, text and itanium binaries special compression algorithms.
Autoplay handlers
Runs under the registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\AutoplayHandlers\Handlers'
- Handler name 'iTunesShowSongsOnArrival'
- Handler name 'iTunesPlaySongsOnArrival'
- Handler name 'iTunesImportSongsOnArrival'
- Handler name 'iTunesBurnCDOnArrival'
Windows firewall allowed programs
Exceptions allow programs to access to the Internet through an outbound connections
- Firewall exception for 'C:\Program Files\iTunes\iTunes.exe'
- Firewall exception for '%ProgramFiles%\iTunes\iTunes.exe'
- Firewall exception for 'C:\Program Files\iTunes\iTunes.exe'
- Firewall exception for 'C:\Programas\iTunes\iTunes.exe'
- Firewall exception for 'C:\Program Files\iTunes\iTunes.exe'
Scheduled tasks
- The job '{F3AEADC8-A434-4F58-A614-F9EB83BFD2DD}' runs on registration in the path '\{F3AEADC8-A434-4F58-A614-F9EB83BFD2DD}'
- The task '{E14816D8-4565-4C1E-91D8-D35D77F7D086}' runs on registration in the path '\{E14816D8-4565-4C1E-91D8-D35D77F7D086}'
- The job '{BA35671A-E164-4CDB-8AFA-4BA20610576F}' runs on registration in the path '\{BA35671A-E164-4CDB-8AFA-4BA20610576F}'
- The task '{DF37C906-1A36-4CE3-BA8B-29279920361D}' runs on registration in the path '\{DF37C906-1A36-4CE3-BA8B-29279920361D}'
- The job '{A04CC4AC-8D64-423A-BC97-5374A4A28E27}' runs on registration in the path '\{A04CC4AC-8D64-423A-BC97-5374A4A28E27}'
- The job '{20CCCF81-3B96-4E6C-8D04-3781A4E79128}' runs on registration in the path '\{20CCCF81-3B96-4E6C-8D04-3781A4E79128}'
- The task '{C91F56F9-9128-42DC-B10F-F0E703F06055}' runs on registration in the path '\{C91F56F9-9128-42DC-B10F-F0E703F06055}'
- The task '{0FE53980-F953-454D-A549-45C6B3125142}' runs on registration in the path '\{0FE53980-F953-454D-A549-45C6B3125142}'
- The job '{BF90DF6D-E8A7-4A04-86DC-E01F8A10155D}' runs on registration in the path '\{BF90DF6D-E8A7-4A04-86DC-E01F8A10155D}'
- The task '{531C370D-DB09-455C-97D3-A57FE0F3716C}' runs on registration in the path '\{531C370D-DB09-455C-97D3-A57FE0F3716C}'
- Entry path '\{C821BC49-A2D3-40A2-A928-A60E052A2DF4}'
- Entry path '\{7D2D0C75-B15D-423E-B5B5-E25F65DC3E89}'
- Entry path '\{600C4C28-CB4A-4C49-9C10-C92AC50A8522}'
- Entry path '\{3233DD4D-0830-43D4-809C-AFCBE678EF2A}'
- Entry path '\{2019E0F0-94E9-4334-AF28-93FFC7C2B98C}'
- Entry path '\{C1FC636C-55A1-421F-B276-BD2F24EA833B}'
- Entry path '\{4C7C9802-FE50-4149-8C74-E4543C22BE54}'
- Entry path '\{1AA93A73-D1F8-4462-821C-EAC330E87478}'
- Entry path '\{FE7CE905-5B61-4D56-BBEF-AE727E346491}'
- Entry path '\{FD930DC4-9B48-4F96-8697-90B81271603E}'
- Entry path '\{F4789F39-CA20-44B8-B42F-61D2FCDA5865}'
- Entry path '\{DAA44757-E18B-40B9-BD2F-B19EA8094447}'
Resource utilization
(Note: statistics below are averages based on a minimum sample size of 200 unique participants)
Total CPU: | 0.09367562% | |
Kernel CPU: | 0.04089448% | |
User CPU: | 0.05278114% | |
Memory |
Private (maximum): | 394.57 MB | |
Private (minimum): | 70 MB | |
Process properties
Distribution by Windows OS
OS version | distribution |
Windows 7 Home Premium |
55.50% |
Windows 8.1 Pro |
16.00% |
Windows 7 Ultimate |
12.00% |
Windows 8 |
8.50% |
Windows 8.1 N |
4.00% |
Windows Seven Black Edition |
4.00% |
Distribution by country
United States installs about 63.50% of iTunes.
Distribution by PC manufacturer
PC Manufacturer | distribution |
Hewlett-Packard |
40.00% |
Toshiba |
24.00% |
16.00% |
Acer |
12.00% |
Alienware |
4.00% |
Samsung |
4.00% |