Should I block it?

No, this file is 100% safe to run.

VersionsAdditional versions

10.1.1652 11.29%
10.1.1646 1.61%
10.1.1640 1.61%
10.1.1622 8.06%
10.1.1622 1.61%
10.1.1622 1.61%
10.1.1622 1.61%
10.1.1622 1.61%
10.1.1622 1.61%
10.1.1586 4.84%
10.1.1586 1.61%
10.1.1586 6.45%
10.1.1586 12.90%
10.1.1586 24.19%
10.1.1586 1.61%
10.1.1586 3.23%
10.1.1586 1.61%
10.1.1586 4.84%
10.1.1586 1.61%
10.1.1586 1.61%
8.1.804 1.61%
8.0.782 1.61%
8.0.782 1.61%


PE structurePE file structure

Show functions
Import table
RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerW, StartServiceW, RegDeleteKeyW, QueryServiceStatusEx, SetServiceObjectSecurity, QueryServiceObjectSecurity, RegDeleteValueW, StartServiceCtrlDispatcherW, RegQueryValueExW, RegOpenKeyExW, RegCloseKey, SetSecurityDescriptorSacl, GetSecurityDescriptorSacl, SetSecurityDescriptorDacl, InitializeSecurityDescriptor, OpenProcessToken, LookupPrivilegeValueW, AdjustTokenPrivileges, SetNamedSecurityInfoW, FreeSid, RegEnumKeyExW, RegCreateKeyExW, OpenServiceW, CloseServiceHandle, ControlService, DeleteService, ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorW, SetNamedSecurityInfoA, RegSetValueExW, SetServiceStatus, GetSecurityDescriptorLength, CreateServiceW, ChangeServiceConfig2W, RegQueryInfoKeyW, OpenSCManagerW
SetBkMode, GetTextExtentPoint32W, BitBlt, DeleteDC, SelectObject, CreateCompatibleDC, DeleteObject, SetTextColor, CreateFontIndirectW, GetTextMetricsW, SetViewportOrgEx
GetCurrentProcess, LocalAlloc, GetModuleFileNameW, CreateProcessW, GetExitCodeProcess, CreateMutexW, OpenMutexW, ReleaseMutex, OpenProcess, TerminateProcess, MapViewOfFile, UnmapViewOfFile, GetLocalTime, SetEvent, CreateFileMappingW, OpenFileMappingW, GetCurrentThreadId, FlushInstructionCache, RaiseException, GetCurrentThread, GetCurrentDirectoryA, GetThreadContext, ResumeThread, GetVersionExA, SuspendThread, CreateToolhelp32Snapshot, Thread32First, Thread32Next, GetSystemDirectoryW, CreateEventW, ResetEvent, OpenEventW, WaitForMultipleObjects, GetCommandLineW, CopyFileW, FindFirstFileA, FileTimeToLocalFileTime, FileTimeToDosDateTime, CreateFileA, SetFilePointer, ReadFile, GetStdHandle, GetUserDefaultLangID, WideCharToMultiByte, GetCurrentProcessId, lstrcmpiW, LoadLibraryExW, HeapFree, CreateThread, lstrlenW, lstrcmpiA, SetErrorMode, GetVersion, GetModuleHandleA, TlsAlloc, TlsFree, TlsSetValue, TlsGetValue, LocalFree, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime, GetTimeZoneInformation, FileTimeToSystemTime, QueryPerformanceCounter, GetLocaleInfoA, GetACP, HeapSize, HeapReAlloc, HeapDestroy, InterlockedExchange, InterlockedCompareExchange, VirtualFree, VirtualAlloc, ExitThread, UnhandledExceptionFilter, SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, IsDebuggerPresent, DeleteFileW, DeleteFileA, GetDriveTypeA, MoveFileW, GetCommandLineA, RtlUnwind, LCMapStringA, LCMapStringW, GetProcessHeap, GetCPInfo, FindClose, FindNextFileW, FindFirstFileW, CreateFileW, GetLastError, SetLastError, GetTickCount, IsBadReadPtr, DeleteCriticalSection, InitializeCriticalSection, LeaveCriticalSection, EnterCriticalSection, InterlockedDecrement, GetStringTypeA, GetStringTypeW, HeapCreate, GetModuleFileNameA, GetOEMCP, IsValidCodePage, SetHandleCount, GetFileType, GetStartupInfoA, GetConsoleCP, GetConsoleMode, FlushFileBuffers, GetFullPathNameA, FreeEnvironmentStringsA, InterlockedIncrement, Sleep, LoadLibraryA, WaitForSingleObject, FreeLibrary, GetProcAddress, CloseHandle, CreateDirectoryW, GetFileAttributesW, WriteFile, FormatMessageW, MultiByteToWideChar, FindResourceExW, FindResourceW, SizeofResource, LockResource, LoadResource, ExitProcess, GetEnvironmentStrings, FreeEnvironmentStringsW, GetEnvironmentStringsW, GetUserDefaultLCID, EnumSystemLocalesA, IsValidLocale, WriteConsoleA, GetConsoleOutputCP, WriteConsoleW, SetStdHandle, GetLocaleInfoW, SetEndOfFile, CompareStringA, CompareStringW, SetEnvironmentVariableA, GetThreadLocale, HeapAlloc, IsProcessorFeaturePresent, DllMain
CLSIDFromProgID, OleRun, CoUninitialize, CoInitializeEx, CoInitializeSecurity, CoResumeClassObjects, CoSuspendClassObjects, CoRevokeClassObject, CoRegisterClassObject, CoTaskMemFree, CoTaskMemAlloc, CoTaskMemRealloc, StringFromGUID2, CoCreateInstance
LoadStringW, CharUpperW, PostThreadMessageW, MessageBoxW, CharNextW, SystemParametersInfoW, MoveWindow, RegisterClassExW, GetClassInfoExW, EnableWindow, CreateWindowExW, ScrollWindowEx, UpdateWindow, CharNextExA, GetScrollInfo, SetScrollPos, LoadIconW, ShowWindow, CreateDialogParamW, DialogBoxParamW, EndPaint, BeginPaint, LoadCursorW, CallWindowProcW, DefWindowProcW, GetParent, DrawTextW, SetCursor, DestroyCursor, GetWindowLongW, SetScrollInfo, InvalidateRect, SetWindowLongW, DrawTextExW, GetDlgItemTextW, MapWindowPoints, ClientToScreen, GetClientRect, GetWindowRect, GetDlgItem, SetWindowPos, SetActiveWindow, GetWindow, SetDlgItemTextW, SetWindowTextW, ReleaseDC, SendMessageW, GetDC, GetDesktopWindow, EndDialog, PostMessageW, IsDialogMessageW, TranslateMessage, DestroyWindow, DispatchMessageW, GetMessageW, IsWindow, UnregisterClassA, OffsetRect, PeekMessageW, PostQuitMessage, UnregisterClassW
VerQueryValueW, GetFileVersionInfoW, GetFileVersionInfoSizeW
InternetErrorDlg, InternetCloseHandle, InternetReadFile, HttpQueryInfoA, InternetSetOptionW, InternetQueryOptionW, HttpSendRequestA, HttpOpenRequestA, InternetConnectA, InternetOpenA
Export table


LMIGuardianDll by LogMeIn (Signed)

Remove LMIGuardianDll.dll
Version:   10.1.1622
MD5:   b974cb81a62c68f33a0b0f38603153a6
SHA1:   6336e7f09059a69bc73e3056651be6e2bb1b0e5e
SHA256:   6d03b4709f7d1e7e1669ce39395c3c8da8802a8e73f5fe13c721a866aa458691

What is LMIGuardianDll.dll?

LogMeIn remote access products use a proprietary remote desktop protocol that is transmitted via SSL. Users access remote desktops using either the LogMeIn Ignition stand-alone application or a web portal. The service connects the remote desktop and the local computer using SSL over TCP or UDP and utilizing NAT traversal techniques to achieve peer-to-peer connectivity when available.

About LMIGuardianDll.dll (from LogMeIn)

Consumers and mobile workers use LogMeIn solutions to access and back up their remote computers online. Users have multiple options for remote desktop control, including access from a Windows PC, lapt


File name:lmiguardiandll.dll
Publisher:LogMeIn, Inc.
Product name:LMIGuardianDll
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\logmein\x64\lmiguardiandll.dll
File version:10.1.1622
Size:1.17 MB (1,222,984 bytes)
Build date:11/30/2012 3:15 AM
Issued to:LogMeIn
Authority (CA):VeriSign
Effective date:Monday, October 5, 2009
Expiration date:Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Digital DNA
File packed:No
Code language:Microsoft Visual C# / Basic .NET
More details


The following programs will install this file
27% remove
This package installs Microsoft fixes and enhancements for the Microsoft 7 Operating Systems, as well as providing other fixes and enhancements that are specific to the listed notebook models. These fixes and enhancements are required to improve the performance of these notebook models.
24% remove
This package installs Microsoft fixes and enhancements for the Microsoft 7 Operating Systems, as well as providing other fixes and enhancements that are specific to the listed notebook models. These fixes and enhancements are required to improve the performance of these notebook models.
LogMeIn, Inc.
1% remove
LogMeIn remote access products use a proprietary remote desktop protocol that is transmitted via SSL. An SSL certificate is created for each remote desktop and is used to cryptographically secure communications between the remote desktop and the accessing computer. Users access remote desktops using either the LogMeIn Ignition stand-alone application or a web portal. The web portal requires either an ActiveX plugin for Internet Explorer...


ActiveX install
  • {254AA86E-5655-4518-AA87-185D7CC41801}

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Home Premium 42.62%
Windows 7 Professional 14.75%
Microsoft Windows XP 14.75%
Windows 7 Ultimate 9.84%
Windows Vista Home Premium 4.92%
Windows 8.1 3.28%
Windows 8 Single Language 1.64%
Windows 8.1 Pro 1.64%
Windows 8 Pro with Media Center 1.64%
Windows 8 Pro 1.64%
Windows 7 Enterprise 1.64%
Windows 8 1.64%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

United States installs about 60.66% of LMIGuardianDll.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
Dell 46.67%
Lenovo 10.00%
Hewlett-Packard 8.33%
Acer 8.33%
ASUS 6.67%
Sony 6.67%
Toshiba 6.67%
MSI 3.33%
Samsung 1.67%
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