Should I block it?
45% of PCs block this file from running.
Possible reason:
Performance resource utilization
Additional versions
Child process
Related files
PE file structure
Show functions |
Import table
IsDebuggerPresent, GetCurrentProcess, TerminateProcess, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime, GetCurrentProcessId, GetCurrentThreadId, GetTickCount, QueryPerformanceCounter, SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, GetStartupInfoA, InterlockedCompareExchange, Sleep, InterlockedExchange, HeapAlloc, IsBadReadPtr, SetLastError, GetProcessHeap, HeapFree, VirtualFree, VirtualProtect, VirtualAlloc, FreeLibrary, GetModuleHandleA, OutputDebugStringA, GetFullPathNameA, LoadLibraryA, GetProcAddress, UnmapViewOfFile, CreateFileA, GetFileSize, CreateFileMappingA, CloseHandle, MapViewOfFile, FindResourceA, LoadResource, LockResource, GetModuleFileNameA, GetLastError, FormatMessageA, LocalFree, lstrlenA, UnhandledExceptionFilter
GetFocus, MessageBoxA
Powersuite Monitor by Uniblue Systems (Signed)
Version: | |
MD5: | ca99cf7a269d05e8da0bb88115185d06 |
SHA1: | f31c4431abf34e82bab9b55c2257157624d783e9 |
SHA256: | 53fceb59a47ecc7df657b9ba4d3376f56c2cfcf8fa6a80fbc4351be3baa9252e |
What is powersuite_monitor.exe?
Powersuite Monitor runs at PC boot time and is designed to automatically check the status of Powersuite as well as the PC.
About powersuite_monitor.exe (from Uniblue Systems)
“Without expert care, your computer is vulnerable to speed and stability problems. Monitoring and maintaining your PC isn’t the easiest of technical tasks. Equipped with a comprehensive performance so”
File name: | powersuite_monitor.exe |
Publisher: | Uniblue Systems Ltd |
Product name: | Powersuite Monitor |
Description: | Uniblue Powersuite Monitor |
Typical file path: | C:\Program Files\uniblue\powersuite\powersuite_monitor.exe |
File version: | |
Size: | 316.27 KB (323,864 bytes) |
Build date: | 11/10/2008 10:40 AM |
Certificate |
Issued to: | Uniblue Systems |
Authority (CA): | VeriSign |
Expiration date: | Sunday, May 5, 2013 |
Digital DNA |
PE subsystem: | Windows GUI |
File packed: | No |
Code language: | Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0 |
.NET CLR: | No |
More details
The following programs will install this file
“Boost your PC and keep it running at its best with Uniblue's full performance solution, Powersuite. Optimize your PC; gain more speed and stability, as well as better performance and maintenance in one easy-to-use package. With one click, start a full system scan to discover how to optimize your system and identify refinements that can be made, such as removing invalid registry entries, unused processes, junk files and outdated drivers;...”
“Equipped with a comprehensive performance solution, you will be surprised how quickly and effectively the job can get done. Powersuite will clean up junk files and old backups, as well as compress large files to gain space. Get your files organized to enhance file access speed. Powersuite offers a complete PC performance management experience, including cleaning, optimization and monitoring.”
“Boost your PC and keep it running at its best with Uniblue's full performance solution, Powersuite. Optimize your PC; gain more speed and stability, as well as better performance and maintenance in one easy-to-use package. With one click, start a full system scan to discover how to optimize your system and identify refinements that can be made, such as removing invalid registry entries, unused processes, junk files and outdated drivers;...”
Startup files (all users) run
Runs under the registry key 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run'
- 'Powersuite Monitor' → "C:\Program Files\Uniblue\Powersuite\powersuite_monitor.exe"
Scheduled tasks
- The task 'powersuite_monitor' runs on logon in the path '\powersuite_monitor'
- Entry path 'C:\WINDOWS\Tasks\powersuite_monitor.job'
- Entry path '\powersuite_monitor'
Scheduled tasks startups
Set to load on user login (bypasses Windows UAC if enabled)
- Login entry path 'C:\WINDOWS\Tasks\powersuite_monitor.job'
- Login entry path '\powersuite_monitor'
Resource utilization
(Note: statistics below are averages based on a minimum sample size of 200 unique participants)
Total CPU: | 0.04912073% | |
Kernel CPU: | 0.01981543% | |
User CPU: | 0.02930530% | |
Kernel CPU time: | 523 ms/min | |
Context switches: | 163/sec | |
Memory |
Private memory: | 35.62 MB | |
Private (maximum): | 43 MB | |
Private (minimum): | 8.27 MB | |
Non-paged memory: | 35.62 MB | |
Virtual memory: | 201.8 MB | |
Virtual memory (peak): | 213.2 MB | |
Working set: | 9.61 MB | |
Working set (peak): | 50.59 MB | |
Page faults: | 51,558/min | |
Resource allocations |
Threads: | 12 | |
Handles: | 374 | |
GUI GDI count: | 50 | |
GUI GDI peak: | 52 | |
GUI USER count: | 22 | |
GUI USER peak: | 23 | |
Process properties
Integrety level: | Undefined |
Platform: | 64-bit |
Command lines: |
- "C:\Program Files\uniblue\powersuite\powersuite_monitor.exe"
- "C:\Program Files\uniblue\powersuite\powersuite_monitor.exe" -i
Owner: | User |
Parent process: | taskeng.exe (Task Scheduler Engine by Microsoft) |
Distribution by Windows OS
OS version | distribution |
Windows 7 Home Premium |
22.92% |
Windows 8 Pro |
18.75% |
Windows 8 Pro with Media Center |
10.42% |
Windows 8.1 |
8.33% |
Windows 8 |
8.33% |
Windows 7 Ultimate |
6.25% |
Windows Vista Business |
6.25% |
Windows Vista Home Premium |
6.25% |
Microsoft Windows XP |
6.25% |
Windows 8.1 Pro with Media Center |
2.08% |
Windows 7 Professional |
2.08% |
Windows 7 Ultimate N |
2.08% |
Distribution by country
United States installs about 41.67% of Powersuite Monitor.
Distribution by PC manufacturer
PC Manufacturer | distribution |
Hewlett-Packard |
43.59% |
Dell |
25.64% |
Toshiba |
15.38% |
Acer |
7.69% |
5.13% |
2.56% |