Should I block it?

No, this file is 100% safe to run.

VersionsAdditional versions 12.00% 20.00% 4.00% 8.00% 4.00% 4.00% 12.00% 8.00% 4.00% 8.00% 16.00%


PE structurePE file structure

Show functions
Import table
RegCloseKey, RegOpenKeyExW, RegQueryValueExW
PageSetupDlgW, GetSaveFileNameW, GetOpenFileNameW, PrintDlgExW
GdiFlush, SelectObject, CreateDIBSection, CreateCompatibleDC, DeleteDC, GetDIBits, CreateBitmap, BitBlt, CreateCompatibleBitmap, GetRegionData, CreateRectRgn, CreateEllipticRgn, GetNearestPaletteIndex, GetPaletteEntries, CreatePalette, ResetDCW, ExtTextOutW, SetWorldTransform, SetGraphicsMode, SetBkMode, SetTextAlign, EndDoc, EndPage, AbortDoc, StartPage, GetBkMode, SetTextColor, CreatePen, GetDeviceCaps, GetTextFaceW, RestoreDC, StretchBlt, SaveDC, CreateDCW, StartDocW, SetPolyFillMode, EndPath, MoveToEx, CloseFigure, LineTo, PolyBezierTo, BeginPath, FillPath, StrokePath, ExtCreatePen, SelectClipPath, SelectClipRgn, GetFontData, CreateFontIndirectW, GetTextMetricsW, EnumFontFamiliesExW, GetOutlineTextMetricsW, GetGlyphOutlineW, GetTextExtentPoint32W, GetCharABCWidthsFloatW, GetCharABCWidthsW, CombineRgn, OffsetRgn, PtInRegion, SelectPalette, DeleteObject, RealizePalette, GetStockObject, CreateSolidBrush, GetObjectW, GetCharABCWidthsI
ImmGetCompositionStringW, ImmSetCompositionFontW, ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd, ImmGetContext, ImmReleaseContext, ImmNotifyIME, ImmAssociateContext, ImmSetCandidateWindow, ImmSetCompositionWindow
SetErrorMode, GetLastError, GetLocaleInfoW, GlobalUnlock, GlobalLock, GlobalAlloc, lstrlenW, GetProcessHeap, HeapFree, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime, GetCurrentProcessId, GetCurrentThreadId, GetTickCount, QueryPerformanceCounter, DisableThreadLibraryCalls, IsDebuggerPresent, SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, UnhandledExceptionFilter, GetCurrentProcess, TerminateProcess, InterlockedCompareExchange, Sleep, InterlockedExchange, OpenProcess, VirtualAllocEx, ReadProcessMemory, VirtualFreeEx, CreateProcessW, ExpandEnvironmentStringsW, IsValidLanguageGroup, IsValidLocale, GetDriveTypeW, InterlockedDecrement, FindFirstFileW, FindClose, GetVolumeInformationW, LoadLibraryW, lstrcmpW, GetUserDefaultLangID, GetProfileStringW, GlobalFree, GetModuleHandleW, CreateThread, SetEvent, WaitForSingleObject, ReleaseMutex, CloseHandle, CreateMutexW, CreateEventW, GlobalSize, GetProcAddress, LocalFree, GetLongPathNameW, lstrlenA, ExitProcess, GetStartupInfoW
OleIsCurrentClipboard, OleFlushClipboard, OleSetClipboard, ReleaseStgMedium, OleUninitialize, OleInitialize, CoCreateGuid, StringFromGUID2, DoDragDrop, CoTaskMemFree, RegisterDragDrop, CoLockObjectExternal, RevokeDragDrop, CoCreateInstance, CoGetMalloc, CoInitialize, OleGetClipboard
Shell_NotifyIconW, ShellExecuteW, SHGetFileInfoW
FindWindowW, FindWindowExW, GetWindowThreadProcessId, MapWindowPoints, DestroyCaret, SetCaretPos, CreateCaret, HideCaret, TranslateMessage, GetKeyboardLayoutList, RegisterWindowMessageW, LoadIconW, GetIconInfo, DrawIconEx, GetMenu, GetKeyboardState, SetMenuItemInfoW, TrackPopupMenuEx, MapVirtualKeyW, ToAscii, ToUnicode, GetKeyboardLayout, GetDesktopWindow, CreateWindowExW, GetSystemMenu, EnableMenuItem, SetParent, ValidateRgn, GetClientRect, GetWindowPlacement, SetWindowPlacement, GetWindowRect, DestroyWindow, MoveWindow, IsWindowVisible, ShowWindow, IsZoomed, SetWindowsHookExW, SetWindowTextW, SetWindowRgn, SetForegroundWindow, UnhookWindowsHookEx, AdjustWindowRectEx, DestroyIcon, ScrollWindowEx, UpdateWindow, CallNextHookEx, GetClipboardFormatNameW, RegisterClipboardFormatW, CreateCursor, CreateIconIndirect, SetCursorPos, DestroyCursor, SetClipboardViewer, ChangeClipboardChain, GetClassInfoW, LoadImageW, GetSysColorBrush, RegisterClassW, ClientToScreen, GetSystemMetrics, GetWindowRgn, InvalidateRect, UnregisterClassW, GetCursorPos, SendMessageW, ClipCursor, IsIconic, GetUpdateRect, InvalidateRgn, BeginPaint, EndPaint, ScreenToClient, SetWindowPos, GetSysColor, SetCapture, GetDoubleClickTime, SetDoubleClickTime, SetCaretBlinkTime, PeekMessageW, PostMessageW, GetKeyState, ReleaseCapture, SetCursor, GetCaretBlinkTime, FlashWindowEx, MessageBeep, WindowFromPoint, GetParent, ReleaseDC, GetDC, GetWindowLongW, SetWindowLongW, GetActiveWindow, GetFocus, SetFocus, SystemParametersInfoW, IsChild, DefWindowProcW, GetAsyncKeyState, RegisterClassExW
ClosePrinter, OpenPrinterW, GetPrinterW, DeviceCapabilitiesW, EnumPrintersW, EnumFormsW


Qt4 by ArcSoft (Signed)

Remove QtGui4.dll
MD5:   5b1ab882d65205945c078b0880df4390
SHA1:   689b0b95e07e288afc0774a0103dd9f795051aeb
SHA256:   fc79897378591d7183dfe2265618f75cf9569106de582f11eb91be4003941eaf


qtgui4.dll is loaded as dynamic link library that runs in the context of a process. It is installed with a couple of know programs including TeamSpeak 3 Client published by TeamSpeak Systems GmbH, TeamSpeak 3 Client from TeamSpeak Systems GmbH and TeamSpeak 3 Client by TeamSpeak Systems GmbH. The file is digitally signed by ArcSoft which was issued by the VeriSign certificate authority (CA).


File name:qtgui4.dll
Publisher:Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies)
Product name:Qt4
Description:C++ application development framework.
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\dell\stage remote\qtgui4.dll
File version:
Size:7.67 MB (8,040,960 bytes)
Issued to:ArcSoft
Authority (CA):VeriSign
Digital DNA
PE subsystem:Windows GUI
File packed:No
Code language:Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0
More details


The following programs will install this file
4% remove
BitTorrent Inc.
8% remove
µTorrent is a is a free, ad-supported, lighter-weight BitTorrent client designed to consume less resources then the full BitTorrent version. Some uTorrent installs include potentially unwanted programs in the form of the Conduit Engine, which installs a toolbar, and makes homepage and default search engine changes to a user's web browser.
DevPro, LLC
1% remove
Disney Interactive Studios
5% remove
Play Disney Infinity on your PC! You have the freedom to explore, take adventures, and create your own worlds with your favorite Disney and Disney/Pixar characters. Visit Toy Box Share to download and play amazing Toy Boxes created by the Disney Infinity community.
Flagship Industries, Inc.
9% remove
Ventrilo is comprised of two primary Components: The Client that every end user will need to download, and the Server. Only one person needs to host a Server that all of the other Clients will connect to. You can turn on and off the title bar, display the large buttons on the right or switch to toolbar mode with icons on the top to maximize the usable width of the window. Extended mode which hides the User Name, Server and Bindings opti...
3% remove
CCleaner developed by Piriform, is a utility program used to clean potentially unwanted files and invalid Windows Registry entries from a computer. CCleaner supports the cleaning of temporary or potentially unwanted files left by certain programs along with browsing history, cookies, recycle bin, memory dumps, file fragments, log files, system caches, application data, autocomplete form history, and various other data. The program also ...
SIX Networks
5% remove
Want to try out that new mod? Get it with one click & launch it right away. Enjoy all the updates the second they are released. Smart Sync saves you bandwidth and time. Easy access to over 4000 community servers. Configure your server browser, the way you like. Select your favourites or choose Quick Play.
1% remove
XSplit Broadcaster is a desktop application designed to make your multimedia broadcasting and recording a lot easier and more fun to do. With its live output broadcasting feature, you can self-produce video broadcasts, conferences, distance learning courses, campus-wide newscasts, game broadcasts and more. Record and broadcast your presentations to any set of pre-defined service providers in addition to your own custom RTMP server or CD...
TeamSpeak Systems GmbH
4% remove
TeamSpeak 3 continues the legacy of the original TeamSpeak communication system previously offered in TeamSpeak Classic (1.5) and TeamSpeak 2. TeamSpeak 3 is not merely an extension of its predecessors but rather a complete rewrite in C++ of its proprietary protocol and core technology. With over nine years of experience and leadership in the VoIP sector, our engineers have created a flexible, powerful, and scalable solution granting yo...

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Home Premium 36.00%
Windows 7 Ultimate 20.00%
Windows 8 12.00%
Windows 7 Professional 8.00%
Windows 8 Pro 8.00%
Windows 8 Pro with Media Center 8.00%
Windows 8.1 4.00%
Microsoft Windows XP 4.00%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

United States installs about 52.00% of Qt4.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
ASUS 35.29%
Dell 23.53%
Hewlett-Packard 17.65%
MSI 11.76%
Acer 5.88%
Toshiba 5.88%
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