Should I block it?

No, this file is 100% safe to run.

VersionsAdditional versions

3,6,6,129 6.98%
3,6,4,160 2.33%
3,6,3,549 18.60%
3,6,3,489 2.33%
3,6,2,196 6.98%
3,6,2,168 9.30%
3,6,0,187 20.93%
3,5,0,229 27.91%
3,5,0,227 2.33%
3,4,1,195 2.33%


Parent process
Related files

PE structurePE file structure

Show functions
Import table
ConvertSidToStringSidA, FreeSid, CheckTokenMembership, AllocateAndInitializeSid, OpenProcessToken, RegQueryValueExW, RegEnumKeyExW, RegQueryInfoKeyW, RegSetValueExW, RegOpenKeyExW, RegCreateKeyExW, RegCloseKey, RegDeleteValueW, RegDeleteKeyW, GetTokenInformation, SetSecurityInfo, GetSecurityDescriptorSacl, ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorW, SetSecurityDescriptorDacl, InitializeSecurityDescriptor, InitializeAcl, AddAccessAllowedAce
GetModuleFileNameW, InterlockedDecrement, GetLastError, lstrlenA, SetEvent, CreateMutexW, RaiseException, WaitForSingleObject, InitializeCriticalSection, DeleteCriticalSection, GetModuleHandleW, lstrcmpiW, Sleep, CreateThread, CreateEventW, GetCurrentThreadId, EnterCriticalSection, LeaveCriticalSection, FreeLibrary, LoadLibraryExW, GetCommandLineW, QueryPerformanceCounter, GetCurrentProcess, GetVersionExW, OutputDebugStringW, OutputDebugStringA, GetUserDefaultLangID, GetUserDefaultUILanguage, LocalFree, CreateDirectoryW, CreateProcessW, GetExitCodeProcess, OpenProcess, GetFileAttributesW, SetFilePointer, WideCharToMultiByte, LoadLibraryW, GetTickCount, CreateToolhelp32Snapshot, Process32FirstW, Process32NextW, GetPrivateProfileStringW, WritePrivateProfileStringW, GetEnvironmentVariableW, FindFirstFileW, FindClose, LocalAlloc, InterlockedCompareExchange, GetVersionExA, CreateFileW, WriteFile, SetEndOfFile, FlushFileBuffers, UnlockFile, LockFile, GetFileAttributesA, DeleteFileA, DeleteFileW, LoadLibraryA, GetCurrentProcessId, GetSystemTime, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime, LockFileEx, GetTempPathA, GetTempPathW, FormatMessageA, GetFullPathNameA, GetFullPathNameW, GetDiskFreeSpaceA, GetDiskFreeSpaceW, HeapDestroy, WriteConsoleW, GetConsoleOutputCP, WriteConsoleA, SetStdHandle, GetLocaleInfoA, GetStringTypeW, GetStringTypeA, LCMapStringA, GetConsoleMode, GetConsoleCP, InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount, GetStartupInfoA, GetFileType, SetHandleCount, GetEnvironmentStringsW, FreeEnvironmentStringsW, LCMapStringW, GetDateFormatA, GetTimeFormatA, GetModuleHandleA, GetModuleFileNameA, GetStdHandle, ExitProcess, SetLastError, TlsFree, RtlUnwind, TlsSetValue, GetFileSize, ReadFile, GetProcAddress, CloseHandle, FindResourceExW, FindResourceW, LoadResource, LockResource, SizeofResource, lstrlenW, lstrcmpW, GetDateFormatW, InterlockedIncrement, MultiByteToWideChar, CompareStringA, CompareStringW, SetEnvironmentVariableA, GetProcessHeap, HeapSize, HeapReAlloc, HeapFree, HeapAlloc, AreFileApisANSI, CreateFileA, TlsAlloc, TlsGetValue, IsValidCodePage, GetOEMCP, GetACP, GetCPInfo, GetTimeZoneInformation, IsDebuggerPresent, SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, UnhandledExceptionFilter, TerminateProcess, VirtualAlloc, VirtualFree, HeapCreate, InterlockedExchange, GetStartupInfoW, DecodePointer, OpenEventW, SetFilePointerEx, WaitForSingleObjectEx, UnmapViewOfFile, UnlockFileEx, SystemTimeToFileTime, MapViewOfFile, HeapValidate, GetSystemInfo, FormatMessageW, CreateFileMappingW, GetModuleHandleExW, GetTimeFormatW, ReadConsoleW, IsProcessorFeaturePresent, GetFileAttributesExW, EncodePointer, OpenSemaphoreW, CreateSemaphoreW, ReleaseSemaphore, OpenFileMappingW, WaitForMultipleObjects, MoveFileExW, GetPrivateProfileSectionW, GetPrivateProfileIntW
CoInitialize, CoUninitialize, CoRevokeClassObject, CoTaskMemRealloc, CoTaskMemFree, StringFromGUID2, CoTaskMemAlloc, CLSIDFromString, CLSIDFromProgID, CoCreateInstance, CoRegisterClassObject, OleRun, CoInitializeEx, CoResumeClassObjects, CoAddRefServerProcess, CoReleaseServerProcess, CoCreateGuid
SHGetFolderPathW, SHGetSpecialFolderPathW
StrCmpIW, StrCmpNW, StrCmpW, StrStrIW, StrRChrW, StrStrW, StrCmpNIW
IsWindow, GetActiveWindow, EnableWindow, SetWindowPos, OffsetRect, GetWindowRect, GetParent, GetClassNameW, SendMessageW, LoadIconW, TranslateMessage, DispatchMessageW, GetMessageW, SetActiveWindow, SetForegroundWindow, UpdateWindow, BringWindowToTop, AttachThreadInput, GetWindowThreadProcessId, PeekMessageW, MsgWaitForMultipleObjects, GetSystemMetrics, GetForegroundWindow, GetDesktopWindow, MonitorFromRect, GetMonitorInfoW, CharUpperW, CharNextW, PostThreadMessageW


McAfee SiteAdvisor by McAfee (Signed)

Remove saUI.exe
Version:   3,5,0,229
MD5:   cd64b78db77d443181a9e2e834796863
SHA1:   b3b03659914f9dcc61a040ba8d9e68156ab538f0
SHA256:   3d82f3e8cd5285c0e43f6bfcc3aba79c4c880ba4f5b7e5eba289021d8845924d

What is saUI.exe?

SiteAdvisor is a service that reports on the safety of web sites by crawling the web and testing the sites it finds for malware and spam. The functionality of SiteAdvisor can be accessed either through a Browser Plugin or by submitting a URL to the website. SiteAdvisor only rates sites based on the risk of malware or spam.

About saUI.exe (from McAfee)

McAfee SiteAdvisor software is a free browser plug-in that provides simple Web site safety ratings and a Secure Search box so you can surf, search and shop more safely. With SiteAdvisor software installed, your browser will look a little different than before. We add small site rating icons to your search results as well as a browser button and optional search box. Together, these alert you to potentially risky sites and help you find safer alternatives.


File name:saUI.exe
Publisher:McAfee, Inc.
Product name:McAfee SiteAdvisor
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\McAfee\SiteAdvisor\saUI.exe
File version:3,5,0,229
Product version:3,5,0,0
Size:631.64 KB (646,800 bytes)
Issued to:McAfee
Authority (CA):VeriSign
Expiration date:Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Digital DNA
PE subsystem:Windows GUI
File packed:No
More details


The following programs will install this file
McAfee, Inc.
10% remove
SiteAdvisor is a service that reports on the safety of web sites by crawling the web and testing the sites it finds for malware and spam. A paid version of McAfee SiteAdvisor, McAfee SiteAdvisor Plus, has extra features. The functionality of SiteAdvisor can be accessed either through a Browser Plugin or by submitting a URL to the website. In addition to selling to the end consumers, McAfee also sells to the web site owners with their Mc...
McAfee, Inc.
7% remove
McAfee VirusScan is an antivirus program created and maintained by McAfee Inc. McAfee markets VirusScan to home and home-office users; McAfee also develops VirusScan Enterprise for use in corporate environments. The product is not available as a standalone package, but is included in the McAfee VirusScan Plus package or as part of McAfee Internet Security Suite.
McAfee, Inc.
5% remove
Our powerful combination of performance, accuracy, and reinforcing protections keeps criminals away from your PC and data. From startup to on-access scans, get high performance to minimize scan times and extend battery life. Find and seal up holes in Windows and your favorite browsers and applications. Block threats like viruses, Trojans, and spyware in your files, email, and web downloads using instant risk assessments through the clou...
McAfee, Inc.
19% remove
With McAfee’s Security-as-a-Service solutions protecting your systems and email, log into the McAfee SecurityCenter online management console for complete visibility reports and flexible policy settings. Maintained by McAfee so you won’t have to invest in additional on-premises infrastructure, the McAfee SecurityCenter details company-wide protection information such as coverage, status summary, desktops updated, viruses cleaned, spywar...
McAfee, Inc.
6% remove
McAfee Internet Security software provides comprehensive PC and identity protection to keep users safe from online threats, and also shields them from risky Web sites. It offers antivirus, anti-spyware, anti-phishing and two-way firewall protection. Additionally, it includes anti-spam, parental controls, 1 GB of online backup and SiteAdvisor, a powerful Web site safety advisor so consumers can safely surf the Web.
McAfee, Inc.
7% remove
Safely connect online knowing all your devices are protected from malicious websites, hackers, scammers, and identity thieves. Our security experts are just one phone call away. We can help remove viruses, spyware and or malicious programs and get your PC up and running the way it should. Safeguard your identity and personal files, which viruses often leak to hackers and identity thieves. Sit back and relax while our experts securely co...
McAfee, Inc.
4% remove
Help protect your computers from online threats with this sophisticated suite of products designed specifically with your computer usage in mind. Automatic updates and scheduled virus and spyware scans give you the consistent coverage you need against new online risks. Special features include Verizon SiteAdvisor, a powerful website monitoring tool that warns you when you’re about to visit potentially risky websites – and Family Protect...
McAfee, Inc.
40% remove

ResourcesResource utilization

(Note: statistics below are averages based on a minimum sample size of 200 unique participants)
Total CPU:0.00152754%
Kernel CPU:0.00104830%
User CPU:0.00047924%
Kernel CPU time:760,554 ms/min
CPU cycles:6,878/sec
Private memory:3.19 MB
21.59 MB
Private (maximum):8.29 MB
Private (minimum):3.98 MB
Non-paged memory:3.19 MB
21.59 MB
Virtual memory:77.16 MB
140.96 MB
Virtual memory (peak):82.63 MB
169.69 MB
Working set:6.66 MB
18.61 MB
Working set (peak):8.99 MB
37.95 MB
Page faults:4,676/min
I/O read transfer:137 Bytes/sec
1.02 MB/min
I/O read operations:1/sec
I/O write transfer:0 Bytes/sec
274.99 KB/min
I/O write operations:1/sec
I/O other transfer:206 Bytes/sec
448.09 KB/min
I/O other operations:2/sec
Resource allocations
GUI GDI count:10
GUI GDI peak:14
GUI USER count:3
GUI USER peak:9

BehaviorsProcess properties

Integrety level:Medium
Command lines:
  • "C:\progra~2\mcafee\sitead~1\saui.exe" -embedding
  • "C:\progra~1\mcafee\sitead~1\saui.exe" -embedding
Parent process:svchost.exe (Host Process for Windows Services by Microsoft Corporation)

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Home Premium 51.16%
Windows 7 Professional 6.98%
Microsoft Windows XP 6.98%
Windows 8 Single Language 6.98%
Windows Vista Home Premium 4.65%
Windows 7 Home Basic 4.65%
Windows 8 4.65%
Windows 8 Pro 4.65%
Windows Vista Home Basic 2.33%
Windows 7 Ultimate N 2.33%
Windows 7 Starter 2.33%
Windows 7 Ultimate 2.33%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

United States installs about 45.24% of McAfee SiteAdvisor.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
Dell 27.45%
Hewlett-Packard 17.65%
Acer 17.65%
ASUS 11.76%
Toshiba 11.76%
Lenovo 7.84%
Sony 3.92%
American Megatrends 1.96%
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