
Smartbar.Resources.SetBrowsersSettingsAutoUpdater by Linkury (Signed)

Remove Smartbar.Resources.SetBrowsersSettingsAutoUpdater.dll
MD5:   63497a7ba8bb7a4832d9f4e63067245a
SHA1:   24ba4e2bbd5136ffecfed26323fe8a72f7f2738f
SHA256:   c821c93572c73ea3daa06bb3834532dfc2e856cc161a81bd367e4a192706becc

What is Smartbar.Resources.SetBrowsersSettingsAutoUpdater.dll?

The Smartbar Browsers Settings Auto Updater program which runs in the background of Windows and automatically starts up when your PC boots. It checks for software udpates and automatically downloads and installs them if found. Smartbar is a web browser addin/toolbar. In order to match the identification and presentation Smartbar results to your browsing preferences and habits, Smartbar collects information regarding URL and information of websites you browse while Smartbar is installed.

About Smartbar.Resources.SetBrowsersSettingsAutoUpdater.dll (from Linkury) works on all 3 major web browsers – Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer. Simply get it now to start snapping! will always be there when you need it. Once you got it yo


File name:smartbar.resources.setbrowserssettingsautoupdater.dll
Product name:Smartbar.Resources.SetBrowsersSettingsAutoUpdater
Typical file path:C:\users\user\appdata\local\smartbar\application\smartbar.resources.setbrowserssettingsautoupdater.dll
File version:
Size:40.27 KB (41,240 bytes)
Build date:9/14/2013 1:49 PM
Issued to:Linkury
Authority (CA):VeriSign
Expiration date:Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Digital DNA
PE subsystem:Windows Console
File packed:No
Code language:Microsoft Visual C# / Basic .NET
More details


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Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Home Premium 26.32%
Windows 7 Ultimate 21.05%
Windows 7 Ultimate N 21.05%
Windows Vista Home Premium 10.53%
Windows 7 Professional 5.26%
Windows Vista Ultimate 5.26%
Microsoft Windows XP 5.26%
Windows Vista Home Basic 5.26%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

United States installs about 47.06% of Smartbar.Resources.SetBrowsersSettingsAutoUpdater.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
ASUS 28.57%
Sony 28.57%
Acer 14.29%
Samsung 14.29%
Hewlett-Packard 14.29%
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