Should I block it?
No, this file is 100% safe to run.
Additional versions
PE file structure
Show functions |
Import table
CryptGenRandom, RegCloseKey, SetSecurityDescriptorDacl, RegQueryValueExA, RegSetValueExA, InitializeSecurityDescriptor, CryptReleaseContext, CryptAcquireContextA, RegOpenKeyExA, RegOpenKeyA
GetStockObject, SelectObject, SetBkMode, CreateFontA, ChoosePixelFormat, AddFontMemResourceEx, TextOutW, GetTextExtentPoint32W, RemoveFontMemResourceEx, CreateICA, CreateCompatibleDC, SetBkColor, SetTextColor, CreateDIBSection, DeleteDC, DeleteObject, SwapBuffers, SetPixelFormat
SetClipboardData, CloseClipboard, MessageBoxA, SetDlgItemTextA, SetDlgItemInt, GetWindowRect, GetDesktopWindow, SetWindowPos, GetWindowThreadProcessId, DialogBoxParamA, EnumWindows, IsWindowVisible, LoadIconA, LoadCursorA, RegisterClassExA, wsprintfA, EndPaint, DefWindowProcA, CreateWindowExA, SetTimer, DestroyWindow, SetWindowTextW, RedrawWindow, GetWindowLongA, SetWindowLongA, SendMessageA, TranslateMessage, DispatchMessageA, PeekMessageA, GetMessageA, MessageBoxW, PostMessageA, MonitorFromWindow, GetMonitorInfoA, MoveWindow, ShowWindow, UpdateWindow, GetWindowTextLengthA, EmptyClipboard, BeginPaint, OpenClipboard, EndDialog, GetDlgItemInt, GetDlgItem, SetClassLongA, KillTimer, GetDC, ReleaseDC, MsgWaitForMultipleObjects
WSASocketA, WSASendTo, WSAIoctl, WSASend, WSARecvFrom
Export table
Steam Client Bootstrapper by Valve (Signed)
Version: | |
MD5: | 7e10cce27cb13580ff46d724aad52eb8 |
SHA1: | 04119e92231cc43a6c5f195def7e277dace81df1 |
SHA256: | fc3abebe275ce552f9d51a226f0af76489608759f435c55ed119823c9615cf9f |
steam.exe executes as a process with the local user's privileges. It is set to be run when the PC boots and the user logs into Windows (added to the Run registry key for the current user). It has been configured with a firewall exception which allows both inbound and outbound network communication without being blocked. It is installed with a couple of know programs including Source SDK Base 2006 published by Valve Corporation, Zeno Clash Models from ACE Team and Zeno Clash Models by ACE Team. The file is digitally signed by Valve which was issued by the VeriSign certificate authority (CA).
File name: | steam.exe |
Publisher: | Valve Corporation |
Product name: | Steam Client Bootstrapper |
Description: | Steam Client Bootstrapper (buildbot_winslave04_steam_steam_rel_client_win32@winslave04) |
Typical file path: | C:\Program Files\steam\steam.exe |
File version: | |
Product version: | |
Size: | 1.72 MB (1,807,272 bytes) |
Build date: | 7/26/2013 4:21 PM |
Certificate |
Issued to: | Valve |
Authority (CA): | VeriSign |
Effective date: | Thursday, September 27, 2012 |
Expiration date: | Monday, November 23, 2015 |
Digital DNA |
File packed: | No |
.NET CLR: | No |
More details
The following programs will install this file
“Mafia II is a third-person, sandbox shooter that provides a look into the dark and unforgiving world of the Mob. Expanding on the original hit, Mafia, that captivated more than 2 million gamers around the world, this new incarnation takes players even deeper into the Mafia with a mature and exciting experience that allows players to explore the gameworld as they wish and immerses them in it like never before. Features include complete g...”
Sniper Elite V2 is a 2012 tactical shooter video game developed by Rebellion Developments for Microsoft Windows. The main character is Karl Fairburne, an OSS officer who is inserted into Berlin in 1945, during the final days of World War II. It references Operation Paperclip and its predecessor Operation Overcast, the plan by the USA to recruit the scientists of Nazi Germany. Fairburne comes up against both Nazi and Soviet opponents as ...
“Challenge your imagination as you battle the mightiest villains in an exciting and action-filled adventure through GOTHAM CITY™, METROPOLIS™, ATLANTIS™ and other iconic locales from the DC Comics Universe. Enjoy endless replayability with new, dynamic puzzles that feature a different mission every time you play.
Bring out your inner super hero (or villain!) with the all-new Hero Creator by crafting completely original objects out o...”
QuickTime is an extensible multimedia framework capable of handling various formats of digital video, picture, sound, panoramic images, and interactivity. QuickTime for Microsoft Windows has always been downloadable as a standalone installation, as well as being bundled with Apple's iTunes. QuickTime Player is limited to only basic playback operations unless a QuickTime Pro license key is purchased.
Just Cause 2 is an open-world action-adventure video game developed by Avalanche Studios, published by Eidos Interactive. Just Cause 2 employs the Avalanche Engine 2.0, an updated version of the engine used in Just Cause. he game is set on the other side of the world from the original Just Cause, on the fictional island of Panau, which is located in Southeast Asia and covers 400 square miles of land. The player is free to roam the game...
“Audiosurf is a music-adapting puzzle racer where you use your own music to create your own experience. The shape, the speed, and the mood of each ride is determined by the song you choose. You earn points for clustering together blocks of the same color on the highway, and compete with others on the internet for the high score on your favorite songs.”
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is an action role-playing open world video game developed by Bethesda Game Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks. It is the fifth installment in The Elder Scrolls action role-playing video game series, following The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. Skyrim's main story revolves around the player character's efforts to defeat Alduin, a Dragon who is prophesied to destroy the world.
Dishonored is a stealth action adventure video game developed by Arkane Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks. Set in the fictional, plague-ridden industrial city of Dunwall, Dishonored follows Corvo Attano, the Empress's legendary bodyguard. The game is played from a first-person perspective and allows the player to undertake a series of assassination missions in a variety of ways with an emphasis on player choice. Missions can ...
Fallout: New Vegas is an action role-playing open world video game developed by Obsidian Entertainment, and published by Bethesda Softworks. The player takes control of "the Courier", who is hired by a delivery service to take an unknown package across the Mojave Desert to "The Strip" but intercepted, shot in the head, and left for dead by a mysterious man who steals the package. After being found by a friendly local robot, Victor, and ...
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is an action role-playing video game developed by Bethesda Game Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks and the Take-Two Interactive subsidiary 2K Games. Oblivion's main story revolves around the player character's efforts to thwart a fanatical cult known as the "Mythic Dawn" that plans to open the gates to a realm called "Oblivion". The game continues the open world tradition of its predecessors by al...
“There are two possible ways to install the dedicated server. When you have installed the ArmA game, you can use the main executable (ArmA.exe) with the command line argument –server to start a dedicated server. While this is easy, it requires the ArmA DVD to be present in the drive during server operation and also original serial number. (However with the latest patch version 1.05 the DVD is no longer needed.).If you want to run a serve...”
ARMA 2 is a military simulation video game and is a tactical shooter focused primarily on infantry combat, however it also features significant vehicular and aerial combat elements. The player is able to command AI squad members which adds a real-time strategy element to the game. This is further enhanced by introduction of the high command system, which allows the player to command multiple squads using the map. ARMA 2 is set primarily...
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings is an action role-playing video game developed by Polish studio CD Projekt RED for Microsoft Windows. The gameplay of The Witcher 2 takes a marked departure from that of its predecessor as movement is solely through the keyboard and combat moves from the rhythmic mini-game style of the original game to a more fast paced style. The left mouse button is used for fast but weak attacks and the right mouse ...
“Over 10 weapons including the beloved chain gun double barreled shotgun, rocket launcher, and the Tommy gun. Fire up one of the great arsenals in gaming history. Embrace the mayhem and unleash total chaos with up to 16 players.”
“New Lara Croft adventure: Guardian of Light is the first downloadable only title from Crystal Dynamics, and the first downloadable only Lara Croft game. Sprawling environments: Crystal Dynamics' proprietary engine delivers sprawling environments with no load-times and unbelievable vertical gameplay through tombs reaching deep into the Earth. Exploration and discovery: Use a wide range of options for solving puzzles and traversing deadly...”
Scheduled tasks
- The task '{733C26E7-55C8-4774-BD2F-372F32A977E7}' runs on registration in the path '\{733C26E7-55C8-4774-BD2F-372F32A977E7}'
- The job '{D6CF8D04-9D42-4FBD-A9E8-ECD261FD0840}' runs on registration in the path '\{D6CF8D04-9D42-4FBD-A9E8-ECD261FD0840}'
Windows firewall allowed programs
Exceptions allow programs to access to the Internet through an outbound connections
- Firewall exception for 'C:\Program Files\Steam\pttm caminho\Steam.exe'
- Firewall exception for 'C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam.exe'
- Firewall exception for 'C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam.exe'
Startup files (user) run
Runs under the registry key 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run'
- 'Steam' → "C:\Program Files\Steam\Steam.exe" -silent
Startup files (all users) run
Runs under the registry key 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run'
- 'Steam' → "C:\Program Files\Steam\steam.exe" -silent
Resource utilization
(Note: statistics below are averages based on a minimum sample size of 200 unique participants)
Total CPU: | 0.00041694% | |
Kernel CPU: | 0.00031635% | |
User CPU: | 0.00010058% | |
Kernel CPU time: | 390 ms/min | |
CPU cycles: | 216,353/sec | |
Memory |
Private memory: | 8.92 MB | |
Private (maximum): | 14.55 MB | |
Private (minimum): | 12.39 MB | |
Non-paged memory: | 8.92 MB | |
Virtual memory: | 85.73 MB | |
Virtual memory (peak): | 87.73 MB | |
Working set: | 14.55 MB | |
Working set (peak): | 14.55 MB | |
Page faults: | 3,878/min | |
I/O |
I/O read transfer: | 3 Bytes/sec | |
I/O read operations: | 1/sec | |
I/O write transfer: | 0 Bytes/sec | |
I/O write operations: | 1/sec | |
I/O other transfer: | 15 Bytes/sec | |
I/O other operations: | 1/sec | |
Resource allocations |
Threads: | 5 | |
Handles: | 141 | |
GUI GDI count: | 11 | |
GUI USER count: | 5 | |
Process properties
Distribution by Windows OS
OS version | distribution |
Windows 7 Home Premium |
37.50% |
Windows 7 Ultimate |
13.16% |
Windows 8 |
11.18% |
Windows 8 Pro |
7.24% |
Windows 7 Professional |
5.26% |
Microsoft Windows XP |
5.26% |
Windows 8.1 |
3.95% |
Windows Vista Home Premium |
3.29% |
Windows 8.1 Pro with Media Center |
1.97% |
Windows 7 Home Basic |
1.97% |
Windows 8 Enterprise |
1.97% |
Windows 8.1 Pro |
1.32% |
Windows 8 Single Language |
1.32% |
Windows Vista Ultimate |
1.32% |
Windows 8 Pro with Media Center |
1.32% |
Windows 8.1 Single Language |
0.66% |
Windows 7 Enterprise |
0.66% |
Windows 7 Starter |
0.66% |
Distribution by country
United States installs about 45.39% of Steam Client Bootstrapper.
Distribution by PC manufacturer
PC Manufacturer | distribution |
Hewlett-Packard |
19.63% |
Dell |
17.18% |
14.72% |
Acer |
11.04% |
Lenovo |
7.36% |
Sony |
7.36% |
Toshiba |
6.13% |
American Megatrends |
3.07% |
Alienware |
2.45% |
2.45% |
Intel |
2.45% |
2.45% |
Samsung |
1.23% |
Sahara |
1.23% |
Apple |
1.23% |