Should I block it?

No, this file is 100% safe to run.

VersionsAdditional versions

9.0.29480.0 3.45%
9.0.29327.0 3.45%
9.0.28223.0 5.17%
9.0.26297.0 1.72%
8.0.26038.0 5.17%
8.0.22298.0 13.79%
8.0.20202.0 1.72%
8.0.19617.0 5.17%
8.0.19045.0 3.45%
8.0.18930.0 3.45%
8.0.18051.0 3.45%
8.0.17396.0 5.17%
8.0.17292.0 8.62%
8.0.16642.0 13.79%
8.0.16447.0 1.72%
7.0.17271.0 3.45%
7.0.15723.0 5.17%
7.0.14563.0 3.45%
7.0.13989.0 1.72%
7.0.12313.0 1.72%
6.0.11052.0 3.45%
6.0.10722.0 1.72%


PE structurePE file structure

Show functions
Import table
strncat, strncpy, _vsnprintf, _snprintf, _strlwr, strrchr, memmove, memcpy, wcsstr, _wcslwr, _global_unwind2, _local_unwind2, _initterm, malloc, __dllonexit, strncmp, memset, wcsncpy
DeleteObject, GdiFlush, BitBlt, SelectObject, CreateDIBSection, CreateCompatibleDC, Rectangle, GetStockObject, CreatePen, Polyline, ExtCreatePen, LineTo, MoveToEx, CreateSolidBrush, CreateCompatibleBitmap, GetObjectW, SetPixel, GetPixel, RectVisible, DeleteDC
GetFileAttributesExW, HeapAlloc, GlobalLock, DeleteCriticalSection, GetProcAddress, LoadLibraryA, FreeLibrary, GetSystemDirectoryA, GetLocalTime, InterlockedCompareExchange, GlobalUnlock, DisableThreadLibraryCalls, OpenMutexW, GetModuleFileNameA, FreeLibraryAndExitThread, Sleep, LoadLibraryW, GetModuleFileNameW, CreateThread, LocalFree, CreateMutexW, CreateEventW, UnmapViewOfFile, ReleaseMutex, WaitForSingleObject, InterlockedDecrement, InterlockedIncrement, SetEvent, GetTickCount, IsBadWritePtr, IsBadReadPtr, MapViewOfFile, OpenFileMappingW, CreateFileMappingW, LocalAlloc, SetLastError, GlobalFree, GlobalAlloc, GetVersion, QueryPerformanceCounter, GetVersionExW, VirtualProtect, ResumeThread, GetCurrentProcess, GetCurrentProcessId, GetCurrentThreadId, CreateToolhelp32Snapshot, Thread32First, OpenThread, SuspendThread, Thread32Next, CloseHandle, GetProcessHeap, HeapFree, EnterCriticalSection, LeaveCriticalSection, GetLastError, InitializeCriticalSection, FileTimeToSystemTime, InterlockedExchange, GetModuleHandleW, GetExitCodeProcess, VirtualQuery, GetModuleHandleA, OpenProcess, CreateRemoteThread, Module32First, Module32Next, VirtualAlloc, VirtualFree, QueryPerformanceFrequency
ReleaseStgMedium, CoCreateInstance, CoInitialize, CoUninitialize
ShowWindow, GetWindow, GetWindowLongW, GetSysColor, LoadBitmapW, GetSystemMetrics, SystemParametersInfoW, SendMessageW, GetClientRect, IsZoomed, GetWindowInfo, IsRectEmpty, CallWindowProcW, RedrawWindow, MoveWindow, IsIconic, PostMessageW, TrackMouseEvent, InvalidateRect, EndPaint, BeginPaint, GetActiveWindow, SetWindowLongW, FindWindowExW, FindWindowW, GetClassNameA, GetDesktopWindow, ClientToScreen, GetDC, GetUpdateRect, GetWindowRect, ReleaseDC, IsWindow, IsWindowVisible, SetWindowPos, GetClassInfoExW, LoadCursorW, RegisterClassExW, CallNextHookEx, DestroyWindow, DefWindowProcW, KillTimer, SetTimer, RegisterClipboardFormatW, CreateWindowExW, UnregisterClassW, SendMessageTimeoutW, UnhookWindowsHookEx, SendNotifyMessageW, SetWindowsHookExW, RegisterWindowMessageW, MapWindowPoints, GetWindowDC
GetFileVersionInfoW, VerQueryValueW, GetFileVersionInfoSizeW
Export table


TeamViewer Remote Control by TeamViewer (Signed)

Remove tv_w32.dll
Version:   9.0.26297.0
MD5:   dbea0245002d8ffa8f23cefeaa71852d
SHA1:   857e24dc3e2c7f854ab272f647d33ab777bc83ea

What is tv_w32.dll?

Helper library for TeamViewer performance optimization and QuickConnect for TeamViewer is a proprietary computer software package for remote control, desktop sharing, online meetings, web conferencing and file transfer between computers. While the main focus of the application is remote control of computers, collaboration and presentation features are included. TeamViewer may be installed with an installation procedure, although the 'Quick Support' version will run without installation.

About tv_w32.dll (from TeamViewer)

Control computers remotely via the internet, as if you were sitting right in front of them. Whether you are providing spontaneous support, administering servers or working from your home office, TeamV


File name:tv_w32.dll
Publisher:TeamViewer GmbH
Product name:TeamViewer Remote Control
Description:Helper library for TeamViewer performance optimization and QuickConnect
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\teamviewer\version6\tv_w32.dll
File version:9.0.26297.0
Product version:9.0
Size:93.34 KB (95,584 bytes)
Build date:2/17/2014 7:52 AM
Issued to:TeamViewer
Authority (CA):VeriSign
Effective date:Sunday, August 7, 2011
Expiration date:Thursday, August 7, 2014
Digital DNA
File packed:No
More details


The following programs will install this file
TeamViewer GmbH
6% remove
Remote control any computer or Mac over the internet within seconds or use TeamViewer for online meetings. Open multiple remote sessions in tabs, just like in your browser. For an optimal overview, you can also open all the monitors belonging to a remote computer in separate tabs. You won't miss a thing because opened tabs will always flash when new activity occurs on the remote computer, e.g. a new chat message from a customer.
TeamViewer GmbH
7% remove
win.rar GmbH
7% remove
WinRAR is a file archiver and data compression utility that supports RAR, and ZIP and can unpack ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE, UUE, BZ2, JAR, ISO, EXE and 7z compressed archives. Version 5 uses the RAR5 archive format that cannot be managed by old versions of WinRAR. This format features a maximum 1GB dictionary (only in 64bit version), better multicore support, it removes multimedia, text and itanium binaries special compression algorithms.

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Ultimate 29.31%
Windows 7 Home Premium 27.59%
Windows 8 Pro 13.79%
Windows 7 Professional 8.62%
Windows 8 6.90%
Microsoft Windows XP 5.17%
Windows 8.1 Pro 1.72%
Windows 8.1 1.72%
Windows 7 Home Basic 1.72%
Windows 8 Pro with Media Center 1.72%
Windows XP Professional 1.72%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

United States installs about 35.09% of TeamViewer Remote Control.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
Hewlett-Packard 23.64%
ASUS 14.55%
Acer 14.55%
Dell 10.91%
Toshiba 10.91%
Intel 7.27%
Lenovo 7.27%
Apple 3.64%
MSI 3.64%
Samsung 1.82%
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