Should I block it?
No, this file is 100% safe to run.
Additional versions
PE file structure
Show functions |
Import table
RegQueryValueExW, RegOpenKeyExW, RegCloseKey, EventUnregister, EventWrite, EventRegister
GetLastError, lstrlenW, CompareStringA, ExitProcess, FreeLibrary, SetErrorMode, GetProcAddress, HeapFree, SetCurrentDirectoryW, ExpandEnvironmentStringsW, HeapAlloc, CloseHandle, CreateMutexW, GetStartupInfoW, GetProcessHeap, SetThreadPriority, GetCurrentThread, LocalFree, LoadLibraryW, FormatMessageW, GetCommandLineW, GetModuleHandleW, QueryPerformanceCounter, GetTickCount, GetCurrentThreadId, GetCurrentProcessId, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime, TerminateProcess, GetCurrentProcess, UnhandledExceptionFilter, SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, LoadLibraryA, InterlockedExchange, LocalAlloc, RaiseException, CompareStringOrdinal, SetProcessDEPPolicy, SetEvent, OpenEventW, LoadLibraryExA
SetForegroundWindow, GetClassNameA, GetParent, GetDesktopWindow, GetWindowThreadProcessId, IsWindowVisible, GetWindow, MessageBoxW, GetSystemMetrics, ShowWindow, FindWindowW, SendMessageTimeoutW, IsIconic, GetClassNameW
Windows Media Player by Microsoft
Version: | 11.0.5721.5262 (WMP_11.090130-1421) |
MD5: | 15fc4ad85badc2b2a851e5b8495fcfcd |
SHA1: | 2473468c8e097e495e4a0ecd81313df71cc9f490 |
SHA256: | 6864b789b03ebc89e08ce12faa7faf5bc70b4d56cf4567e6c64d44ab20df1cd3 |
This is a Windows system installed file with Windows File Protection (WFP) enabled.
What is wmplayer.exe?
Windows Media Player (abbreviated WMP) is a media player and media library application developed by Microsoft that is used for playing audio, video and viewing images on personal computers running the Microsoft Windows operating system, as well as on Pocket PC and Windows Mobile-based devices.
About wmplayer.exe (from Microsoft)
“Designed by media lovers, for media lovers. Windows Media Player 12—available only in Windows 7—plays more music and video than ever, including Flip Video and unprotected songs from your iTunes librar”
File name: | wmplayer.exe |
Publisher: | Microsoft Corporation |
Product name: | Windows Media Player |
Description: | Microsoft® Windows® Operating System |
Typical file path: | C:\Program Files\windows media player\wmplayer.exe |
Original name: | wmplayer.exe.mui |
File version: | 11.0.5721.5262 (WMP_11.090130-1421) |
Product version: | 11.0.5721.5262 |
Size: | 63 KB (64,512 bytes) |
Digital DNA |
Entropy: | 6.489287 |
File packed: | No |
.NET CLR: | No |
More details
The following programs will install this file
Amazon MP3 is an online music store owned and operated by Amazon MP3's catalog is accessible from the web site by searching for an artist or title name. To download purchased music, offers the Amazon MP3 Downloader which is optional for individual tracks and required for album purchases. It saves purchased music into a particular folder and can, at the user's discretion, add purchased tracks to the libr...
“Meet, collaborate, and share in a whole new way. It's easy to prepare because everything you need is in one place. Share anything on your computer and generate ideas fast. Next steps are crystal clear. That's WebEx Meetings. Once you're all in the meeting, share easily and work together effectively. Show others anything on your computer – files, apps, your whole desktop. Then pass the ball to someone else who'd like to share. Work on a ...”
“nLite is a tool for pre-installation Windows configuration and component removal at your choice. Optional bootable image ready for burning on media or testing in virtual machines. With nLite you will be able to have Windows installation which on install does not include, or even contain on media, the unwanted components. ”
Windows Media Player 11 was included with Vista with no updates, final release on XP. Windows Media Player is a media player and media library application developed by Microsoft that is used for playing audio, video and viewing images .In addition to being a media player, Windows Media Player includes the ability to rip music from and copy music to compact discs, burn recordable discs in Audio CD format or as data discs with playlists ...
“Fix Windows Media Player video, and other media or library issues. Windows Media Player may not be set up correctly and may not run as expected. Windows Media Player may have to run the first time setup to correct settings. Windows Media Player Library may be corrupted. This causes media browsing and search problems in Windows Media Player. The settings for Windows Media network streaming may be corrupted. This prevents streaming video...”
Autoplay handlers
Runs under the registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\AutoplayHandlers\Handlers'
- Handler name 'IviDVDEventHandler'
- Handler name 'IviVideoCDHandler'
- Handler name 'MSPlayBluRayOnArrival'
- Handler name 'MSWMPBurnDataDVDArrival'
- Handler name 'MSRipCDAudioOnArrival'
- Handler name 'MSWMPBurnCDOnArrival'
- Handler name 'MSPlayDVDMovieOnArrival'
- Handler name 'MSPlayCDAudioOnArrival'
- Handler name 'MSPlayVideoCDMovieOnArrival'
- Handler name 'MSPlaySuperVideoCDMovieOnArrival'
Shell open commands
- WPLFile
- WMZFile
- WMVFile
- WMSFile
- wmafile
- mpegfile
- mp3file
- AUFile
- AVIFile
Windows firewall allowed programs
Exceptions allow programs to access to the Internet through an outbound connections
- Firewall exception for 'C:\Programmer\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe'
- Firewall exception for 'C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe'
Distribution by Windows OS
OS version | distribution |
Windows 7 Ultimate |
20.00% |
Windows 7 Home Premium |
20.00% |
Windows 8 |
20.00% |
Windows 8 Single Language |
20.00% |
Windows Seven Black Edition |
5.00% |
Windows 7 Professional |
5.00% |
Windows 8 Pro |
5.00% |
Windows Vista Home Premium |
5.00% |
Distribution by country
United States installs about 30.00% of Windows Media Player.
Distribution by PC manufacturer
PC Manufacturer | distribution |
Dell |
30.77% |
Acer |
23.08% |
Hewlett-Packard |
15.38% |
Lenovo |
15.38% |
7.69% |
Samsung |
7.69% |