
12.0.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623) 5.00%
12.0.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) 45.00%
12.0.7600.16385 (win7_rtm.090713-1255) 25.00%
11.0.6001.7000 (longhorn_rtm.080118-1840) 10.00%
11.0.6001.7000 (longhorn_rtm.080118-1840) 5.00%
11.0.6000.6324 (vista_rtm.061101-2205) 10.00%



Windows Media Player Rich Preview Handler by Microsoft

Remove wmprph.exe
This is a Windows system installed file with Windows File Protection (WFP) enabled.


wmprph.exe has 6 known versions, the most recent one is 12.0.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623). wmprph.exe is run as a standard windows process with the logged in user's account privileges. The average file size is about 65.67 KB. The programs Windows Media Player 11, Lecteur Windows Media 11 and PlasmaVis have been observed as installing specific variations of wmprph.exe. During the process's lifecycle, the typical CPU resource utilization is about 0.0010% including both foreground and background operations, the average private memory consumption is about 11.71 MB with the maximum memory reaching around 23.91 MB. Addionally, typically read and write I/O disk operations is about 4.48 KB per minute for reads and 377 Bytes per minute for writes.

What is wmprph.exe?

Windows Media Player (abbreviated WMP) is a media player and media library application developed by Microsoft that is used for playing audio, video and viewing images on personal computers running the Microsoft Windows operating system, as well as on Pocket PC and Windows Mobile-based devices.

About wmprph.exe (from Microsoft)

By sharing your media, you can do all of these things on your private network. (Media sharing does not allow you to share files outside of your network, however. For example, you cannot use media shar


File name:wmprph.exe
Publisher:Microsoft Corporation
Product name:Windows Media Player Rich Preview Handler
Description:Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\windows media player\wmprph.exe

ResourcesPrograms installed in

(Note, the programs listed below are for all versions of Windows Media Player Rich Preview Handler.)
Amazon Services LLC
6% remove
The Amazon MP3 Downloader is software you'll use along with Amazon Cloud Player to manage your music. The Downloader is a piece of software that streamlines the process of downloading by enabling you ...
Amazon Services LLC
11% remove
Amazon MP3 is an online music store owned and operated by Amazon MP3's catalog is accessible from the web site by searching for an artist or title name. To download purchased mu...
11% remove
DWA-130 software package includes the required drivers, configuration and management utilities and quick start guides and wizard to support this wireless adapter.
Microsoft Corporation
5% remove
Windows Media Player 11 was included with Vista with no updates, final release on XP. Windows Media Player is a media player and media library application developed by Microsoft that is used for play...
Microsoft Corporation
5% remove
Obtenez le Lecteur Windows Media pour votre version de Windows ou découvrez comment lire des fichiers Windows Media sur votre Mac. Obtenez de l'aide et des procédures relatives à votre version du Lect...
Olsen Software
6% remove
PG Music Inc.
7% remove
Skype Technologies S.A.
5% remove
Skype is a proprietary Voice over IP service and software application. The service allows users to communicate with peers by voice using a microphone, video by using a webcam, and instant messaging ov...


(Note, the behaviors below are for all versions of wmprph.exe, select a unique version for details.)
Approved shell extension
Located in the registry at 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Approved'
  • CLSID: {031EE060-67BC-460d-8847-E4A7C5E45A27}

VersionsAll file variations of wmprph.exe

MD5SHA-1File size
96f14304dcdee325b6a82847bf495d42 057d60f8e608766bd3997ebc6bbe898ad67f52b4 73.5 KB
b540d64efe0e63286a4c0bba9a4c7a21 94cf4cf573df5691513d38156fd6bcee66c21f7b 74 KB
a94ea68fe940e9d912f7bdfc9654d401 6fdb674b639f44f9a5c26e243ea020ba08e637ee 61.5 KB
103a8006a79d95eb50ffca27855a25ff 10abc11aa986bfbaa47183363062567fb4dd2d8d 58 KB
68e2efc8880d5fb7dcbcc7bb83f175d3 dda88f7f2721842bc6ad35e3e33f76ef03eb53fb 69 KB
c39f4ec4e3bf8a90574f3fb8a08d75dc c14b34e8874a87fc7e711d591c13ded5f847a49c 58 KB

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 7 Home Premium 30.00%
Windows 7 Ultimate 20.00%
Windows 7 Professional 20.00%
Windows Vista Ultimate 15.00%
Windows 8.1 5.00%
Windows Vista Home Premium 5.00%
Windows Vista™ Home Premium 5.00%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

United States installs about 46.67% of Windows Media Player Rich Preview Handler.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
Hewlett-Packard 44.44%
ASUS 22.22%
Acer 22.22%
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