Should I block it?

No, this file is 100% safe to run.

VersionsAdditional versions 50.00%
12, 5, 0, 312 50.00%


PE structurePE file structure

Show functions
Import table
RegEnumKeyExW, RegQueryInfoKeyW, RegSetValueExW, RegCloseKey, RegDeleteValueW, RegDeleteKeyW, RegCreateKeyExW, RegOpenKeyExW, RegQueryValueExW
MultiByteToWideChar, SizeofResource, LoadResource, FindResourceW, LoadLibraryExW, SetThreadLocale, GetThreadLocale, LockResource, FindResourceExW, WideCharToMultiByte, LoadLibraryA, GetVersionExW, InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount, DeleteCriticalSection, FreeLibrary, InterlockedDecrement, LocalFree, ReadFile, LocalAlloc, CloseHandle, GetFileSize, CreateFileA, SetEndOfFile, WriteFile, SetFilePointer, InitializeCriticalSection, GetCurrentProcessId, GetCurrentThreadId, GetModuleFileNameW, lstrcmpiW, GetModuleHandleW, GetProcAddress, GetLastError, LeaveCriticalSection, EnterCriticalSection, RaiseException, InterlockedIncrement, lstrlenW, GetTickCount, QueryPerformanceCounter, IsDebuggerPresent, SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, UnhandledExceptionFilter, GetCurrentProcess, TerminateProcess, InterlockedCompareExchange, Sleep, InterlockedExchange, DecodePointer, EncodePointer, GetProcessHeap, HeapSize, HeapReAlloc, HeapFree, HeapAlloc, HeapDestroy, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime
CoTaskMemRealloc, CoTaskMemAlloc, CoTaskMemFree, StringFromGUID2, CoCreateInstance
Export table


PerfectDisk by Raxco Software (Signed)

Remove AutoUpdDLL.dll
Version:   12, 5, 0, 312
MD5:   f2e2227dbb8efc26ff8af64b88bcd0af
SHA1:   ec024874f717f2566103414e524ae06a2c48f3db
SHA256:   7c8d8878482c949db0f58ec7fccec6c9421eaf71372c52aa1ecb011974b49877

What is AutoUpdDLL.dll?

PerfectDisk Auto Update for PerfectDisk is a defragmentation utility for Windows published by Raxco Software. PerfectDisk attempts to defragment drives in a single pass of a drive, as opposed to a common approach of running continuously and gradually defragmenting the file system. PerfectDisk has the capability of a scheduled defrag managed by an internal task scheduler. It also offers the option to defrag during screen saver activity, or when the PC is idle.

About AutoUpdDLL.dll (from Raxco Software)

Keep your computer running like new. PerfectDisk speeds up everything you do, from browsing the web to downloading music and editing pictures. Plus, you'll see faster machine boot times, fewer soft


File name:autoupddll.dll
Publisher:Raxco Software, Inc.
Product name:PerfectDisk
Description:PerfectDisk Auto Update
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\common files\raxco\shared\autoupddll.dll
File version:12, 5, 0, 312
Size:89.87 KB (92,024 bytes)
Issued to:Raxco Software
Authority (CA):VeriSign
Effective date:Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Expiration date:Monday, May 25, 2015
Digital DNA
PE subsystem:Windows GUI
File packed:No
Code language:Microsoft Visual C++ 10.0
More details


The following programs will install this file
Raxco Software Inc.
5% remove
Features patented advanced SMARTPlacement optimization technology and with free space consolidation to boost write performance, including OptiWrite for fragmentation prevention and a zero-fill feature to reclaim free space.
Raxco Software Inc.
3% remove
PerfectDisk is a defragmentation utility for Windows that can optimize disk drives with an optimization strategy called SMARTPlacement as well as prevents fragmentation with OptiWrite (detects when Windows is going to fragment files and intelligently redirects I/O to stop the fragmentation).
Raxco Software Inc.
19% remove
PerfectDisk is a defragmentation utility for Windows that can optimize disk drives with an optimization strategy called SMARTPlacement as well as prevents fragmentation with OptiWrite (detects when Windows is going to fragment files and intelligently redirects I/O to stop the fragmentation).
ReSoft Ltd.
  69% remove
Shopping Helper Smartbar is a potentially unwanted web browser extension that is ad-supported and will display various popup and banner ads as well as modify the user's web browser search and home page settings. This plugin will update Internet Explorer (as a BHO), Chrome (as an extension) and Firefox (as an add-in). In some cases, the program will monitor a user's behavior (which the user agreed to if they did not read the full EULA) a...

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows 8.1 Pro 50.00%
Windows 7 Ultimate 50.00%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

United Kingdom installs about 50.00% of PerfectDisk.
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