
Google Desktop by Google

Remove googleuiengine.dll
Version:   5.9.1005.12335
MD5:   c159561756df3f176baa3b3277acd9be
SHA1:   8463f14cc1f87537ba0620947ba60e4d8cf8eff8
SHA256:   648df76ce550f1a67de57fe8d1d98468b61a741bdbc5c0165e97429506df82bc

What is googleuiengine.dll?

Google Desktop was desktop search software made by Google. The program allows text searches of a user's e-mails, computer files, music, photos, chats, Web pages viewed, and other "Google Gadgets". After initially installing Google Desktop, the software completes an indexing of all the files in the computer. After the initial indexing is completed, the software continues to index files as needed. Users can start searching for files immediately after installing the program.


googleuiengine.dll is loaded as dynamic link library that runs in the context of a process. It is installed with a couple of know programs including Google Desktop published by Google Inc, Google Desktop from Google Inc and Google Desktop by Google Inc.


File name:googleuiengine.dll
Product name:Google Desktop
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\google\google desktop search\googleuiengine.dll
File version:5.9.1005.12335
Size:638 KB (653,312 bytes)
Digital DNA
PE subsystem:Windows GUI
File packed:No
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The following programs will install this file
Google Inc
27% remove
Google Desktop is a desktop search software that allows text searches of a user's e-mails, computer files, music, photos, chats, Web pages viewed, and other "Google Gadgets". After initially installing Google Desktop, the software completes an indexing of all the files in the computer. After the initial indexing is completed, the software continues to index files as needed. Users can start searching for files immediately after installi...
Google Inc
21% remove
Google Desktop was a piece of desktop search software made by Google The program allows text searches of a user's email messages, computer files, music, photos, chats, Web pages viewed, and other "Google Gadgets". A prominent feature of Google Desktop is the Sidebar, which holds several common Gadgets and resides off to one side of the desktop. The Sidebar is available with the MS Windows and GNU/Linux versions of Google Desktop. Google...

Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

OS versiondistribution
Windows Vista Home Premium 33.33%
Windows 8.1 16.67%
Microsoft Windows XP 16.67%
Windows Vista Home Basic 16.67%
Windows 7 Home Premium 16.67%

Distribution by countryDistribution by country

Canada installs about 33.33% of Google Desktop.

OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

PC Manufacturerdistribution
Toshiba 66.67%
Hewlett-Packard 33.33%
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