Should I block it?

No, this file is 100% safe to run.

VersionsAdditional versions

5,9,2,0 50.00%
5,8,710,2 7.81%
5,1,187,0 1.56%
5,1,169,0 9.38%
5,1,169,0 1.56%
5,0,262,0 1.56%
5,0,262,0 1.56%
4,6,255,0 3.13%
4,0,228,0 12.50%
4,0,228,0 1.56%
2,15,101,0 9.38%


Child processes
Related files

PE structurePE file structure

Show functions
Import table
GetUserDefaultLCID, EnumSystemLocalesA, RaiseException, SetEnvironmentVariableA, FlushFileBuffers, WriteConsoleW, CreateFileA, GetFileSize, CreateMutexW, FindFirstFileW, SetFilePointer, WritePrivateProfileStructA, GetLocaleInfoA, VirtualQuery, InterlockedIncrement, MoveFileExW, InterlockedDecrement, CreateDirectoryW, GlobalLock, WaitForSingleObject, InterlockedCompareExchange, OutputDebugStringW, GetWindowsDirectoryA, WriteFile, InitializeCriticalSection, GlobalAlloc, WideCharToMultiByte, Sleep, GetVersionExW, GetFileAttributesW, ReadFile, GetModuleFileNameW, CreateFileW, GetACP, MultiByteToWideChar, GlobalUnlock, GetLastError, GetCurrentDirectoryW, GetThreadLocale, GlobalFree, FindClose, GetPrivateProfileStringA, GetLocalTime, RemoveDirectoryW, GetPrivateProfileStructA, FindNextFileW, DeleteCriticalSection, GetShortPathNameW, GetCurrentThreadId, ReleaseMutex, CloseHandle, DeleteFileW, GetCurrentProcessId, SetFileAttributesW, GetModuleHandleW, GetCurrentProcess, GetTickCount, LeaveCriticalSection, GetProcAddress, EnterCriticalSection, GetVersionExA, GetCommandLineW, GlobalDeleteAtom, FindResourceExW, FindResourceW, FreeLibrary, LoadResource, SetEvent, LoadLibraryW, SizeofResource, IsBadWritePtr, lstrlenW, SetLastError, LocalAlloc, LockResource, CreateEventW, GlobalGetAtomNameW, OpenEventW, GlobalAddAtomW, LocalFree, CreateThread, GetEnvironmentVariableW, InterlockedExchange, SwitchToThread, IsBadReadPtr, SystemTimeToFileTime, LoadLibraryA, GetSystemDirectoryA, lstrlenA, GetShortPathNameA, Module32Next, Module32First, CreateToolhelp32Snapshot, OpenProcess, FindFirstFileA, GetStringTypeA, GetModuleHandleA, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime, QueryPerformanceCounter, GetStartupInfoA, GetFileType, SetHandleCount, GetEnvironmentStringsW, HeapDestroy, FreeEnvironmentStringsW, GetModuleFileNameA, GetStdHandle, ExitProcess, VirtualFree, HeapCreate, TlsFree, TlsSetValue, TlsAlloc, TlsGetValue, IsValidCodePage, GetOEMCP, CompareStringW, CompareStringA, GetDateFormatA, GetTimeFormatA, GetStringTypeW, LCMapStringA, LCMapStringW, GetCPInfo, RtlUnwind, GetStartupInfoW, IsDebuggerPresent, SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, UnhandledExceptionFilter, TerminateProcess, GetSystemInfo, VirtualAlloc, VirtualProtect, GetProcessHeap, HeapSize, GetConsoleOutputCP, WriteConsoleA, SetStdHandle, GetLocaleInfoW, InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount, GetConsoleMode, GetConsoleCP, GetTimeZoneInformation, HeapAlloc, HeapFree, HeapReAlloc, IsValidLocale, GetCommandLineA, GetEnvironmentStrings, FreeEnvironmentStringsA, LoadLibraryExW, HeapSetInformation, DecodePointer, EncodePointer
CoCreateInstance, CoInitialize, CreateStreamOnHGlobal, CoUninitialize, CoInitializeEx, CoGetClassObject, CLSIDFromString
PathFileExistsW, PathStripPathW, PathAppendW, SHGetValueW, PathRemoveFileSpecW, PathRemoveExtensionA, PathStripPathA
SetTimer, GetWindowRect, PostQuitMessage, LoadImageW, PostMessageW, KillTimer, GetParent, GetDesktopWindow, SetWindowPos, SendMessageW, SetWindowTextW, DestroyIcon, CallWindowProcW, GetMessageW, IsIconic, MsgWaitForMultipleObjects, SetForegroundWindow, AttachThreadInput, wsprintfW, SetPropW, TranslateMessage, GetForegroundWindow, GetWindowPlacement, BringWindowToTop, PeekMessageW, ShowWindow, FindWindowExW, GetSystemMetrics, GetPropW, DispatchMessageW, DestroyWindow, IsDialogMessageW, GetWindowLongW, SetWindowLongW, EndDialog, CreateDialogParamW, IsWindow, GetWindowThreadProcessId, UnregisterClassA, LoadIconW, LoadBitmapW, LoadStringW, UnregisterClassW, LoadCursorW, GetClassInfoW, CreateWindowExW, RegisterClassW, UpdateWindow, EnableWindow, DefWindowProcW
VerQueryValueW, GetFileVersionInfoSizeW, GetFileVersionInfoW


McAfee UI Container by McAfee (Signed)

Remove McUICnt.exe
Version:   5,9,2,0
MD5:   c4cf03b998d4d758b89cd07f22d7a7f9
SHA1:   a27cf06217566aceb82b45d24ca60e45db1e0ea9

What is McUICnt.exe?

McAfee HTML UI Container is part of McAfee SecurityCenter, a security solution that allows users to monitor their computer's security status and to know instantly whether their computer's virus, spyware, e-mail, and firewall protection services are up-to-date. Most McAfee SecurityCenter builds offer trial subscriptions to McAfee’s security software.

About McUICnt.exe (from McAfee)

Essential security software so you can surf, shop, and socialize online while our anti-virus software, anti-malware, and firewall keep you safe. Relentless security software scans and blocks dangerous


File name:McUICnt.exe
Publisher:McAfee, Inc.
Product name:McAfee UI Container
Description:McAfee HTML UI Container
Typical file path:C:\Program Files\mcafee security scan\2.0.181\mcuicnt.exe
File version:5,9,2,0
Product version:5,9,0,0
Size:630.05 KB (645,168 bytes)
Build date:9/11/2013 11:55 AM
Issued to:McAfee
Authority (CA):VeriSign
Effective date:Friday, September 12, 2008
Expiration date:Sunday, October 9, 2011
Digital DNA
PE subsystem:Windows GUI
File packed:No
Code language:Microsoft Visual C++ 10.0
More details


The following programs will install this file
McAfee, Inc.
5% remove
Intel Anti-Theft Technology helps deter data and asset theft, keeping personal information personal. Activate the Intel AT-enabled service available in various markets today. If your Ultrabook™ or laptop is lost or stolen, disable it through your service. If your later locate your Ultrabook or laptop, contact your service to re-activate it to normal operation.
McAfee, Inc.
5% remove
McAfee Security Scan Plus is a free diagnostic tool that ensures you are protected from threats by actively checking your computer for up-to-date anti-virus, firewall, and web security software. It also scans for threats in any open programs.
McAfee, Inc.
12% remove
McAfee Anti-Theft protects your personal documents, financial records and other important files on your PC against thieves, hackers and others. Using powerful industry-standard encryption technology, McAfee Anti-Theft provides you the simple way to secure your sensitive files.
McAfee, Inc.
7% remove
Intel Anti-Theft Technology (Intel AT) protects against theft of laptops, making them useless to thieves with immediate extinction. If you recover all your data can be quickly reactivated and the computer returned to service. Intel AT technology not only to protect the intellectual property of a company before starting the computer. It also allows reinstatement of a laptop without damaging the information, when it is recovered. Anti-The...
McAfee, Inc.
12% remove
With Parental Controls you can ensure that your children view only age-appropriate websites on a schedule that lets you determine when they can access the web, and when they cannot. Make sure that your child can view only age-appropriate websites, and review or change the type of content available to your children. Ensure that the safety filters of some popular search engines are turned on to automatically exclude potentially inappropri...
McAfee, Inc.
4% remove
Intel Anti-Theft Technology helps deter data and asset theft, keeping personal information personal. Activate the Intel AT-enabled service available in various markets today. If your Ultrabook™ or laptop is lost or stolen, disable it through your service. If your later locate your Ultrabook or laptop, contact your service to re-activate it to normal operation.


Scheduled tasks
  • The task '{BDEFFA08-89B0-4058-A4B1-64FA9EA8055A}' runs on registration in the path '\{BDEFFA08-89B0-4058-A4B1-64FA9EA8055A}'
  • The job '{A732ED2D-5AC1-474B-98CC-27BC811EEA65}' runs on registration in the path '\{A732ED2D-5AC1-474B-98CC-27BC811EEA65}'
  • The task '{5AB9972E-4FC5-4F0A-94D1-37AA8198F6DA}' runs on registration in the path '\{5AB9972E-4FC5-4F0A-94D1-37AA8198F6DA}'
Startup files (all users) run
Runs under the registry key 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run'
  • 'mcpltui_exe' → "C:\Program Files\Common Files\McAfee\Platform\mcuicnt.exe" /platui
Network connections
  • [UDP] listens on port 6646

  • ResourcesResource utilization

    (Note: statistics below are averages based on a minimum sample size of 200 unique participants)
    Total CPU:0.00813240%
    Kernel CPU:0.00431278%
    User CPU:0.00381962%
    Kernel CPU time:1,959,853 ms/min
    CPU cycles:6,276,836/sec
    Context switches:23/sec
    Private memory:38.81 MB
    21.59 MB
    Private (maximum):42.69 MB
    Private (minimum):7.88 MB
    Non-paged memory:38.81 MB
    21.59 MB
    Virtual memory:315.17 MB
    140.96 MB
    Virtual memory (peak):334.15 MB
    169.69 MB
    Working set:24.5 MB
    18.61 MB
    Working set (peak):64.08 MB
    37.95 MB
    Page faults:789,501/min
    I/O read transfer:1.66 MB/sec
    1.02 MB/min
    I/O read operations:49/sec
    I/O write transfer:3.03 KB/sec
    274.99 KB/min
    I/O write operations:8/sec
    I/O other transfer:12.85 KB/sec
    448.09 KB/min
    I/O other operations:623/sec
    Resource allocations
    GUI GDI count:36
    GUI GDI peak:53
    GUI USER count:58
    GUI USER peak:74

    BehaviorsProcess properties

    Integrety level:Medium
    Command lines:
    • "C:\Program Files\common files\mcafee\platform\mcuicnt.exe" /platui /shrequest
    • "C:\Program Files\common files\mcafee\platform\mcuicnt.exe" /platui /runkey
    • "C:\Program Files\common files\mcafee\platform\mcuicnt.exe" /fullmode /platui


    Total CPU:0.25987138%
    Kernel CPU:0.14926335%
    User CPU:0.11060803%
    CPU cycles:4,679,237/sec
    Context switches:4/sec
    Memory:1.84 MB
    1.16 MB
    McMscShm.dll (McAfee SecurityCenter by McAfee)
    Total CPU:0.12340387%
    Kernel CPU:0.05520319%
    User CPU:0.06820069%
    CPU cycles:2,029,814/sec
    Context switches:1/sec
    Memory:1.6 MB
    Total CPU:0.10579560%
    Kernel CPU:0.06537153%
    User CPU:0.04042407%
    CPU cycles:1,433,121/sec
    Memory:2.01 MB
    mcuicnt.exe (main module)
    Total CPU:0.04664599%
    Kernel CPU:0.02910550%
    User CPU:0.01754048%
    CPU cycles:939,167/sec
    Context switches:1/sec
    Memory:648 KB
    MpfEvt.dll (McAfee Personal Firewall by McAfee)
    Total CPU:0.04448517%
    Kernel CPU:0.02892409%
    User CPU:0.01556108%
    CPU cycles:735,588/sec
    Memory:3.21 MB
    Total CPU:0.02986574%
    Kernel CPU:0.01596267%
    User CPU:0.01390306%
    CPU cycles:961,553/sec
    Context switches:2/sec
    Memory:980 KB
    mcproxy.dll (McAfee Proxy by McAfee)
    Total CPU:0.02751591%
    Kernel CPU:0.01943677%
    User CPU:0.00807914%
    CPU cycles:439,727/sec
    Memory:600 KB
    platformservicefw.dll (Platform by McAfee)
    Total CPU:0.02087659%
    Kernel CPU:0.01771878%
    User CPU:0.00315780%
    CPU cycles:337,626/sec
    Memory:480 KB
    mcupdui.dll (McAfee SecurityCenter by McAfee)
    Total CPU:0.00901237%
    Kernel CPU:0.00527564%
    User CPU:0.00373673%
    CPU cycles:120,503/sec
    Memory:480 KB
    HomeNetSvc.dll (McAfee Integrated Security Platform by McAfee)
    Total CPU:0.00886501%
    Kernel CPU:0.00360540%
    User CPU:0.00525960%
    CPU cycles:170,029/sec
    Memory:4.36 MB
    Total CPU:0.00801003%
    Kernel CPU:0.00763536%
    User CPU:0.00037466%
    CPU cycles:143,847/sec
    Memory:724 KB
    mfefwctl.dll (SYSCORE by McAfee)
    Total CPU:0.00769001%
    Kernel CPU:0.00229238%
    User CPU:0.00539764%
    CPU cycles:137,604/sec
    Memory:216 KB

    Common loaded modules

    These are modules that are typiclaly loaded within the context of this process.

    Windows OS versionsDistribution by Windows OS

    OS versiondistribution
    Windows 7 Home Premium 23.81%
    Windows 8.1 20.63%
    Windows 8 12.70%
    Windows 8.1 Single Language 11.11%
    Windows 7 Professional 6.35%
    Windows Vista Home Premium 6.35%
    Windows 8 Pro 4.76%
    Windows 7 Ultimate 4.76%
    Windows 8 Single Language 3.17%
    Windows 8.1 Pro with Media Center 1.59%
    Windows XP Professional 1.59%
    Microsoft Windows XP 1.59%
    Windows 7 Starter 1.59%

    Distribution by countryDistribution by country

    United States installs about 50.00% of McAfee UI Container.

    OEM distributionDistribution by PC manufacturer

    PC Manufacturerdistribution
    ASUS 35.29%
    Dell 21.18%
    Sony 14.12%
    Hewlett-Packard 10.59%
    Acer 9.41%
    Lenovo 4.71%
    Toshiba 2.35%
    NEC 2.35%
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